Read the forecast in full This text is technical and was written for a TV program. Do not be surprised if you see in it notes for work on air. Let it not confuse literary-oriented people. All the understatements I assume to be presented in video format.

First Half of 2024

The first half of the year is like the start of a new life. Everything will activate literally from the first few days of January. We will see this in all spheres, as if before that everything was frozen and the news revolved around the same thing. It’s as if there is no change but the same old themes and opinions. But from the beginning of the year, it’s as if things will start to pick up, and many will feel it immediately.

Born from April 29 to May 6

Most clearly fate will begin to realize the promised especially for those who were born in the vicinity of April 29 and beyond.

In most cases, those who were born from April 29 to about May 6, could feel this year like a rush of opportunities from the spring and summer, which teased with their seemingly imminent result, but did not materialize to the extent that would be desirable.

Or rather, everything seemed to be not bad, but the main thing that was so expected and hoped for did not happen.

In most cases, it could be a new assignment, new financial and personal opportunities, when you are waiting for a new step, a new rise in life.

And here, especially for these people, it is as if fate will remember their merits, estimate the amount of invested forces in hopes and actions and the result corresponding to these investments will come.

Born from June 29 to July 6, February 28 to March 6, December 29 to January 6

Something similar will be felt by those who were born from June 29 to July 6, also approximately from February 28 to March 6, from December 29 to January 6. Yes, it was as if fate was giving them a test, giving them opportunities and analyzing whether and how a person could use them. And now will come the reward corresponding to this trial period in a pleasant form.

Born from August 29 to September 6

No less interesting events will unfold for those born roughly from August 29 to September 6. Here it is the case that events will not entirely depend on themselves, but they too will move into a new phase of life with entirely new possibilities in environment, status and probably in terms of where they live.

Born in May

And then the baton of opportunities will begin to pass especially to those born after the 6th of May, with a little less reserve of strength, but with a palpable breath of fortune, born after

  • 6 May
  • 6 July
  • 6 April
  • 6 January

I will tell you about the details in the course of our program. But first things first.

Aquarians in 2024

A special story of change awaits the earliest Aquarians!!! It must be said that for those born around January 20 the year in general will be pivotal, radically fateful.

Very much in life will be rebuilt, rebooted and the man himself.

Everything will require attention: health, relationships, work.

This can be a very difficult test, but those who have passed it can enter a whole new life.

Born January 20-24, July 20-24, October 20-24

Solar Recall. Also quite a daring, risky and epochal year will be for those born January 20-24, July 20-24, October 20-24. For each in their own way, but it will be a rather poignant experience where there will still be little left, each will have to reassess much in their lives and discover a new self.

Of course, you have to realize that most people think that events are supposed to look like a streak of good or bad. But in reality, everything often looks different. For example, something difficult or troubling may be happening in one area, and in contrast, something very inspiring may be happening in another. And in our case I can only mention some local points and spheres of life, as it is difficult to generalize all destinies. And now for some of the difficulties and those who may experience them in the coming half of the year.

Born February 24 to March 6

Those born from February 24 to about March 6 may experience a pretty powerful reset of their physical condition during the semester. In many ways planetary things can be arranged in such a way that a person can experience a rather strong pressing of fate.

First of all, it can be related to well-being. And this is a case where a lot of people think that they are being punished upstairs for something, but it’s actually a hint that it’s worth paying attention and making some efforts to help their health. And it’s more of a signal that will shift the focus of attention to what will need to be corrected.

Of course, many of those born on these dates (February 24 through March 6) may feel this pressure differently as this difficult planet called Saturn progresses. And the further out the date of birth is, the later in time one may experience this eventuality. But this eventuality can also have different scenarios.


For men this can send more to the theme of health, severe fatigue, work stress, poor immunity and work pressure, where responsibilities can override all other areas of life and feeling. Of course, at such times it is better not to take on too much, not to heap on a load of responsibilities, they will be difficult to handle, including loans.


For women there could be tension related to the male side of loved ones. It could be a husband, a son someone older. By the way, and for everyone, it may symbolize the load that will have to be taken up in connection with the older or elderly people. Either way it is a time of great strain, stiffness, for some people difficulties with their legs, more so with their feet. But it is survivable and, moreover, everything should pass and end for most with a very constructive result.

After all, I have already mentioned this group of people as those who may be among those receiving positive chances. And this means that there is simply work to be done on yourself and the planets will support you, moreover, move you into the state of a winner who not only overcame something, but was able to achieve important goals.

