August 2024. General human forecast

If we talk in more detail, then August 2 may be uncomfortable. It will not be so significant, but it can create a reason for illusions and worries, especially for those who were born near September 22, February 22, March 22. All this without any special crises. Everything will get better. And these events will not be so important in a private destiny.

What will be much more significant is that from 06 August to 28 August a certain rollback of events will begin, when it will be necessary to return to previous plots, people, affairs.

I will not assert, but maybe it is worth remembering what happened near 17 July. If there is something important, something that was remembered, there is a chance that it will be possible to return to it, correct, adjust.

In any case, the situation can be put on repeat so that a more effective or reasonable decision can be made. This is also the time to correct mistakes. And yes, during this period of time there may be a feeling of non-constructiveness, slowing down of all processes.

Along with this, misunderstandings in relationships, difficulties with document flow may arise. At such times, equipment traditionally fails, forgetfulness and some difficulties with expressing your thoughts may appear.

Making large purchases, and small ones, especially equipment, is also not worth it. It can either quickly break down or have other difficulties. And of course, this is not the time for undertakings, investments and attempts to dynamically develop a business.

But this time has its positive and very useful sides. This is the case when you can be returned to what is unfinished, misunderstood, under-recognized. This is the time of returning debts, both literally and figuratively. The main thing is that this is the time for the opportunity to correct mistakes. The situations themselves will suggest what should be reviewed or completed. And in general, acting with an understanding of trends, and not against the flow, everything becomes more manageable, and many things can happen more easily.

And along this path there can be quite pleasant periods of time, such as August 7. This can be most noticeable for those who were born around this day. For these people, the coming year, starting from their birthday, can be quite successful: many friends, plans, opportunities will appear. A shoulder of help and support will be felt.

Of course, it cannot be said that this will be the case for everyone, but the general planetary message at this time will be quite positive and can give strength, joy and hope for the best.

This is only a small episode, but the day is very successful if you plan any business with the hope that you will be able to infect someone with your idea, find friendliness and respect. But for now try to stay away from formalities, promises and signatures.

Closer to the middle of the month, namely by August 14, events will begin to boil and create a bright eventfulness. The day itself August 14 has great power for external manifestations, statements. But the background of the day is not simple, since these events and statements may later turn out to be untenable. And militant declarativeness may turn out to be hasty and not contain a real basis for the implementation of what was started or declared. We will all see this.

The volume of words and actions a little later may be overestimated. But emotions will grow, and political actions, movements and other processes, despite all the demonstrativeness, may prove helpless and not produce the result that was discussed.

Moreover, closer to August 16 events may begin to take an aggressive turn. This is a dangerous time. There may be local catastrophic episodes and technical problems. At the level of human relations at this time there may be acute conflicts and attempts to achieve their goal in an aggressive manner. Be careful, it will not be possible to quickly resolve issues at this time. Difficulties with the adequacy of perception of information, too hasty and inappropriate actions – all this can become a distinctive feature of the time near this day (August 16).

August 18 looks no less disturbing. Time may differ in that many plans and settings may be disrupted by unexpected circumstances. It will be difficult to calculate time, it will seem to go in fits and starts, and surprises may await in the most unpredictable areas. The Internet and electronics may fail. This may especially manifest itself in the mode of any events.

Not too good for transport and even flights.

When indicating individual dates, I myself understand that turbulent events will develop from August 14 and further towards August 20. Where, most likely, there will be an apogee of tension, presented as something pretentious. Many may overestimate their expectations, but at the same time feel a certain attempt at an upswing: as if they want to break through, as if there are opportunities (especially in matters related to status, with the implementation of plans). And you should not cancel this impulse, even if you do not succeed the first time, but a certain, perhaps even invisible reserve will be made, which will lead to what was planned, but a little later, with two subsequent attempts. Moreover, there will be additional supporting factors that will help to implement this task. Perhaps this will happen closer to December 25, 2024. In the meantime, you may have to face some blocks.

And of course, there will be people who will be most affected by these events. These are those who were born from about June 4 to 10. For them, relationships and projects that were started will be more important, but you should have patience and willpower to control yourself and act wisely, since much will depend on your actions and deeds.

And it may happen that, not having full information and opportunities, they can overestimate their strength, creating tension. It may not be possible to quickly resolve issues and achieve your goals fully, but consistency will help you!

And those who were born from December 4 to 10 will probably have to face not entirely adequate behavior of their environment at this time (from August 14 and further to the area of ​​August 20). Where activity and some forms of self-confident pressure will require patience and wisdom. And domestic issues can also cause tension, since it will not be possible to solve them in a quick swoop.

But you need to understand that especially for those who were born closer to June 10 and December 10, events will follow a more important scenario, since in both cases the agenda may be very significant issues, one might say basic ones. It is very likely that the conversation will turn to a change in status, work and, perhaps, real estate issues. But for now there may not be a final comfortable solution.

Although a start will be made, and this is already a step forward. But just in case, it is worth checking all the documents that you will encounter.

Something similar can happen to those who were born close to March 10 and September 10. But the situation there may be a little more complicated, since these people may be going through a very difficult period in their lives now, which is slowly, but turning their lives towards rejecting the previous reality, preparing to transfer it to other tracks.

And, if it is possible to talk about something positive at all, then it is quite a remarkable time around August 23. The atmosphere of the day may be more loyal, giving the opportunity to reach a preliminary agreement, find understanding, mutual interest and even return to those issues that have not been resolved before. In any case, things should move forward. But so far without the necessary exhaust, although at this stage of negotiations there may already be progress.

And by about September 02, 2024 the result of these efforts may already be noticeable. The main thing is that everything promises to take place in a favorable atmosphere.

The baton will be picked up by August 24. Here, activity and positive expectations can move to the level of action. Although these times may be accompanied by some delays, especially in travel, not everything can be simple with transport, in any case, not everything will happen in time with the scheduled time.

There will be unexpected meetings with people from the past, where it will be possible to discuss what did not work out before.

These events will be closer to those who were born around August 16-17, December 16-17 and April 16-17, 2024. Although for those born in August, everything will be more relevant. Well, as for the April group of people, this will affect a long-standing situation in which there will simply be small shifts, but not as significant as we would like.

August 28 is a time for some states of euphoria with illusory overtones.

And now on the threshold of August 29, 2024, when it seems that finally the time with various kinds of delays and everything that I mentioned has passed, and you can breathe out, but here a special day is at stake! Be careful!!! Mistakes made on this day can be irreversible, dangerous. Of course, you should take care of the relationship, do not play with it. Any actions or words of a negative nature, spoken at this time, can become a reason for the final split in the relationship. This applies to both business and personal relationships. Any risks can be fatal. Here you should not try fate “by tooth”.

Of course, this is not the time for any form of starting office work and starting the course of documents. Moreover, it may happen that the error will not be immediately understood, but will be postponed to the beginning of October. But this information is not for waiting for problems, but for regulating the direction of your path.

And this whole maxim concerns those who were born near September 29 most of all. I believe that they need to take this recommendation more carefully. Yes, those who were born near March 29 will be able to feel it themselves, but it is important for them not to react to someone else’s initiative at this time, it can create big problems. In general, the day itself August 29, 2024 – day of “thinning skin”, this is a high degree of emotional sensitivity.

Next, we will have September 2024, which is gaining momentum and is increasingly eventful.

I wish everyone good luck and success, and this becomes much more achievable if the path is clearer.

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