Read the prediction in its entirety I strongly recommend reading the text in its entirety, as any of my predictions is a whole article that may contain important points and events for you.

January 2024

The year will start to pick up quite a bit of momentum right from the start. it will be as if the shadow of the coming spring changes will be cast as a precursor to them. And it will become clear that very powerful processes of grandiose restructuring in the world and in space, which have a more creative, but very fatal character, have been turned on.

But closer to 20.01.2024 we can expect a rapid explosion of the situation. Of course, this can instantly affect natural processes, in a somewhat catastrophic context.

Abrupt changes in military matters. And for a while it can create a sense of chaos. This is the powerful destruction of the vertical of power at all levels.

The situation favors various forms of revolutions everywhere. Changes in military structures everywhere and in military strategies.

The financial system is beginning a powerful reset. The topic of energy resources will also be relevant, in terms of market redistribution. But the general outline of rigid schemes of domination in all matters will go away.

It can be said that this is one of the most powerful transformational points not only of the year, but of the current era. Not only is there a wave of rebooting coming, but also a whole new phase of life.

Important Changes

This is a time of shifting priorities in science, in high-tech issues, in space. We can say that it is a change of any energy exchange, both in the ordinary sense of the word, and in the metaphysical sense. Naturally, the financial system will be one of the first to react to it.

The system of power will be destroyed, as the former vertical of power will no longer be possible. And these events may become chaotic.

It is interesting, but even the former views on death as a transition to another state of being will be accepted at many levels, up to the official one.

Special issues of astrology will not leave the authorities alone either.

The system of power structure in Russia will also react to planetary influences. The military context will begin to lose its former forms and a revision of the trajectory of many military plots may begin.

At stake will be the further development of the Russian economy. This will be the focus of attention. It will be especially relevant closer to 23.01.2024. This is a key moment for Russia as a new starting point for the economic vector.

February 2024

19.02.2024 – near this date creates the occasion for the search and creation of completely new alliances, which will play a crucial role in the near future, anticipating the events of April, giving new meetings, new rules of the game, new forms of legislation at all levels.

But it will rather be only a request for these changes and for the issues of equalization of the situation on a global scale. It should be understood that it will not be the same for everyone, I am only talking about the general situation.

And, of course, February will be very eventful, as if accumulating reasons and forces for the coming spring changes, which promise to be grandiose.

As I have written before, tectonic shifts will take place in the Russian power system. And it can be quite a poignant moment, accompanied by situations of a stressful nature.

March 2024

By early March, a plot to create a new management team for Russia may be looming. The leader of the country will be placed in a decision-making environment.

There is the possibility of the emergence or integration of an alternative leader, or a potential leader preparing to replace the main leader if necessary. This could be a potential successor.

From the 20th of March, an unprecedented event dynamic will begin. Issues concerning not only global social restructuring, but also the restarting of many international relationships will be highlighted. And, if before there were only attempts at this restart (as, for example, in the fall of 2023), now this plan will require a clean slate. And especially powerfully it will appear closer to 25.03.2024.

We can say that the end of March-beginning of April is a turning point on a global scale and in relation to the position of Russia, both in domestic political issues and in the foreign policy system of coordinates.

April 2024

08.04.2024 Solar Eclipse. The phenomenon is that now those planets that in the October 2023 Solar Eclipse created contradiction and were involved in trying to redistribute forces, particularly political and business forces, are now really starting to change those rules, alliances, legal issues, even on a global scale.

Against this backdrop, it’s as if a new leadership alliance or leadership alliance is being born. This plan is just getting started, but this is a critical moment of renewal of political and business constructs. On many levels, power will be dual in nature. The emergence of two very important leaders and their union.

Change in the legislative bodies. The very important role of advisors. In my opinion, this is the starting point of tremendous changes in Russia, leading to its revival. In addition to the fact that it will be possible to observe the desire to restructure the development strategy in all areas, as this is the beginning of a global upgrade, also in this plot can be included and some divine forces.

