Dear friends, I was planning to write a forecast for the events of the near future, but in order to understand the true causes and consequences of the ongoing changes, I decided to first post a text for a more distant horizon of time.

The rebirth of Russia

Many people are now wondering how long Russia will be in some kind of blockade, although I wouldn’t call it that. Astrologically it looks more like a time of internal rebirth. Well, this will all continue until early March 2023. Which is almost a year. But it will not only be a year of closure, but it will also be a year of strengthening the country, because starting at the end of March 2023, tremendous changes in the world and in Russia itself will take effect. These are very powerful circumstances for which Russia itself must prepare. It will be a change of the dominant cluster in the civilizational sense of the word.

If before we saw a certain power of the elites, American supremacy and all the rules of the game, with which Russia is now fighting, then in the distant horizon of consideration we will realize what all these epochal events of the current days were all about. In the meantime, without a long-range vision device in our hands, we should not judge what is happening now, especially from a position of panic. Of course, I myself still have to make a lot of clarifications and describe it all in more detail. But it’s important to understand the basic historical vector now, and that may bring more strategic sanity.

World Financial System

So, this will be the first attempt to update the entire world financial system. The dollar from April 2023 will not stay the same either. But it will be only the beginning, and there will be no stability of the position until 2025, but there will be only the first steps with the probability of rollbacks to past states. Dollar reformulations will be different during 2024 as well. Many people may be confused by this, but by the fall of 2024, closer to November, the changes with the dollar will be irreversible.

Yes, America in 2024 will still be rushing to rebuild a lot of things to maintain its former dominance, but its power will be waning. Especially in May 2024 it will be clear that Russia is completely out of the influence of the West and America, and this will be an important obvious step. And this is despite the fact that Russia itself will radically change in the issues of governing the country and will also experience radical changes in power.

USA. The beginning of the end.

In the meantime, in May 2024, America may suffer its first key losses in the context of its former dominant power. And by June 2024, we could see a reset of the dollar in the financial coordinate system. Although in the fall, roughly from September to the end of November 2024, there will be something of a deceptive move, when it may appear that things are about to get back to normal. But the irreplaceable events of December 2024 will finally begin to turn the hands of the clock into a new era with new rules of the game and a new economic and financial system.

And around these times it will begin as if a new history of Russia. Of course, there will be so many nuances and important things that all of them will require a more detailed description, especially the events will be very vivid. And the categories “bad”-“good” are not the categories that can be used to evaluate the events. It will be different for everyone, but it will definitely be different. And I don’t think May 2025 will be so easy for Russia. It will once again bring a leap in the restructuring of Russia, but it will be abrupt and quite radical. And the whole warm season will be quite turbulent for Russia, and it will completely reformat Russia in every sense of the word. It will already be a very dynamic country, with a completely different information platform, with other forms of communication, with a different technological genesis.

New energy. Technology.

Yes and, moreover, the whole world will begin to shift to new forms of communication and energy. The interaction of regions will also be in a slightly different form. Again, please get away from old stamps and ideas about status issues and regional interaction in every sense of the word. It is difficult to call the whole world a free economic zone, but the course will be set on something similar. And old technologies will start to become a thing of the past.

And here I want to remind you that I have often said that mankind cannot be given new technologies until it undergoes transformation and does not use them against itself, as it used to do. In general, the theme of space, interaction with it in direct contact in these times will have a very real sound. Space and time can become plastic and probably many people will be able to observe these miracles. Very amazing things mankind will be able to observe in September 2025. The interaction of water, energy and cosmic rays will lead to new possibilities of matter transformation, water coding, use of light, optics, energy.

New forms of water.

Water will be able to take solid forms without being ice. Medicine will also undergo a renewal. There will be a powerful transformation in matters of philosophy and religion. Many will experience something similar to the renewal of memory. Magical children will be born. And these will be the changes that have been waiting for their time, but a space had to be prepared for them, both physically and socially. And because this timeline could not wait, the events before its incarnation would unfold quickly and inevitably. And this speed and lack of understanding give birth to panic moods and a great degree of destruction in people, which, in fact, often happens from ignorance and attempts to judge the world on the basis of their previous ideas and, to some extent, from arrogance and rejection of the Higher Plan.

Of course, we are all human beings and we cannot be calm, especially if we perceive many things as injustice. But if we did not split our perception into private episodes and did not give an opportunity to use our emotional background, making it a weapon to control us, then all changes and processes would be more constructive and not so aggressive. After all, it is worth thinking about the fact that the elites spend a huge amount of money on any form of intimidation, often creating obvious fakes and reasons for mutual rejection.

And all this is not only purely political steps, it is the use of a tool of a more subtle order, the creation of common physical, vibrational states, in which the world can not move to another format and will have to self-destruct. This is the main goal! And this goal is beyond human control, but must be realized by humanity itself, as it does not argue with the alleged free will of the earthlings. So independence in judgment, going beyond the imposed picture will be the main way out of the imposed negative scenario.