In this short review, I would like to highlight the general trends of the near future. Especially since, despite the seemingly heterogeneous events in each country, a single plan, a single storyline, is increasingly visible. And within the framework of this leitmotif it will be possible to consider private processes. They will become more understandable and reasoned.

August 2022 is a very difficult beginning. Everything can be aggressive, issues of intolerance, technical problems, as well as natural complexities, all giving rise to a feeling of an aggressive environment with a bias towards violent revolutionary sentiment. There will be no constructiveness behind it all, and many will see reality as an inevitable catastrophe with no hope for better times.

Early September is deception upon deception, a lot of lies. And by early October, the feeling that pandemic themes will soon return, and threats that the construction of transhumanism will be actualized again.
By the second half of October there is an atmosphere of discrediting, both of formal religious movements and the general theme of spirituality. All this, on the one hand, can be used as forms of manipulation of the psyche of people, on the other hand, to introduce false ideas about the true, deep philosophical and metaphysical knowledge. For a time the darkness will thicken. Information technology will be powerfully used against true knowledge. Moreover, it will be an attempt to break natural natural processes, under the aegis of struggle for higher values.

By 25.10 all processes of destructive nature will reach high values and will try to create a pole of destruction. Here it is worth remembering the interesting phenomenon when swarms of ants suddenly begin to walk in a circle and gradually the number of ants in this circle increases. This is a ruinous circle, the ants in it eventually perish. But those who come close to it are drawn in like a magnet and also start walking in a circle and then die. So, at a time like this, it’s very easy to be drawn into this vortex. And in fact, you cannot approach it, it is disastrous. This time will create such forms of involvement in the ruinous environment that it will be difficult for many to keep themselves in neutrality.

By 10/25/10, the Solar Eclipse will set the tone for financial change, or rather a tendency to reformat the entire system. Here, it may also be about the disruption of the water balance on the planet. This may manifest itself in the near future, or it may make itself known at once. The time is catastrophic by external signs.

And to Lunar Eclipse 8.11 will be timed colossal financial and informational stress. Inadequate reactions of mass media, financial institutions, stock exchange trends will be in hysterical mode. Naturally, sharp market fluctuations will become the executioners of the former world economy and there may be a lot of worries. This is a moment of critical transformation of processes. It will seem that the world is collapsing and the new one has not yet arrived. It will be almost impossible to control the situation and the creation of the ant circle will be especially relevant for those who will try to manipulate the issues of capital and information agenda.

Events could indeed be catastrophic, violent and uncontrollable. It will be like a tipping point after which it will be impossible to reassemble a broken system and that will be clear. Another thing is that all this will not happen in one or a few days, this is the start of such a long-term process. In addition to the general acute situation that will take place in these days, a whole program of destruction will be laid down, which will last from six months to a year. But its most pronounced vector will develop during half a year, at least until the area of 20.04.23. The situation will resemble a train rushing down the mountain, without the possibility of control and braking. Water elements may rage, issues of energy, technology, electricity may be subjected to a powerful test of strength. This is a rebirth, but in hard mode.

Many may lose their former prosperity and familiar comforts. I realize this is already happening. But, this plot can be elevated to a degree. But, for those who will adequately perceive these processes, it will be a signal to move away from the probable emotional chaos and informational affect, and to start thinking about recreating a new world, both at the individual level and at the global level. After all, everyone has their own task. Many people will think that this is a time of helplessness, as global processes will be so powerful. But here will be the rule, if an old house is demolished, you should not stand next to it and try to stop the process. This can only threaten that the debris can destroy those who will try to do so. But a new house will be built in that place. So, the processes of destruction will be inevitable.

Almost until the end of November, because of the “dust” from the destructive processes, nothing may be visible. Also, any action will not be productive. But after 24.11 the processes will become more creative, or rather, the course in which to move will become clearer. And the efforts of many people, who seemed to be treading water, will suddenly become productive and ideas, as well as ideology will begin to crystallize. And by the very end of November, around 29.11 issues of ideology, political vector will begin to become extremely relevant. Even the topic of tourism will become very much discussed, as in other words, all issues of international relations. I’m not talking about a completely peaceful environment, I’m just letting you know that the processes will be pushed under any pretext.

After December 21, 2022, the competition for new ideas and leadership at all levels will begin.

But, be that as it may, the real search for agreements, cooperation, change of the general configuration in the world will begin closer after 8.03.23. And by the area of 12.03.23 will really begin some political, economic turnaround and search for peaceful agreements and the possibility of creating alliances, maybe new international rules. But this will be only a small overture to new global historical processes. As everything will be very complicated and spring 2023 will unfold a completely new historical scenario, new challenges and change of priorities, in science, economy, financial models, space developments (space in general, will become a priority task and challenge).

In fact, by April 2023, humanity will face issues of a completely different scale, dramatic. On 20.04.23 this time will be a sharp turning point where the global issues of Earth and its relationship with space will become an extremely hot topic. This is a very global topic, which I will try to reveal in more detail a little later. All the more so because closer to 18.05.23 the sine wave of tension and struggle will become the most important. The most important questions will be touched. This is a complete, radical restructuring of the financial and economic sphere, a new approach to the issues of technology and nature, and it will occur in the mode of hot circumstances, it is the likelihood of man-made threats, a complete revolution in relation to science, in philosophical systems, the change of Russia’s position in the general system of geopolitical coordinates, the change of world leaders.

Changes in the position of the Dollar in the general economic processes. It should be said that the array and weight of changes are so global that they require a separate explanation and readiness to hear and understand. And in the end the frequency issues of the earth will change radically and its inhabitants will experience difficulties in relation to these changes and the transformation will largely concern the physics of human bodies and the ability to perceive the environment. But even this will be only the beginning of an epochal historical upheaval on a universal scale. And this will be only the first, preliminary stage.