Read the forecast in full This text is technical and was written for a TV program. Do not be surprised if you see in it notes for work on air. Let it not confuse literary-oriented people. All the understatements I assume to be set forth in video format.

May 2024

Another period of the year may be particularly pronounced. This is the area of 24.05.2024 – a time of very powerful energy of a positive nature. It is true that at such a time water may have an unprecedented degree of overflow, it may rain, and for some viruses too, there may be a certain amount of freedom. This is a time of powerful emotions, the possibility of fires and shipwrecks, as Neptune is with Sheath.

But in essence, this is some providence from above, and it can be exceptionally favorable. Since the planets are in good alignment, but kind of excessive. Things are not always the same for everyone. But the fact that you will see quite a few mystical signs is true. And it makes sense to decipher these signs for yourself skillfully.

Born March 19-21, May 19-21

This time will be especially strange, maybe in some way magical and as if brought from above for those who were born March 19-21, 19-21.05. Of course, a very large number of people will be able to feel it, but for those whom I have named, these times will make the most amazing “corrections” in life in the form of opportunities, especially creative inspiration, for someone the influx of money in a fairly substantial amount, creative potential, manifestation of unprecedented talents.

But land and water at this time can argue in favor of water. It will seem to everyone that the whole world is about to change, the landscape will change, the attitude towards faith, nature, values will change, where material success may become highly dependent on spiritual success. Nature will take a big step towards change and renewal, but in a way she understands.

Start of important changes in the world

But by 26.05.2024 Jupiter will move into Gemini, passing the baton of opportunity to this particular sign. And after that, the world will noticeably begin to change in the direction of speed, increased dynamics of life, more interest in education, knowledge, technical innovations, especially in the field of transportation and communication.

It’s as if everything will take on a different, more agile life. And the earliest Gemini will get a big bonus, opportunities, status, support. Many information platforms will begin to change and revitalize, and new ones may emerge.

But beyond that, 03.06.2024 there will be a new wave of struggle for leadership, especially in the information field, in innovative matters, the use of air, the sky.

New breakthroughs in airplane construction.

Born on May 21

But the most interesting transformations in life will be experienced by that group of people who were born near May 21. To these people, much can seem dramatic, unprecedented, and it is not immediately clear whether it is good or bad.

But in fact fate will provide them with a rare chance to take advantage of their opportunities, and some, in addition to the opportunity to change status, may decide to pursue knowledge or higher education in the most unprecedented scientific fields. For many, this will involve long-distance travel.

Scientific discoveries, financial reform

In general, the theme of education, knowledge, and scientific discovery will become a key theme at this time. New formats of educational programs will be tested, brought to life.

The financial system will undergo no less serious transformations. It will already be a new technical background of this new financial model, designed to make mutual financial exchange easier, faster. And its equivalent will change. The digital ruble may become commonplace.

Everyone will feel that change has come radically, although it will not be everything, it is only the beginning. Special attention will be paid to the air medium as a new form of technical resource. It sounds a bit strange now, but in the summer it will become a reality.

New esoteric knowledge will also spread, and science will be more inclined towards interdisciplinarity.

The next frontier of tangible shifts in trends will be around 08/20/20.

Born before 09.06 – 12.06

But before that, many Gemini, born before 09.06 gradually during June and until August can noticeably expand their horizons, meet very important people, increase their status.

This is true for those Gemini who were born up to and including 12.06, with the only difference being that those born around 10.06 may experience some difficulties near 20.08. Yes, there may be suspensions in matters substantial, but constructive.

Probably, these people will take on a big load of tasks that will not be solved the first time. And here there is an important nuance that those who were born, starting from 2.06 to 10.06, for them the situation will develop in such a way that the planets will not immediately give to realize the intended or create the opportunity to achieve their in three stages, or there will be just three steps forward, where the extreme will be the most important and qualitative. And it will be necessary to prepare for the correct passage of what is called the first two quests.

Lunar Eclipse September 2024

September 3, 2024 Pluto is back in Capricorn, almost a return to past realities.
September 18, 2024 Lunar Eclipse. It’s quite pretty. It seems to reward those who have done a good job, have been able to take responsibility, and will show the possibilities and fruits of practice.

It can also highlight issues related to medicine, debt obligations, but everything will be in the mode of clarity of decisions in these matters. Many credit histories will be resolved in unexpectedly quick ways or successfully reformatted.

