Of course, the forecast is more detailed and verified ahead. But I didn't want to leave you, dear subscribers, without navigation. Therefore, feeling my responsibility and a certain involvement, I am posting such a draft version for general understanding.

Year 2022

The periods of 12/15/2022, 12/26-27/2022 will largely decide the fate of the country, and the territories it has potentially claimed. And, most likely, these will be events of an irreversible nature.

After the end of December 2022, America will undergo a rebirth.

Year 2023

Changes in power

From 02.03.2023 – 10.03.2023 Putin may introduce a slightly different team, even change some of the legal framework. During these same times, the highest command in one of the power structures may be changed.

We can say that from March to mid-May 2023 Russia will experience the most epochal changes. And 24.05.2023-28.05.2023 we will be able to see cardinal changes at the highest level of power. By the end of May, Russia will be brightly poised for an economic upswing.


As for Ukraine, the scenario of devastating problems during the half year after 8.11.2022 and by early February 2023 (around 1-2.02.2023) could be a time of great losses. I do not exclude that Odessa could be lost by Ukraine too. 21.02.2023 could be the next phase of losses for Ukraine.

8.04.2023 – 25.05.2023 is a time of extreme danger for Zelensky. Extremely difficult time for decisions. There will be some choice, but it will be fatal in a sense. And for Ukraine itself this time is extremely pivotal. A lot of things will be determined there. Especially difficult around 19-20.04.2023.

On 19.04.2023 may happen something that will be extremely destructive for Ukraine. I do not exclude that it will be connected with Kherson. Germany is in the crosshairs in March.


NATO. There are indicators of a deep disintegration of NATO and even a change in leadership. Although NATO will just go on a rampage around 8.02.2023. May threaten nuclear war, will pedal this information agenda in every possible way. I do not exclude that on 9.03.2023 this organization will suddenly begin to declare humanistic principles. Strange. Strange rearrangement…

There will be difficult changes in America itself, starting in mid-March 2023. All previous agreements will be replayed, new forms of compromise will be sought (as I’ve written before). Even legal documents will be rewritten. The structure of NATO will be changing. But despite all these developments, by mid-March 2023 and beyond, the situation will escalate. And by the end of March 2023 America may seem to start a process of separation or it will clearly create a kind of duality that can somewhat restrain all aggressive processes.

There is a feeling that in many countries around May the power will change. October 2023 will be difficult and troubling for Russia. There will be confrontation again.


This will be a difficult time for Russia as well. By the way, around this time there could be a very strong reduction in information platforms, all the way down to YouTube. At the same time there could be financial reform to reduce the money supply. This is not an exact formulation, rather it will be an effort to move away from paper money. But July and December 2023 will still bring up these topics, and there will be no unambiguity on these issues.

March through April 2023 will see major changes in Russia’s security forces.

SOVO – timeline forecast

By early May 2023 it may seem that the SWO is in its final stages. But I believe this will not be the final. The next suspension of this operation could be in August 2023. But it seems to me that the beginning of the end of this endeavor may happen by early 2024, or rather early January. Globally the conflict will subside by spring 2024.

Year 2024

Russia, U.S., Ukraine, leaders

There will still be power changes in Russia in January through February 2024. And it’s very serious. So the story will not stabilize before then. And only after February 2024 we can talk about the results of internal transformation in Russia.

It is unlikely that Pa-evs can really claim the highest power (I hope those in the know will understand me). Pa-yev himself could be gone in 2024. And the fall also casts doubt on the participation of Pa-yev’s son in the political race for leadership.

Something very serious is happening in America in 2024. The political leadership there is very shifting, very shaky and in regards to the plans with the Dollar.

In Russia, the fall of 2024 will be a realignment as well.

In the fall of 2024 there could be some sort of contamination due to a new kind of food poisoning with foods that have been affected in some way by new forms of supposedly disinfection or new drugs, although it’s more like radiation exposure.

Year 2024-2027

Unusual Summer 2025.

2024-2025. – The formation of a new spirit of Russia, the ascent into a kind of holiness.

In 2024 the withdrawal of the alien western world. The world of the west itself is being severely destroyed. It brings some lands into disrepair, where life becomes impossible.

By 2026 the unification of the lands, a new unexpected, now not even perceived as real, alliance.

By 2026-2027, a very serious breakthrough in science and new forms of communication. A complete rejection of previous scientific paradigms. Search for new flexible forms in the economy.

But 2026 is not so simple. The painful restructuring of Russia. Economic and scientific tension, there may be a crisis. And natural factors are complicated: there may be cold or heat. Colossal and difficult economic restructuring. Natural factors will force to look for new forms and approaches in the economic and natural sphere. In 2026 unification with another country, almost complete unity.

In 2026th may be the beginning of contact with other civilizations

In 2027, accession of new countries. The possibility of a unified union.


(I am writing the forecast at the great request of a significant number of residents of this country. I do it for the first time and can call this forecast a test forecast)..

Economy, dictate

January 2023 is a difficult time, severe economic strain. Severe reduction of freedoms, all in a dictatorial mode. There could be difficulties with communication. Strangely, even airline flights are problematic. But late January 2023 to early February 2023 changes a lot. 02/17/2023 is a very difficult time of strength testing. It will be necessary to make a choice on whom to rely, it will be difficult to be under the pressure of those who are now trying to dictate the terms of the game to the whole world. From February 2023 to December 2023 as if an internal demand to restructure foreign relations, pressure, threats military and economic. 27.02.2023 and 16.03.2023 may create a completely different atmosphere and Latvia may begin to transform.


From April 2023 the situation may change in the sense of curatorship over Latvia. This prepares the ground for Latvia’s transition into a different political direction. But this will happen fully after 2025. Apparently, despite the fact that there will be an internal growth of desire to free oneself from the imposed political and economic formulas of the West, the resistance and desire to free oneself will grow. And I cannot say that all these imposed norms will be accepted unconditionally.

There will be a noticeable movement on this issue, especially closer to the spring of 2023. But it is unlikely that it will be possible to free ourselves from Western pressure so quickly. There could still be a lot of trouble, especially starting in the fall of 2023. There will be ugly, provocative issues that will start to change the situation so much and make it no longer acceptable at all, that it will be followed by a series of events that seem beyond all comprehension and diplomatic rules in general. This will all be relevant, especially from October 2023 onwards.


It is very possible that by the beginning of January 2024 something like a division could start to happen, as if there will be two Latvia. Although I realize the country is small and it seems surreal. More serious political changes will be coming closer to the spring of 2024. It will be much more radical, and the issues of rejection of previous political concepts will look more vivid.

Changes in power

And within half a year (from spring 2024 to fall 2024) there will have to be the grandest changes in power, economy. It can completely change the vector, image and economic position of the country. The changes will be revolutionary, and the summer period of 2024 will emphasize it. It is very likely that by August 2024 it will be a new alliance, completely different relations with Russia (clear rapprochement and common spirit). Of course, everything will not be so serene in the fall… And provocations of political and legal nature are possible. And there will be a time of anxiety and great internal instability until spring 2025.

But the stabilization of the situation, with a complete change of the coordinate system, will come by spring 2025. By the fall of 2026, the brightest moments of turbulence will be gone, the economic model and methods of interaction in foreign policy will radically change, and Latvia will begin to change, freeing itself from the previous destructive pressure.


Euro-dollar 2023

The Euro may get a weakening trend, especially after 4.01.2023. But closer to the second half of February, the Euro may start to strengthen. And it is very likely that around 15-16.03.2023 Euro and Dollar may strengthen, at least it will seem so. By the end of March 2023, it may appear that the Euro is accelerating at all. Even the first half of April 2023 may go under the sign of Euro strengthening. It may not be that simple with the Dollar.

The Dollar in early April 2023 may give unexpected trend jumps, especially around 4.04.2023. But later, by the area of 04/15/2023, it will go up again. It feels like the Dollar may set a very bumpy trend in April. But may eventually go up despite the sharp spikes in its price. And yet, despite some dollar rush, especially around 5.05.2023, closer to 12.05.2023 this growth will be stopped and the dollar will fall.

At the same time planets will prepare not the best configurations for Euro. Yes, maybe after 20.04.2023 there will be set a vector on difficulties for Euro with some form of its reset. And this may be felt around 20.04.2023. Yes, for a while, especially in the vicinity of 28.04.2023, the Euro may be somewhat held in a relatively optimistic fairway. But very important things for the Euro will happen around 2.05.2023. Then there may be reasons to be seriously optimistic about the Euro. And it may very well be that for some time the Euro will once again start to lead in its value against the Dollar.

Ruble 2023

The Ruble may be in a weak position around 01/23/2023. And almost until the end of the year it is unlikely to strengthen against the Dollar. But, most importantly, after 20.04.2023 there may be stressful options to reset the Ruble. It may very well be that at some moments it may seem that the Ruble is behaving very anxiously and even falling. But we see a serious rebuilding of the Russian economy, especially after March 2023.

The area of March 6-10, 2023 is special for Russia: on the one hand a very critical situation may be created, and on the other hand a complete reboot of Russia may begin. The pressure on Russia may be eased, but the situation may be difficult on other issues, including financial ones. Nevertheless, something very radical is coming for Russia on 4.04.2023 (April – May 2023). It will completely overturn the entire financial system of the country and not only.

It will be a difficult period, when the power will change and in general very much in the country. On the one hand, it will be a crisis, on the other hand – the rebirth of the country in all forms: managerial, economic, ethical and attitudinal. This is an ambivalent time. When something complex and evolutionary is taking place. But the destruction of the previous algorithms can qualify as extremely pivotal and acute. Still, it will only be another stage of change. More serious and irreversible events will take place, as I have already written, in the beginning of 2024. In the meantime, things may look like just another stage of turbulence.

Transformation of the financial system, breakthrough

Until 2024, the dollar will still be in use and some kind of paper equivalent will be there. Until mid-2025, money will still be backed by precious metals. But already now physical silver and gold are being extracted from the stock exchanges in order to bring closer the elimination of paper money from circulation. In Russia, too, there may be some reform processes to reduce paper money or remove it from circulation, in late February - early March we will be able to notice this trend.

From June 2024, some kind of new information platform will start to expand. At first it will be a little-noticed fact, saying nothing to most people. But at the end of 2024, real financial reform on a global scale will begin. And by the summer of 2025, around June, the building of a new economic system will begin.

In the summer of 2025, this system will move to a new technical support. The equivalent of money will be a certain energy module, a factor that will take into account the embeddedness in this system. It will also be a communication system, like a communication system.
The system itself is supposed to be plastic and flexible. A new vision of philosophy, religion, world order. It is like a new organism, a distribution system, taking into account the decentralization of the economy and using another form of energy. There will be the creation of some clusters of energy distribution, and the form of distribution and will be some equivalent of money. It is not seen that it will be an enslaving system, but a system based on high technology. The theme of space will be used here very powerfully. Again, in 2025 it's as if it will only be announced, but the real implementation will start in 2026.

These energies may not have to do with internal combustion engines, but with multidimensional geometry and torsion fields, magnet, optics. And there will also be some kind of aqueous component involved.