Born August 24 through September 6

In many ways, this can apply to those born between August 24 and September 6. True this group of people may be a little easier, because they will have more to be not only a witness, but also a participant in the events of those who are near and dear to them. Moreover, changes in the social environment and at work will also be quite evident.

Born November 24-December 6, May 24-June 6

Still, it may be a little more difficult for those born from 24.11 – 6.12 and from 24.05 – 6.06. People from this group will need an effort of will to cope with the situation at some points. For “winter people” the financial issue, the theme of their stability in this life, psychological difficulties, which can give a feeling of loneliness and some alienation, can become difficult.

But they will definitely need to wait until the end of May, and from that time everything will begin to change for them for the radically better. For “summer people” it can be difficult also with the financial issue, but the sphere that is connected with the general business money or that financial resource, which for some reason has passed into their hands. Difficulties can be at work. And the feeling of fatigue, strong pressure, the desire to leave the previous job can be quite obvious. For both, the reassessment of themselves in the coordinate system can be palpable.

Lunar Eclipse 25.03.2024

I would like to tell more about the Lunar Eclipse of 25.03.03. And, of course, to make it clear that those who were born near this Eclipse, will feel it on the events of life more than others. And it will be not only those who were born 25.03, but also those who were born near 25.09.

These people will be able to manifest more personally, as if to reveal their capabilities, more vividly declare themselves. This will affect to a greater extent those who are engaged in sports. At this time it is worth not to be shy and go forward, to take the initiative, but in the Eclipse itself should still be careful, cautious and do not throw yourself on the ground. It’s not so much the day itself as it is the program for the half-year/year. But time itself can also be a trigger for uncovering such opportunities.

What’s more, for some, it will provide an opportunity for self-discovery in the arrival of a child or a particularly creative disposition. An opportunity to change one’s position in society, to experience a change of environment and relationships. Those who were born on September 25, themselves may change in character, realizing a little more dependent on circumstances rather than on their actions. But this will not be negative, on the contrary, they will feel special attention and initiative in their direction.

Women may meet a man or feel a change in their relationship with the help of a particularly enterprising man. And the community in which they will find themselves will be very interesting and active. This will be a lesson or experience in how to properly fit into the social environment.

Eclipsing energy will hit those who were born near December 25 and June 25. For them, the situation will prepare a plot that compels action. As circumstances will manifest in full glory and other people may depend on their choices. And don’t forget that this will be a plot of long-term action.

Solar Eclipse 08.04.2024

Another important event is the Solar Eclipse 8.04.2024.

It will be very bright and pivotal for most born near this date.

This is a year of renewing relationships, finding a new path in a partner couple, changing the rules in relationships, more possibilities and understanding.

But the path to achievement will lie through a person, a relationship, it will probably even be two people who will play a special role in life. Psychology will come to the rescue, experience in building relationships, finding ways to be more flexible.

And, of course, it will most directly affect the life of those born near this date. A person after such an Eclipse can change dramatically. He will find a new self, with new partners, with a new approach to life. But the rules of the game and legal aspects in his fate will change in many ways. Although it is worth saving your health, in particular, your head, nose.

Of course, this Eclipse will not bypass changes and born October 8 (partner reset), January 8 (real estate, inheritance, relocation), July 8 (work, finances).

An important day on April 21

And another exceptionally notable date: the neighborhood of April 21. This is a time of tremendous changes and events that can occur quite unexpectedly (especially for those born near this date). Fate may unexpectedly present an unprecedented chance. It may very well be that a person could not have imagined it. He will be able to try himself in a completely new role, suddenly change profession unexpectedly.

This can most of all affect those who were born on May 11-15. For these people, the changes can be so significant that for a whole year they will not only reap the benefits of these changes, but also experience extraordinary event fluctuations.

This is almost as true for those born near November 11-15, February 11-15, and August 11-15. Now that is a truly momentous time.

Interestingly, especially May people may experience a change in body attitude as well. It will be very difficult to control the process of losing or gaining weight. Well, of course, in the life of May people it will be an event of the most powerful turnaround. It can be a change of professional, territorial, and financial. The person himself will be looking for any form of independence and trying to pressure him will be impossible.

  • For November this is a moment of change in the outside world for them, relationships, society, work, maybe a place of residence.
  • For Farwals – again, issues of dislocation, money, new opportunities of a financial nature.
  • For August, the issue of work will be key. Everything will take place in the mode of surprise of discovering yourself new.