The general outline is that everyone will want real work, with results, rather than being a pawn in a system of Multitransformation processes; with an attempt to bring more benefit to people, both in a general social sense and in a human sense.

At such times, the most applied areas of human life may be in need of transformation. Suddenly it becomes clear that caring for your neighbor not in word, but in deed, is a very important factor and the need to show oneself as if in service to people or someone in particular, will suddenly become a very relevant topic. The time of responsible people and professionals.

Maybe this factor will be a precursor to the fact that mere functionaries, manipulators of legal issues and legal tricks will be ousted from society.

But at the same time many medical aspects that require attention and transformation are becoming clear. Society is changing and people are changing. As always, the Eclipse only sets the tone, but does not change everything instantly!

And, of course, it will hit especially those born near September 18, March 18, June 18, December 18 with its wing.

For September it is a sign that in the next six months to a year they will have the opportunity to show themselves very brightly in work. Tasks, ideas, environment, surroundings may change, but they will be the leaders of these changes, they will bring new ideas, new algorithms of work.

For those who are in the home environment, the situation may be such that some commitments will have to be made, but this will only show in the person his capabilities. By the way, the topic of loans here also sounds quite extraordinary, and it may very well be that there will be an opportunity to solve the credit issue using new, more acceptable, algorithms. This is a portal to applied financial and business success.

For those born in March the situation may be somewhat different, because all the most serious changes will take place in their circle, maybe in business or family partners, and it will turn out that you will witness changes in these partners and you should like them.

June group of people may suddenly set a goal to change the place of dislocation, to make changes in real estate matters, to show themselves the owner of the house and be ready for the boldest decisions in this matter.

And in the December group the main changes will occur in their professional activities, in the opportunity to prove themselves in the field of work.

Solar eclipse October 2024. Important!

And here we have at stake already Solar Eclipse 02.10.2024!!! Oh, how challenging it will be! Most important advice: do not seek or get involved in any legal, documentary or social controversies or events near this time!

This is a very difficult period. It is a time of big mistakes, when many will seek to blame it on the other person, when previous relationships can break down loudly and scandalously, pulling a lot of dirty laundry. And it’s important to approach the area of this time wisely. For some it may be the start of problems, and for others it may already be a total disappointment. But in either case, it’s a time of probability of making big mistakes, maybe irreparable ones. And since this Eclipse is almost total, and this is a factor of particular fatality, it can start a chain of irreversible trouble.

Litigation, divorce, retribution

Porrim’s Star – probability of scandals, high level litigation, gives divorces in marriage. Vendematrix Star – the star of retribution.

This time (October 02, 2024) can generate a lot of destruction in companies, violations of laws and conflicts in business relationships. It may happen at this time that the power of the dollar will be gone and many things in the world and in relationships will change. This will primarily hurt the interests of those born around October 2, April 2, July 2, January 2.

The most momentous events will occur for those born near 2 October. This is a time of revisiting relationships, the possibility of a breakup, but with inadequate circumstances. This is not a time for litigation, trust, business starts. Judging someone is also very difficult, as objectivity will suffer. Yes, there may be a lot of injustice. But the main thing is not to get involved in these games and realize that this is a breakdown of the old rules of the game at all levels. The information itself will be very questionable. So this is an anxious time, with complex circumstances in social issues. In matters of tolerance, among other things.

For those born near April 2, the situation will be less manageable, as they will become, in a way, dependent on circumstances around them, with people important to them. And there can do all sorts of things, it will be difficult to distinguish truth from untruth, good from evil.And given the Ovnovskogo character, it will be very difficult to perceive the problems of society, which he will erect in front of them.

For January representatives (for those born near 2 January) it will be an issue concerning work processes and, perhaps, the disintegration of the former team.

And for July (for those born near 2 July), it will be difficulties in real estate matters, family matters. The general outline is that previous alliances and relationships will dissolve or undergo a serious honesty test.

Jupiter Retrograde

09.10.2024 Jupiter will go retro as if bringing situations back again, especially for those born from 01.06 to 12.06. For now, Jupiter will not be ready to fully realize its favorable plans, but as if it will test how far one will be willing to go. And, of course, many processes will become less constructive and unlikely to take the turn in which they will develop further.

12.10.2024 (repeat of 02.11.2024) – this is the time to find a common language, peaceful negotiations, an attempt to return former ties, relationships, re-check agreements. Find solutions to the conflict situations that have been created.