Globalists. Cryptocurrency.

Let’s try to consider what is happening not so much in terms of metaphysics, but in terms of applied economic and geopolitical circumstances. And we’ll start with the fact that in June 2018, the G7 meetings were held, where important issues on the restructuring of the financial system were discussed.

One of these meetings signed a resolution number 56, which gave the right, or rather, allowed to keep secret all global transnational financial manipulations and expenditures, which completely deprived the sovereignty of heads of state and gave all power to transatlantic corporations, simply put, bankers.

On 22.08.2019 there was a forum of the G7 countries, where the question of how the financial system will be rebuilt was discussed. And the issue of cryptocurrency was discussed especially. They voted in favor of a plan called “reset”. It’s a planned total reset of the global economy. In doing so, again, leaders of countries, governments, losing their sovereignty, were given restrictions on the liquidity of their economies and other resources. And the heads of central banks became those who will have to dictate all the rules of the game.

A reconfiguration of the monetary system was planned. Central banks were to be involved, practically taking control of the Treasury functions. Then in September 2019, the Fed enters the repo market and begins to collapse the economy. All the small businesses, medium-sized businesses, and everything that created the not so rigid vertical of power that gave “oxygen” to business collapses. Fraudulently, all volumes of the economy began to consolidate and all small businesses began to pass into the hands of corporations. And to finally create a rigid technocratic model of power, a total vertical – all this required digitization.

Digitalization, Artificial Intelligence

This system was becoming more and more prioritized. In this system, people are always under tight control. And that means that whoever has the most comprehensive list of data wins. Then building this system becomes the equivalent of financial and political power. And the interesting thing is that the key issue becomes not so much the software, but the availability of data. Knowledge and intelligence are filled with data. Data is the new oil, it is the new gold.

At the same time, the conventional economy is closing down, and it all goes to the level of artificial intelligence, which lives by this data. And the only competitive issue here is the availability of that data. This is the centralization of wealth. And this process is known to contain a catastrophic mode of enforcing this plan. It’s war. Small businesses go bankrupt first. The takeover of this market. And on 08/22/2019, the decision was made to shut down the economy. It was necessary to curtail the economy. In doing so, all power is centralized and what we have seen in regards to geopolitical events is caused by part of this plan. I won’t go far, we’ve all seen what’s been happening since the beginning of 2020. And the “health” story was also part of that plan, where the theme of data, artificial intelligence, subjugation through digital control with a biological tinge, was also part of that plan. I am of course not talking about how these issues were dealt with in metaphysical terms.


And so historically, it was as if Russia was separated from this strategic scenario, because the sanctions policy of 2014 forced it to create its own autonomous economic systems. And this prevented the full realization of the “corporate” plan. We have all seen how this rigid plan to reset the economy and put it into a completely different mode of extreme rigidity began to be implemented. But there are processes that are beyond the control of even the world elite, it is not their competence.

The interruption of this plan happened in February 2022. And despite all the drama of the situation, this plan was stopped globally, or rather, it was broken. In fact, the struggle is not for Ukraine, but for the realization of this rigid plan, in which a person can no longer be free in any sense. And speaking about the Special Operation, we must understand what we are really talking about. Because globally, by spring 2023, the first step towards this so-called economic reset, which is actually a plan to create a kind of neo-prison for the peoples, should be taken. It could even be called the neo-colonization of the Earth.

The solar eclipse of April 2022 has deliberately set the tone for more problems with Donbass. (By this term I mean the whole story with DNR and LNR, which has not been resolved). It created configurations that can go astray, create extremely dangerous and destructive situations. And 30.10-11.11 is a kind of hard transition, a struggle, which will not be easy, and this threshold will have to be overcome. But there will be bright brightenings (for example 30.09), which will inspire victories, although not final. In general, until the end of September will be difficult to navigate, and the visible trends of this time will not reflect the reality, which will begin to occur in October. And especially difficult time for Russia will be around 22.09, and 22.11 or in between. And, in general, the fall is the most difficult turn. It is not quick and dramatic for all sides. And only after the end of November it will be clear that the main stage of the struggle has been passed.


And the details will be that in the 20s of September Ukraine will receive reinforcements and around 25.09.2022 Russia may not be easy. Generally around 22.09.09 will be a time of quite severe restrictions and pressure for Russia. I don’t exclude that the Russian elite will be under ambiguous pressure to make certain moves. But Russia will not deviate from its path. Although at this time Russia may hear news of another “exit” of the former political leaders. New economic approaches will also be discussed, constructs, under great tension and constraints.

