Forecast for 2015 (published on 30.7.2015)

Prediction: after August 25, 2015. – The dollar will begin to strengthen markedly against all currencies.


Using the euro/dollar example – the dollar’s strengthening against the euro after August 25, 2015 is confirmed:

24.8.2015 euro/dollar – 1.1582, 25.8.2015 euro/dollar – 1.1517, 27.8.2015 euro/dollar – 1.1247, 4.09.2015 euro/dollar – 1.1149, … by 1.12.2015 euro/dollar -1.0625, … by 1.1.2016 euro/dollar -1.0858.

Overall, the euro/dollar exchange rate declined by 10.25% over 2015. There was a corresponding strengthening of the dollar against the euro.

Rate Confirmation 2015 (1)

Using the dollar to ruble ratio as an example – confirming the strengthening of the dollar against the ruble after August 25, 2015:

24.8.2015 1 dollar – 68.1216 rubles, 25.8.2015 1 dollar – 70.7465 rubles (+2.62), subsequent strengthening of the dollar, … by 1.01.2016 1 dollar -72.9299 rubles.

Actual decline of the ruble against the dollar during the year:

exchange rate at the beginning of the year: 1 dollar – 56.2376 rubles; rate at the end of the year: 1 dollar -72.9299 rubles.

Course Confirmation 2015 (2)


2016 YEAR

One Step Ahead 11.12.2015 (4 issues)

Prediction: 2016 dollar is relatively stable and more inclined to strengthen.


Euro/dollar exchange rate for 2016 declined by -3.14%, i.e. there was a strengthening of the dollar against the euro.

Currency rate confirmation 2016

Forecast: February – March 2016 – tangible difficulties for the ruble


The average value of the dollar in 2016 was 66.8335 rubles.

In confirmation of S.Dragan’s forecast, from January to March 2016 the dollar value (in rubles) exceeded this average value: 1.01.2016 – 72.9299 rubles, 22.1.2016 – 83.5913 rubles, in February fluctuated from 75.0903 rubles to 79.4951 rubles, in March from 67.6076 rubles to 75. 8994 rubles.

Confirmation of exchange rates 2016

TASS-Dossier. March 2, 2016. The Bank of Russia (CBR) set the official euro exchange rate below the RUB 80 mark on March 3 for the first time since the beginning of the year. The dollar fell in price to 73.63 rubles. Thus, after a sharp fall in January, the ruble exchange rate practically returned to the positions of the beginning of the year only by April 2016.

Currency rate confirmation 2016

Prediction: Until the end of March 2016 – weakening of the euro.


By the end of the first decade of February 2016 (10.02.2016), EUR/USD was at 1.1255, but thereafter a weakening of the euro occurred as predicted. In March, the euro/dollar ratio was lower at 1.1255: 1.03.2016 euro/dollar – 1.0868, 4.03.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1007, 27.03.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1164.

Currency rate confirmation 2016

Prediction: July, September, December – Euro strengthening.


As already noted in 2016 there was a strengthening of the dollar against the euro – the euro/dollar exchange rate fell by – 3.14%. At the same time, despite the general trend, the euro tried to periodically regain at least partially its positions. Thus, its private rises were noted: in July – 31.07.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1180 (while 30.06.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1102), in September – 11.09.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1233 (while 30.08.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1184), in December – 5.12.2016 euro/dollar – 1.0763 (while 30.11.2016 euro/dollar – 1.0595).

Currency rate confirmation 2016

A Step Ahead #6 (3.4.2016)

Prediction: May 20, 2016 – the dollar may produce growth miracles.


The dollar’s appreciation against the euro is confirmed by the following: while the average rate for May was euro/dollar – 1.1298, on May 1, 2016 euro/dollar was – 1.1464 and on May 17, 2016 euro/dollar was – 1.1312, from May 18 to May 31, 2016 there was a strengthening of the dollar against the period of early May 2016:

18.5.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1218; 20.5.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1223; 23.5.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1219; 27.5.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1112; 29.5.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1115; 31.5.2016 euro/dollar – 1.1131.

Currency rate confirmation 2016

The forecast is confirmed by the data on the growth of the dollar against the ruble in the period from May 19 to May 21, 2016:

18.5.2016 г. 1 dollar – 64.5138 rubles, 19.5.2016. 1 dollar – 65.0641 rubles (+0.55), 20.5.2016. 1 dollar – 66.211 rubles (+1.15), 21.5.2016. 1 dollar – 66.3775 rubles (+0.17).

Currency rates confirmation 2016

2017 YEAR

Brief economic commentary on 2017 for Snob Magazine (October 26, 2016)

Prediction: August 21, 2017 will see a solar eclipse, which significantly affected the ruble in 1999. This time cardinal changes in the ratio of the ruble to the euro, the dollar.


For August 2017, the exchange rate of the dollar to the Russian ruble decreased by 1.3327 rubles to 1 dollar: 1.08.2017 1 dollar – 60.0633 rubles, 31.08.2017 1 dollar – 58.7306 rubles, ie there was a change in the ratio of the ruble and the dollar.

Confirmation of exchange rates 2017

Forecast: from 20.01.2017 strengthening of the dollar against the ruble.


On the eve of 20.01.2017 the dollar was weakening: 18.01.2017. 1 dollar – 59.4015 rubles (- 0.21), 19.01.2017. 1 dollar – 59.183 rubles (- 0.22).

Since 20.01.2017 dollar strengthening: 20.01.2017 1 dollar – 59.3521 rubles (+ 0.17), 21.01.2017. 1 dollar – 59.6697 rubles (+ 0.32).

Currency rates confirmation 2017

Source of the program “One Step Ahead” issue #9 (8.02.2017)

Prediction: … That said, 7.06.2017 is a tangible problem for the dollar

Confirmation: – see below the text in the source “One Step Ahead” issue #10.

Sourcebook of the program “One Step Ahead” issue #10 (recorded in early April 2017).

Prediction: … And around 7.06.2017, the dollar may temporarily go down against the euro …


From the beginning of the year until mid-May 2017, there was a gradual strengthening of the euro against the dollar. Then for almost a month, from mid-May to June 7, 2017, the euro/dollar ratio held roughly flat within the euro/dollar range at 1.090.

From 7.6.2017 actually until 10.09.2017. “had problems” with the dollar – a temporary decline in the dollar against the euro began. As of 10.09.2017 euro/dollar -1.2017. Thereafter, the ratio until the end of the year (until 31.12.2017) fluctuated approximately evenly at the same level within the range of 1.1750 -1.2000.

Exchange rate confirmation 2017

Thus, Svetlana Dragan’s forecasts for exchange rates for 2015-2017 are confirmed.