What January has in store

Read the forecast in its entirety I strongly recommend reading the text in its entirety, as any of my prognoses is a whole article that may contain important points and events for you.


So, January is gaining momentum. We can assume that around there may be some not too pronounced but not very pleasant things in the area of feelings and finances. But this is more of an emotional sphere, and it will be more relevant to those born on December 2-3.

The area of 09.01.2024 looks accentuated. He, unfortunately, will not bring clarity to many issues, but will only create a field for dubious information and an attempt to capture attention, and simply put, to deceive. At this time you need to be very attentive to information, not counting on the truth.

During these same times, the water element can be unpleasant to be aware of. Talk about the criticality of events, so far, we do not have to, but the topic of viruses, water and something like that, may well pop up locally. But those born around December 18 should be most cautious at this time. Also, these circumstances could hit those born near March 16-18, September 16-18, June 16-18. All of these may have indications that some news will be hyped, and with a false vector to try to convince.


By events may have a more optimistic nature and there will be a sense that many constructive issues are being addressed. A great many of those born near December 27 and April 27 will be able to get things done by showing initiative.

And, born near 27 April, will notice that the issue that was not resolved until the end, although they were waiting for it to be resolved, suddenly became actively resolved and it may be that some partners themselves will take the initiative.

15.01.2024 if suddenly events for someone will show some opportunities, maybe even lyrical, pay attention to it. A little later, this could all be a fateful signal, especially for those born around December 12.

16.01.2024 On this day the planets are arranged quite loyally, even sympathetically. Although, I emphasize that there is no universal prediction, this is only a daily trend and to a greater extent can affect those born near January 15-17. And so for them, this will be one of the indicators that the year from their birth date may yield some very pleasant events involving pleasant trips, meetings, some special inspiration, an interesting manifestation of themselves, knowledge, and even financial involvement in their lives by someone. It may seem as if something, maybe someone from Above, will be helping them all year long.

Fast Events

The days January 18 through January 20 will begin to spin the event flywheel very sharply and quickly. It will be difficult to even keep track of the entire list of events that will take place at this time. But the general motive will still give strong anxiety. It will be difficult to even list everything.

On the one hand 18-19.01.2024 is a time when energies are such that using this time for active activity you can get quick results. Yes, there may be 18.01.2024 a day when things can go a little more difficult, but 19.01.2024 is a very constructive time. It is very likely that we will be able to observe very positive information and even in matters of the economy there may be a temporary but convincing optimism. This locally constructive time can especially benefit those born around December 27, April 27, August 27. True some romantic matters may take on a somewhat euphoric and inadequate character.

Nonstable situations

But one of the most powerful highlights of January will be around 20.01.2024. Of course, already the eve of this time can bring a lot of abnormal situations, overlapping all other event series, as it is one of the very essential milestones that can lead to lasting consequences for many life-changing. Especially it will hurt the fates of those who were born on this day! For these people, everything can happen so that the whole year after the birthday will be held under the sign of a complete restructuring of life.

Those who were born 20, and January 21 can expect a complete restructuring of life, up to a change of vector of activity. But it is especially important to be more attentive to your well-being, the body can also experience transformation. But at this time it is worth being especially careful, all the same, such a time carries a potential force majeure. You should be careful with electricity, with flying, with technology. This is not a time for risks.

You can read about what might be happening in the world at this time in my general prediction for 2024.

The area doesn’t look too pretty. This time can create an occasion for conflicts, legal difficulties, with an attempt to set such a precedent, intransigence and stubbornness will only exacerbate problems. At such a time, problems with transportation, both road and railroad, are not excluded. In all conflict plots, selfishness will rule more than anything else. But with a skillful approach and a desire to cooperate, all these difficulties can be overcome. The only mistake may be that at this time it is not worth solving problems through someone, delegating authority, it is better to do it yourself. And such plots may be relevant to those born near January 5-6, April 5-6, October 5-6 and July 5-6. Each in their own way, of course.

Information frenzy

26- are the days when all these clarifications of relations will turn into a special information frenzy. About the normal interaction of the parties is clearly not here and a person caught in such a situation is difficult to stay calm and find a common language to understand. There will be stubbornness in the air and … much will be built on an attempt to violate agreements. By the way, the list of difficulties may again include technical, transportation issues. And again, the former group of people I wrote about above may be most affected by this situation.

In addition 27.01.2024 many may encounter situations where someone is very overestimating themselves and acting overly arrogant. Themes of high management, financial manipulation, arrogance in these matters, can be an additional motive for this time. And those who were born around 24.01 may themselves face a situation where they were expecting some kind of victory, seem to get that victory, but are not satisfied with the scale or underestimation, when expectations were much more serious.

Closer to 28.01.2024 can be a lot of statements quite unambiguous and in some ways fateful. For people born 9.01, it can really become important and everything said will be so significant that it will determine for them in many ways the future course of events. For many of them, it could concern a childhood theme, for some travel and creative direction.

Time of Coincidences

30.01.2024 – this time can be called a time of coincidences, unexpected moments, decisions for many may be unexpected, actions too independent. Technology can also malfunction, especially aviation, computer technology. It can be restless in the financial sphere. Unexpected actions can distinguish those born around January 10-11. And those born in the same numbers, but in July (10-11 July), may face unpredictable actions of partners, both personal and business. But all this does not look critical.

I’d also like to say that many of those born near February 24, August 24, May 24, and November 24 may find it quite difficult during the month. There could be a lot of physical and emotional strain, and it may seem unfair to be treated unfairly. But a lot will depend on talent, being patient and able to take responsibility. It’s like an educational process where you have to show consistency, restraint and acceptance. If at this time will have to face difficulties in relationships, and this may affect those born in the area 24 August, you need to realize very well for yourself how much you care about the one with whom it suddenly became difficult. And maybe it makes sense to just get through this time and move on.

February’s is more about feeling good, May’s is about professional issues, November’s is about home issues, parents, and real estate or location.