If it will be interesting, it is possible to distinguish special dates of tension, strong pressure on Russia and as if signals from Above to the need to change the political and economic course of the country. As if hinting that internal issues require not cosmetic, but radical restructuring in all spheres of governance and economy. And it will be extremely difficult for the country’s elite. So it is seen near such dates as: 22.09, 7.10, 7.11, 22.11. And the criticality, which we are observing and will continue to observe, has the task of creating the need to completely change the economic and management model first of all, not to mention the need for internal consolidation. And that plan, which is conceived from Above, as if will be obligatory for Russia, as a powerful conservative treatment for future historical accomplishments.

But the main changes will begin in early October. At around 5.10 Russia will take active action and it will be a fighting spurt. And October may be the time of hot fight. But the response around 7.10 can be harsh. In general, this month of 7.10-7.11 will be one of the most difficult. It is very likely that the brightest historical dates will be 9-10.10. This is the time when many military processes may be on the verge of a grand explosion. I do not exclude the heat of events to the point where many things will hang in the balance. And it will hit the Russian regions bordering Ukraine.


But there is reason to assume that the biggest dangers will be neutralized. It must be said that former Soviet republics, such as Kazakhstan, may also be affected around these dates. It could be affected in a very unpleasant way. Events will come in waves. And it is fair to say that until the end of November the situation may not seem so unambiguous. And only by the end of November – beginning of December it will be clear that a turning point has occurred.

If we dissect the events in more detail, then by 22.10 and 2.11 breakthrough actions will be carried out. This may concern the liberation of some regions and economic victories. And November, as I have already written and said, will be a key moment in matters of military confrontation and political. And in spite of this, near 19.10 for Ukraine will be the time of demonstrative loss as a state, as a land, if at all it is possible to speak so about brotherly lands. But following the current understanding of events, additional event inputs will be required to emphasize that the fight is lost.

These words of mine may seem premature at the time, but later this time may become one of the most important demarcation lines in history. Of course, Russia also looks very depleted and may have to tighten its belt. Again, this is a very troubling moment for today’s Russian elite and leadership. It will be a powerful signal for Russia to change its governance model, the personnel composition of the main managers, as if the events themselves are forcing a change of course. It may affect the power managers as well. It will be like a starting point for finalizing changes in the country’s domestic policy. Some of the leadership may also leave for natural reasons. Frankly, both sides of the battle will face complexities that will require a reset. It’s as if a new test of strength plot is beginning before an even bigger test happens in the spring. Of course, everything is not resolved in one day.

And, as it happens, my prediction may not be immediately clear and obvious, as events will change color almost daily, and with such a sine wave it will be difficult to navigate and get a sense of what the outcome of these events will be.

But the fall round will be the key to almost six months of tension in Russia. It is as if at first not everyone appreciated the level of radicality of the changes that Russia needs, and after the deep fall it became clear that minimal internal corrections will not do. After 8.11 a lot of things that are no longer viable will come to light. Both managerial chaos and discord in the country are no longer possible. But that, as they say, is the bad news. But there is good news. From the beginning of October to the end of December, the trend of restructuring the financial system in the country will begin. And, strangely enough, I don’t see Russia losing any ground, rather, it is gaining it. Although I will say in advance that there is still March 2023 ahead, which could exacerbate this situation and put Russia back in a situation of tension over these land issues. But more on that later.

Ukraine after 8.11 looks like ashes and what will happen there at that time, I have no loyal words. And I do not want to look for words, because I wish with all my soul that those transformations, which planets promise, have not so destructive character. And in such moments of consideration one wants to say, if even planets require deep defragmentation, then let it be done reasonably… But in response… silence… Maybe someday people will realize that Astrology is given not for bad and good predictions, but as a tool for monitoring and timely corrections that planets require. And not for people to become deaf instruments of barbarism in moments of misunderstanding the signals of the cosmos.

Yes, the first attempts of a restorative nature or something like strengthening Ukraine may be scheduled for early January. But this is all unlikely to be anything really positive. At such a time in this planetary arrangement, I often see this moment accompanied by new shipments of weapons and mercenaries. But by the second half of January, there may be some agreements emerging, although I don’t think that will be the final solution. And to be fair, I would say that the difficult beginning of February for Ukraine is not the end of the difficulties for Ukraine. There may be a poisonous beginning of March, and it will have a particular impact on the psyche. And by the warm spring Ukraine may be close to becoming a new testing ground, but most likely it will bypass it, at least temporarily. In any case, in spring Ukraine will start to completely change its geographical and managerial structure, all systems will be destroyed to the bottom. But at the end of April – in May I still see some creative beginning.

And what about Russia. In such difficult times it is difficult to write about Russia out of emotion, but that is what I would like to do. After the fall of 2022 the country will begin its restructuring, or rather, in parallel will be the destruction of the old system and the sprouts of a new one. And yes, until the beginning of October, it will not only be difficult to act constructively, but also to soberly assess the situation. After all, in my last forecast I wrote about September, speaking about it literally as follows: “lies upon lies”. And this is not only informational hysteria, but also hysteria of all those who are scaling it.

And yes, Russia will get its act together and will respond by early October. But it will be a hard and rather long road, as I wrote before, with heavy losses. Will there be victorious things? Yes! This will be partly seen in the proximity of 5.10, 22.10. Will the Higher Powers intervene? I think yes! And I do not exclude that by the time of 25.10 and 8.11, in this interval of time other circumstances will intervene in the story, which can affect the situation. These include natural processes, economic and political. By the way, after this time threshold, the President of Russia will change a lot. This will be noticeable not only in his appearance, but also in the vector of decisions.

Speaking in general, the situation of the created heavy military tangle is unlikely to be clearly unraveled until 24.11. Only after this time the process will begin to develop more clearly, although the results of Russia’s progress can be more clearly seen by mid-December.


Quite a dangerous time for Russia around 1/13/12. Threats and some attempts by the West to create serious challenges to the economy and possibly the natural habitat may come into play. Nuclear threats may also be relevant. I do not rule out new tensions in the areas bordering Ukraine. From the first half of December, Putin will make very important, key decisions that may temporarily suspend military developments. But at the very end of December, the military context will resume, although this will happen as a result of provocation.

In any case, around 27.12 I see a resumption of powerful mobilization. All the more it will be clear that by the beginning of January Ukraine will again expect military supplies and increased military power from the West. But still by 11.01.23 there are indicators that Russia will make a move to strengthen its position. And even if we consider that from October 2022 a breakthrough will still be made and there will be progress in the confrontation, but the general pattern of tension will still remain. In this case, we are talking about changes in domestic economic issues, activation of internal resources.

And in February the second phase of tension for Russia may come. But here we can already talk about some kind of combat partnership or, in official language, military cooperation.

On the Ukrainian side, in mid-February 2023, many of the partnership promises will not be fulfilled, I mean the support of the West. And NATO may hatch more radical methods, planning to solve everything “in one fell swoop”. And geopolitical events may seem to force a solution in the mode of agreements. Although it will be another maneuver, not a final solution to the issue. And in March Russia will be put forward very uncomfortable conditions related to territorial issues. The situation will become ambiguous. And here comes the time of a very important historical turn, which I mentioned a long time ago.

I started with Donbass as a place or starting point of long-formed complexities. I understand if it sounds too soft to some. Of course, one of the milestones of overcoming will be mid-November, after which some of the complexities will go away. Both the structure of the economy and the authorities may start to rebuild. But the internal discord is very strong, which will not let us live in peace and may create extremely painful moments.

Even by mid-February, I see the possibility of acute division. There is no unity. But still one of the key event points will be mid-January, around 17.01.23. This is reminiscent of the battle of choice, intense tension, and a high degree of explosiveness. It is as if this time will force self-determination. And these are also times when the people of these long-suffering places will have a chance for status. At the same time February can provoke to divide people on two sides of the barricades. Mid-February is an ambivalent time.

On the one hand, it is a struggle for strengthening and empowerment of the region, but on the other hand, again, provocations are seen. And people cannot make unambiguous decisions. The struggle will continue in March. But April can change a lot of things. It can “mix all the cards”. And so far it is very difficult to talk about an unambiguous outcome of this story, as spring will bring new challenges. But everything can change and go on a different scenario, if somehow a document is formally signed, at least somehow changing the status of these places.

From the author: Writing forecasts at a time like this is extremely difficult. And I understand the degree of responsibility one has to take on. But the hardest thing is to see the main path behind the huge set of events, news, opinions and emotions, which becomes more obvious only after some time. And I think it is important not to forget that we are heading towards one of the apotheosis of that historical sinusoid, where responsibility for everyone’s actions and thoughts becomes equivalent to responsibility for the entire planet. Everyone’s intemperance can be costly for large numbers of people. And it is important to realize that it is not the people who wage war, but only the people can stop it. And everyone will have his own plot in life, veiled examining the purity of thoughts and humanity. I don’t want to preach, but I vote for responsibility and humanity.