Predictions and reality

Important information for understanding current processes on the world stage in terms of my predictions. A journey from my 2018 forecast to our time. Why it matters. What is happening in the Middle East. Trump, US, Israel, Palestine, Iran, etc.

It is often difficult for us to understand current processes, their causes, when we see them as spontaneous processes or plans of elites as if formed momentarily. But our journey into my summer 2018 forecast can very much put things in place and see what is happening from a different angle.

Donald Trump

Moreover, we often invent ourselves characters who are supposedly “ours”, they are fighting for a better future and their coming to power will change the geopolitical vector at least to a peacemaking one and at most to a creative one. This is how many media and, in general, the mainstream look at the presidential election in America, hoping that Trump or someone like him will win.

I have nothing against his candidacy. Moreover, I see great potential, in terms of him winning, if around 6.10.24 he can get past the attempted assassination attempt. But in this preamble, I wanted to not only bring you back to my predictions of the past and the events that did happen, but also to make it clear that any global events are prepared long before they come to fruition. And, sometimes, those episodes that seem outwardly innocent and not so important, at the moment of their realization turn out to be the preparation of the very global plan, which has a completely different scale and level of danger.

So, in the analysis of my long-standing forecast and in the confirmations you will find, or rather, you will be able to see how the events of today, which put the world on the brink of global military danger, were formed, and you will be able to see more clearly who is playing what games and on whose side. So that there are no illusions left, which are often formed as purely human sympathies.

The Structure of World Governance

So, I’ll open the curtain a bit! What the basic philosophical concept sounds like: the modern world, or rather its structure, consists of a base and a superstructure. This is an old scheme of understanding the social world order, with which you can argue, but that’s not my point. The point is that the superstructure is this ideological part, which forms the basic motives of life, religious and philosophical vectors, motives that create the values that must be preached, although not always explicitly. Naturally, the economy and all other rules of life must be built into all this. It is like a kind of virus launched to embed the necessary programs.

By going back to my predictions and those events that happened “on schedule”, you can see for yourself what actions were taken back in 2020 (by the way, with the expectation of 2024) that sounded like one of the agreements that Trump initiated. It was as if the theme of desacralizing previous attitudes, shifting centers of influence in regions that seemed to be the mecca of previous value-religious attitudes in every sense of the word, had been set in motion.

Middle East

The Middle East is a delicate matter!!! And a lot of things that were metaphysically aligned in a certain way have gone into meltdown. These very steps were taken quite meaningfully in advance of the broad front of military action that we are seeing now. The most important thing is that the foundation for today’s situation has already been laid. The question then naturally arises as to what goals were pursued by the actions and agreements undertaken at that time. It looked like preparation for completely new centers of influence, with new geographical, economic and even religious directions. That is, the global plans that we are now witnessing were forged long before 2024.

And here we should clarify that when you make a forecast and move “along the current time”, you already see the distant horizon and talk about it at the time when you see it. So it is difficult to fully unfold the whole picture of the future in a small text version, requiring additional details, which takes a lot of time and effort. But the whole problem is that in most cases many people are unable or do not make efforts to see not a local temporal island of time and events by which they try to judge, but a rather long time plan with a lined up sequence of steps, which at first seems to be just a whim or a private ambition. And, as a rule, the preparation for action is not so linear and obvious.

Of course, I assume and will be only too happy when many of those who read this preamble and the study itself of my long-ago prediction can form their own opinions on the matter. But I would like to make it clear that whoever is at the helm of America, to expect that their plan is alien to the political vector that dictates the country is an illusion. And if we see contradictions that may seem like some kind of struggle for new views on the construction of political and economic strategy of America, it is only an internal conflict of clans, while the tasks and ideas lie in the same key, except that the ways of their implementation may differ from each other.

What needs to be done. Analysis.

Moreover, the usual pattern of betting on the “right leader” is not at all indicative of a change in the country’s overall political goals. And it is now that we should start thinking in terms of systems, not personalities, who are just the face of the system. And the solutions to the issues lie not in the plane of personal relations of leaders, but in the development of a different approach to solving problems. This approach should take into account the systemic features that lead to certain events. And only the restructuring of the whole system is now the real healing approach for the world.

In addition, all astrological indicators encourage humanity to focus on the value of partnership and unity, which is the main focus this year. Though it can also be harsh in moments of revelation and “soft power”, guiding humanity to a different understanding in matters of collaboration and abolishing the fanatical desire to be the sole leader. This will be felt in everything, and attempting to disrupt this trend by so many could lead to a radical collapse in the fall times.

Betrayal of a partner’s interests can be very harsh on all levels, both geopolitical and human. And, as is often the case in our present life, everything can be brought to a critical point, when countries, as people, will seek to find stability in alliances, but not everyone will be honest in this matter.

And what is now happening in the world is leading to a search for a solution to the crisis that has been created. But none of the previous forms of solving it, such as economic pressure or military pressure, will lead to a solution. People will be faced with the need to change their worldview, which will not happen immediately, but this is the path we will take in 2024. So we are on the verge of having a completely new experience and may it be life-affirming for us.

Middle East Forecast #1

Text source of “One Step Ahead” program #14th issue (dated July 2, 2018, link to original)

“… For America itself, a time of complete reset is beginning. It’s not only the Eclipse, but the Nodes have entered a new phase. Curiously, the last such cycle restart was the impeachment of Bill Clinton (December 19, 1998). And in the previous cycle there was the ban on the supply of modern technology to the USSR and the boycott of the Moscow Olympics. And again, the 1999 NATO invasion of Yugoslavia. That is, each time this time is marked by certain events that start a new flywheel in tightening the screws and forcing obedience.

