«Коды будущего. Немыльный сериал Светланы Драган» Часть 1

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Text transcript

Everything leadsto the autumn events – the time of the beginning of the final separation of worlds, points of view, political concepts – a game against unity.

Having adopted any extreme polar point of view, a person finds himself in a state of division, regardless of what positions he defends.

The old matrix and its adherents usemoralityand all the highest principlesagainst people, against unity, against the world as the equivalent of unity.

And this whole situation will play out by October 2024. It will manifest itself in different scenarios for different people. Therefore, you should not associate everything with a certain single plot, although it will also and will fully strive to dominate and involve as many people as possible into its ranks of “fans.”

And the fact that at this time the energy of the star Windematrix (as a grape picker, and is also often called the “reaper”) will be activated, then, naturally, this will all put questions of choice for everyone at stake.

But this should not be confused with a socio-political choice (who you are for). This is an internal understanding of things and the game that is being played to involve as many people as possible in false values, turning them against each other.

This will all happen before the Earth’s energy system is restarted and humanity is givena new technological status.

We arrive at the so-called “New Heaven”. Those who live at the level of fears and spend attention searching for horror stories may well get what they want as innovations in financial systems and more. The whole point is that in any case there must be a transition to a new format of financial relationships with new technical support.

And yes, outwardly this may look like total digitalization and a complete change in the banking system. But at the same time, the entire vertical and pyramidal nature of power and that speculative system, which was the main algorithm for building the society in which we lived, will imperceptibly begin to collapse.

And these are laws written in this format, and all social gradations, where the bank was the obvious director and customer of any political scenarios.

Assuming that control and other plans of the previous system can be carried out in this way, it will imperceptibly begin to remove itself from the previous game, or rather, from the role in which it resided.

And here a special rhetorical question simply arises: people, do you really believe that everything on Earth happens at the will of individual characters or a group of people?

Do you really believe that the higher ones, creating such complex worlds, turn off their influence and attention, giving full right to power to some people?

This is all the illusion that formed the consciousness of people, completely taking away from them the right to their own choice by throwing off responsibility, placing it on any other structure: be it the state or other derivatives of that very social structure, which today has completely destroyed itself .

And now new introductions, new knowledge, rules and worldviews come into our lives. But the majority do not want awareness, independence, or responsibility at all.

It has always been customary to first create a community, and only then begin to educate it in the spirit of the idea by whom the community was created.

So maybe it’s time to go the opposite way?! Having given up the functions of the creator of your world, it is easy to become the prey of hunters with ideas alien to you

And before coming up with structures and new algorithms for the operation of rules, laws and others like them, you need to gain internal integrity, independence and knowledge of the true structure of the world.

In the sense of how micro- and macro-scenarios are formed, how the space for constructing ideas, events and then structures capable of reproducing the worlds in which you want to live is arranged.

So no one can replace work on oneself with third-party social rules and laws if they are dictated by completely different motives, camouflaged as economic expediency.

There cannot be a socially oriented system without taking into account the laws of nature, the Earth and space.

So, with any logical, and even illogical, chain of thought, we still come to the conclusion that human actions and rules must be consistent, first of all, with the Higher Laws, about which many know little.

And if there is a philosophy of such a worldview, then, again, in most cases it is transferred to the banal human worldview, where everything is subordinated to the logic in which it is customary to live on Earth. Or rather, it was customary to live on Earth.

But we will return to the processes and times in which we live, and we will try to understand at what point in time, worldview and transformations we are in order to evaluate the current processes and those that lie ahead of us from a high point of perception, and not from that , which is imposed on us by economists and politicians who have become almost gods on earth and law makers.

So, we are now at the point of special information lies and amateurism.

These are not my emotions, this is dictated by the position of the planets, which is also temporary, but, apparently, also necessary in the context of evolutionary processes.

It’s like pumping up an aggressive information wave in all areas (I mentioned it in my interviews, articles and lectures). But this is also part of the plot, which should bring the participants of the play to the most acute phase of proceedings, dirty games, and the very process of division and destruction of the old system of life, especially showing the helplessness and harmfulness of laws at all levels of relations that have ceased to wear a human face, those social designs that do not work for humans at all.

And the most important roles of gladiators are already being prepared now and tickets to the auditorium are being sold. This energy cauldron is already ready, all that remains is to approve the characters and attract as many spectators as possible. The involvement of spectators in these battle processes will be the main condition for participation in this event.

But the most intricate idea is that this process will have many projections in all areas and spheres of life. And if someone is captivated by the main action, then others will have their own mini-performances of no less dramatic nature.

But a small group of people will remain outside these ideas; they simply will not be interested, and they will not have time.

And yes, there are people who are engaged in creative activities, no matter how they manifest themselves. They have no time, and they do not waste time on soap operas, their interest in life itself is so natural and great that they appreciate every minute, using it for what they love, even if it is just communication with nature. I’m not even talking about people who are passionate about their work, who know how to love life without these shows, for which tickets are so actively sold.

And, it seems, the reader already guesses where that same star Vendematrix, which is called the grape picker or reaper, “cuts its Grapes.”

How else could one separate the wheat from the chaff?! Here is the solution to the question of the separation of worlds, at a minimum. And, accordingly, the distribution of who lives or will live in which world.

And face control or an education document will not be relevant here. The world needs creators, creators, and not those who decided to spend their life energy, sincerely believing that being a sincere fan, he does not lose anything, someone must support the team.

This all sounds funny. But all in order not only to be understood, but also to try to remove the true drama from future events.

And here, it would seem, I should end my story. But in fact, this is only the beginning of the long history of the transition period of humanity. And now we are already in the October events, which are set to destroy previous ideas not only about the meaning of human life, but even about the concepts of true justice and the construction of a society that managed to create a fiction of justice.

And let’s not be so critical, let’s say that those who attended this spectacle and became participants in such exciting events, having managed to leave the front rows of the theater in a sweat, have a chance to understand that they were deceived, that something is wrong here, but he has not yet joined the creators.

And yes, of course there will be a chance to get out of this old matrix, unlike those who went to continue to sort things out: who was right in the ring and who was wrong.

And, as usual, the October events will most likely set a vector that will continue to spin the topic for at least six months. But by and large, everything will begin to be swept away by the third ten days of November.

And November is already at stake! And what do we see? Technical, financial and military agendas, seemingly parallel, are beginning to enter a phase of enormous change. But this will be the next episode of my multi-part story.