This may sound rather romantic, but in reality, things won’t be as sugary as they may seem. The metric that leads me to use this term is very challenging in its impact on issues of injustice. In my many years of practice, I have often encountered it in stories of struggles for justice. It is as if it reveals what is unclean in design and action, can be cruel in these matters, but helps point the way to a higher justice.

In fact, the unprecedented position of the planets will increasingly hint that only a commonwealth can now stabilize the situation and become the guarantor of the beginning of a new life in the world, with new rules of relationships.

Of course, the spectrum of conditions for the beginning of a new political strategy is much wider. These are the issues of languages that separate the worlds, new forms of diplomacy, a new paradigm in social and world psychology.

The theme of relations at all levels must be reconsidered, and questions of parity may begin to sound different. This may be reflected in a shift in rhetoric.

April 2024 is important

An extremely important time, starting from 20.04.2024 and roughly until 26.04.2024. The time around April 20-26, 2024 looks to me like a time of various miracles. Everyone puts a different meaning into this term.

In the more popular social context, it is the moment of the entry into life of new technologies, new economic models, new forms of interaction with nature and agriculture, financial innovations, new experiments regarding nutrition, principles of diets, as well as the food theme. It is also new approaches in cosmetology, aesthetic surgery, etc.

But, strangely enough, here it will be difficult to understand what is good and what is bad, in terms of good and evil. Innovation will be questionable in terms of medicine, health, rationality in general. It’s like combining the incompatible. It’s like integrating nature into technology and vice versa.

The moment is unprecedented.

I don’t know how much it will be immediately noticed or publicized, but matter will also begin to change its properties, the earth itself may take on a slightly different status, giving rise to new energies.

Some kind of meteorite fall is not excluded, but with no danger of serious consequences. Simply science will be asked new questions, there will be such finds, which also will have to be explained somehow.

But perhaps the most noticeable and dominant story may be the beginning of the transformation of the financial system, with the transition to new technologies. The ruble may also begin to change its equivalent.

But also the situationin Russia at this time may be ambiguous. On the one hand, it may bring very significant changes in the system of power structures, with a somewhat dramatic context, there may be sharp situations.

We can also expect a challenging situation with regard to the scientific environment. It may happen that this will be a challenging time for Russia. Although the likelihood of a breakup of the former oligarchic clan may evoke a variety of feelings.

May 2024

The situation will begin to change after May 26, and events will begin to flow in a completely different direction, as if the theater has begun to change scenery and repertoire. It’s like a new time, with little or nothing left of the old picture. Planetary combinations will be like a harbinger of new rules for nature, its renewal, the intervention of the Higher Powers.

The fight for environmental issues will become very much emphasized. If you will, there will be more kindness, faith in the best, programs of help, including financial.

Whoever manages to open a business at this time will be very effective and fortunate. Signs of the renewal of the world and the movement of humanity towards more peaceful and constructive goals.

The opening of new protected lands, like the theme of oases as a world program. This is an ecology program and many people will experience a completely different atmosphere.

But on the other hand, the water may be raging at this time, and many people may also encounter viruses.

But there is a very strong change in Russia and attitudes towards it. One sees the possibility of land expansion and the possibility of large numbers of people from other countries entering Russia. But also Russia itself can as if expand the program of helping other countries or people.

Meanwhile, around 22.05, there will be a more careful attitude towards its resources, and it is possible that the sale of some natural resources from Russia, including gas, may be suspended.

There may be cutbacks in management structures or in the structures themselves. And these will be only the first precursors of more serious events in these areas.

There will also be an attempt to block certain technological endeavors. There is a sense of probability that some kind of restrictions will be introduced in these times.

I do not rule out that some officials may find themselves in an unpleasant situation.

Nevertheless, after 26.05 the information environment will begin to change noticeably (many media), creating the potential for special dynamics in information, communication, transportation and education.

The topic of tourism will become very active, although maybe more within the country, but we can count on more. Maybe it will not immediately turn into an applied reality, but we will see activity in these areas. We need to understand that all these times are like a hasty introduction of new inputs, new circumstances, and they will not immediately be understood, fit into life and take the shape for which they came.

June 2024

June 06.06.2024 is a very serious transitional time, when the situation can affect the international situation and completely change the rules of the game, up to the point that circumstances will be such that tourism, communications, will be reconsidered, towards an unexpected strengthening of this sphere.

In addition, the information environment will become a special environment of competition. And the struggle will also be for the sky, for space.

A lot of shocking information will pour into the information environment. Marketplaces will begin to change their form. New rules and technologies will affect the aviation sphere. Difficulties may arise around the space theme. Many restructuring processes may affect information platforms. The merger of marketplaces with similar platforms is also possible.

But this can be a very fiery time and can bring up the militaristic theme again. But now the issues will revolve around the topic of space travel or at least orbiting the Earth, there will be popularization of this sphere. Completely new communication technologies may emerge.

The fall of many authorities is likely. The buildup of a military situation. There will be levity on the part of leaders.

Communication and energy will interact in some new way and create new niches for business. There may be talk of exchanging energy at a distance, through the atmosphere. Removing the barriers of communication, but turning it into a different tool, maybe a financial one. The emergence of new forms of financial exchange or the equivalent of money itself. It’s like communication and communication turned into new forms of money.

Changing forms of education in elementary school. The blurring of age and other boundaries. Changing concept of media and other forms of broadcasting. Change of ideological guidelines.

Attempts to convert the dollar system to a different equivalent. New forms of uniting financial interests, creation of communities developing financially independently. Change of leaders.

Changes are special in those born at the very beginning of Gemini and Aquarius. Around the beginning of the 20th of January and May. In all of them, life will begin to change very vividly.

Those born in January, in the third decade, will begin to experience more radical and dramatic changes, with increased opportunities, ambitions. While they may be under a lot of pressure, they will not only be able to get out of it, but gain more than they expected. Their lives may change with the arrival of children, an incredible life adventure and courage, when things may change as a result of unexpected communication, learning.

For those born in the 20th of June things could change due to a trip, with things not being easy, but in tension.

If education is involved, the vector could also change suddenly and totter. A group of information-related leaders will come in. Moreover, much of the classified information will be opened up. Interestingly, access to information will be open, but as if for a fee.

Russia will expand its territorial borders. And in early July, it will conclude an extremely important alliance. Russia may change its borders as a result, and there may be changes to the country’s name or status details.

But the timing itself may not be very safe for the topic of air and even transportation issues. But everything will be so undergoing dismantling, especially social media, any form of communicative interaction. It will be a new wave of opportunity, but it will not be quite correctly interpreted at first. Everything will be somewhat superficial, many principles may lose their force, many knowledge will also suddenly become irrelevant.

The language, vocabulary will start to change a lot. The whole philosophy of life will begin to lose its former meaning. Rhetorical leaders may have special power, but not the ones that are relevant now, most likely others. And they will emerge.

Naturally, at this time, the financial system will be especially actively changing, and Russia may be the leader in this matter. As if the baton of the Dollar were to pass into the hands of Russia as the dominant carrier of the new form of currency.

July 2024

10.07.2024 something very important will happen regarding new policies, new trends, but it may not be very noticeable or the vector of what is happening will not be immediately clear. 15.07.2024 events may locally somewhat acutely and unexpectedly stir many, but not become a leitmotif.

But it is as if the year will be divided into two parts: before August and after. The second half of the year may be somewhat more difficult.

The important time point is 08/20/2024!

The really important time point is 20.08.2024! An attempt to restructure the old value system, the economy, an attempt to make it more malleable. Creating a new political direction, resolutely and purposefully everything, as if the audacity of the new times is beginning to take its toll. But there may be some arrogance here. It may seem to many that here is progress, it is already here. But it will still be a somewhat superficial step, although against the backdrop of a stagnant universal trajectory, it will still resemble progress. It is a new ideology, but it is still quite raw. It’s like a readiness for new accomplishments, but it’s not yet a clear and skillful approach. Be that as it may, it’s progress. And these are the ideas of the new economy, but still difficult to realize. These are new modes of water transportation, this is an attempt to break away from the obsolete past in all its manifestations. There may be alarming processes regarding the danger of water, but they will not yet reach real criticality.

September 2024

At the very beginning of September, events may take shape in a way that may seem like a reversion to previous political and financial motivations, as if preventing progress from taking the lead.

Natural and man-made processes can all be affected. Old structures may collapse for one reason or another, but the system will cling to the former attitudes, rules, trying to preserve itself.

Blizhe by 18.09.2024 the sinusoid of events will heat up. The water element looks quite alarming. Of course, it will raise the topic of responsibility for ecology, will require some decisions on many issues related to water, with the need to seek a balance between natural and technical processes. It will be noticed that many earth processes have changed and require new approaches.

The topic of health, and hence health care, may also suddenly become especially urgent. The scientific environment and many of its directions will require revision. By the way, the topic of new viruses, probably poisonings, may add fuel to the fire, including the issue of pharmacology will also be on the crest of discussions.

October 2024

02.10.2024 will be the Solar Eclipse. It will be very difficult, one of the most complex and provocative Eclipses.

This is a very serious socio-political moment, when, on the one hand, there will be an attempt to look for the guilty, maybe to judge them, but on the other hand, it is an attempt to avoid responsibility, to turn the tables on others, to deceive….

There may be an attempt to substitute documents, profanation in legal matters, trials, including at the highest levels, trials in the highest ranks and ministries. But everything will be clearly unclean.

All this may promise dismissals, change of power, including the judiciary. This is some kind of disintegration of the former society. Leaders of countries may leave in a strange way.

But there are clear signs of constructiveness in all this. New rules of the game are coming in at all levels. For example, former partners may quarrel, and it will be very ugly. This is a pathetic attempt to redivide spheres of influence at the geopolitical level, which failed, and will further suffer disintegration. Fiasco of former socio-political movements, structures and maturation of new political and partnership concepts.

It is the fall of former legal forms and institutions of socio-political power. For Dollar and its philosophy it is the finale and the danger of complete disintegration. Rather, it is the beginning of the loss of former dominance. Intrigues, dissolution of former communities, partnerships and even marriages.

There may be some sort of high-profile trial, causing great resonance and doubts about its justice. This plot could be a trigger for further socio-political changes.

November 2024

12.10.2024 (repeat situation 02.11.2024) there is a possibility of formation of a new legislature or government, new alternative rules of relations, new relationships between countries and people. The departure of rigid imposed frameworks and opinions.

20.11.2024 Pluto finally enters the zone of Aquarius. And this is a symbol that a new era has begun and this factor will be irrevocable. And this means that the last resistance of the former system, both dollar and conceptual, up to the destruction of the former scientific framework, is no longer possible. New energy, new energy exchange at all levels. For most materially oriented people, it will be more about financial restructuring than anything else, but it will be something bigger, large-scale and epochal. The restructuring of the military system.

December 2024

In the final 2024, namely around 25.12.2024 a vivid continuation of the search for new forms of governance, economy, restructuring in education, media, forms of communication, down to the possibilities of finding easier ways of travel, communication and restructuring of the ideological background towards greater freedom of opinion.

It will be the year between the old and the new era, but it will be the year when the break from the old world takes place. The new one is not yet built, but the old one is leaving, bringing the enthusiasm of the new age. It will be a bit childish, not quite meaningful, but against the background of understanding what the old world was, it will be a great progress.