The lunar eclipse of 07/27 is retro Mars at these nodes, which promises to inflame the situation even more. And Pluto, approaching the Black Moon by trine, will simply increase the invasive effect by attacking partners. The situation is indeed dire. And for America, it’s time for a reset, a kind of destruction of its former power. But it will start with America wanting more and more to prove itself as the most dominant power at this time. But this is also just the beginning. After all, July’s eclipses are most associated with financial and resource warfare. Whereas the August Solar Eclipse is about power struggles. And these are not the same thing.

And while in this July Lunar Eclipse, Trump will do things that are hard to explain, there will be a strange idea behind them and it will have to do with a religious theme. Mind you, starting in November, the religious theme will be the new dominant theme in the world. And this will be very seriously supported by Trump. And in this regard, already in the first days of August, Israel will begin to re-form. Or rather, it will continue to do so in the context of abandoning the former values and it will be associated with a specific event. And the very change of power of the elitist ruling family will take place in this zone of interest.
This seems to be a kind of conspiracy statement, but later it will turn out that I was right. And it will be a global attempt to get the world to pray to other Gods. And it looks very much like Netanyahu will be conditioned to either change his rule or adopt a military vector, with a far-reaching scope. Back in mid-July, there could again be a second act of trying to introduce complications into the Palestinian-Israeli relationship. Interestingly, there could be a situation where, in early August, a farce could be played out with the theme of a peaceful alliance with Palestine. But I think it will be a hoax, There could be an attempt to sign some kind of treaty. But it could ruin or destroy Palestine in the near future. And by December 2018, that will be most obvious.

I see that America is up to a special game with Israel. I think Israel will only begin to realize this by the end of October. Although, the prospects for Israel will be very flattering and ambitious. After all, during 2019 the play where Israel is almost the capital of the world will be rehearsed.

In addition, the map of Iran is very disconcerting in this regard. Even the cyclical nature of this country again repeats the cycle when there was one of Iran’s wars. Much hints that Iran is being framed again …. Iran is clearly becoming hostage to other people’s contradictions…. There could be a series of events that could lead to much hotter storylines…. At this time (December-January) Uranus will position itself very dangerously to Iran’s Jupiter, hitting the very dangerous star Aludra, which is famous for the possibility of starting hostilities. That said, Iran does not look defenseless, but it could be a dangerous game on the cusp of the Solar Eclipse on 06.01.2019, which more than anything else hints at the start of global hostilities on a worldwide scale.”


As far as forcing Palestine “…to sign some kind of treaty. But this could ruin or destroy Palestine in the near future…”

References to corroboration:

Middle East Forecast #2

In January 2020, D. Trump and Netanyahu signed a plan to resolve the conflict between Palestine and Israel. This plan is called the “Deal of the Century” and actually includes clauses favorable to Israel:

– Jerusalem is the “undivided capital of Israel;

– most Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories will become a recognized part of Israel;

– the establishment of a Palestinian state will only be discussed if Hamas is destroyed, and others.

As a result of this plan, Palestine will be deprived of its capital Jerusalem, will lose its most favorable lands for habitation, and will not get the offshore oil and gas shelf near the coast of the Gaza Strip. While the question of creating a sovereign Palestine will remain unresolved for years to come.

Palestine has therefore expressed its strong opposition to the plan. Iran and a number of other countries supported it in this protest.

Regarding “… that Iran is being set up again ….. Iran is clearly becoming hostage to other people’s contradictions…. There could be a series of events that could lead to much hotter plots…”

Confirmation #1:

After the Palestinian-Israeli armed conflict began on October 7, 2023, there are attempts by certain forces to draw Iran into the conflict. Israel and the U.S. are behind these forces.

Confirmation links:

Confirmation #2:

On January 3, 2024, there were two cemetery bombings in the Iranian city of Kerman on the anniversary of the assassination of Qasem Suleimani, the commander of special operations outside Iran. Iran suspected (or received intelligence information) that this was a terrorist organization subsidized by the US and Israel. Iran struck U.S. bases inside Iraq. A Kurdish billionaire who was cooperating with Israeli intelligence was hit in the same way.

The US and Israel threatened retaliatory measures. The situation around Iran is escalating.

As far as the threat of “… global military action on a world scale” is concerned.

After the events of October 7, 2023, many experts began to speak about the high probability of further expansion of armed conflicts (except for the Ukrainian and Palestinian-Israeli conflicts) and their escalation into a war on a global scale.

References to corroboration:

Acknowledgment #3:

The situation in the Middle East continues to escalate.

In support of the Palestinians, the Houthis (backed by Iran) have stepped up their activities, effectively disrupting Western shipping in the Red Sea. The U.S. and its allies, in violation of all international norms, have launched a missile attack on the Houthi bases in Yemen. In response, the Houthis are striking U.S. ships and the ships of their allies.

Movements and protests in defense of the Palestinians and demanding that Israel cease military action in the Gaza Strip are growing worldwide. At the same time, NATO preparations for a large-scale war have intensified, which was unequivocally announced by Admiral Bauer, Chairman of the NATO Military Committee: “In the next 20 years, NATO must be ready for war with Russia. That is why NATO forces are preparing for war with Russia…”

Confirmation links:

Confirmation #4:

In terms of “…the religious theme will become the new dominant theme in the world,” it should be noted that this has been stated in other forecasts, including the March 27, 2019 forecast. “On Israel’s elections and prospects for further developments”

This forecast noted “…Israel will be focused on as an important political player…. And here the religious-ideological context may play an important role. … The whole world will seek to centralize governance and will need religious leverage. Of course, Israel, as a special mecca, a center of religious values, will be extremely important. And not only the elite of Israel understands this, but Trump understands it…”.

To strengthen this role of Israel and planned the implementation of the so-called “Deal of the Century.”

References to corroboration: