I would like to draw attention to the information I give, to its primary character. I would also like to warn against interpretations of my forecasts by other specialists, forecasters, analysts and people trying to interpret my forecasts subjectively. Pulling out phrases, some `similarity` - all this can be very destructive in already muddy waters. Please refer to the original source.

President, power

I would especially like to focus on the time around December 2022. This time is seen as extremely significant for the topmost layer of power, especially for the main man of the country. Of course, we are talking about Russia.

The thing is that after 8.11.2022 may very much change his presentation of himself as a person and even external forms of expression. It is very likely that we will see the first part of the plot, which will first very clearly change the external positioning, which will create the potential under the renewal of the whole environment. But that will come somewhat later.

Things will unfold in such a way that the strategy of its behavior may fundamentally change, although the distortion of information in the media may not reflect the full depth of the picture. And it will take time to assess this turnaround. But during the six months, these changes will be most fully revealed, as if creating a portal for a new environment, the arrival of new personalities in power.

The thing is that, as I have already written, after 25.10.2022 and 08.11.2022 the situation in the country can become very complicated. Tension will grow, and forms of concentration on strengthening of power in a hard form will be obvious. But objectively speaking, what is happening in the country will be a historical inevitability, and the pressure on the authorities will be very powerful. Decisions will now have to be made urgently and radically.

Power teams, oligarchs, culture

I do not rule out that the pressure on the current elite will be unprecedented. And the departure of people from the team may already be more obvious. Many freedoms in the country will be noticeably reduced. A lot of things will change in cultural matters, especially in entertainment.

For a while it may seem that the country is very weak, although in fact there will be a kind of filtration in the mode of the need to concentrate, tighten belts and, in a broad sense of the word, mobilize.

It's as if time will begin to squeeze out of the country even more powerfully everything that contradicts its integrity. And, of course, another number of people from the cultural or near-cultural and scientific environment, who disagree with the political vector of the country, may fall under these millstones.

Limitations, IT structure

But this event tone will be even more intensified by the 20th of November. And here the strengthening of control over the ideological factor in the country will become a special dominant factor. There may be downsizing in the bureaucratic apparatus. Communication issues may become even more censored.

This may also apply to questions of movement. A special IT structure may be created. And the entire scientific environment may also be reduced and receive special guidelines for the further vector of development. Many technological sectors and even the most senior executives may fall under some form of downsizing.

Interestingly, even the press secretary of the President may find himself under the millstones of these changes. And it is very possible that he will be very careless in his statements, especially around 08.11.2024. It has to be said that by that time, a lot of things will have come to light in general.


But the Commander-in-Chief around 29.11.11 will have no alternatives but tough decisions, as he himself will be under tremendous pressure. It is very likely that he will have to take a serious inventory in his circles. And tacitly his personal finances will also be under restriction. But that is not the main point.

He himself will be tough in his decisions. And that could hurt the economic circles in the country in a painful way. It would be like implementing downsizing. His position could also be in the crosshairs… December will be a momentous month for him in many ways. We will see a lot of good things in the country that have been anticipated and envisioned, but were still as if tentative. With all the “good” – “bad” assessments, it is difficult to speak about the unambiguity of events here. On the one hand, one can expect difficult events, and on the other hand, very positive ones. All this will happen almost simultaneously.

Threats to the lives of a large number of people and territorial expansion, financial and economic optimism – all this can be “in one flacon”. And here it is very important to realize that the President will take an epoch-making step, and probably more than one. This is an extremely dangerous moment for him. He may have to hide. But the toughness of his decisions may be equivalent to the position in which he will find himself. He will have to stand to the end. This will all take place around 29.11.2022 – 04.12.2022.

But it will also be a long way off. One thing is what it will mean for himself, and another is how it will be projected to the public opinion. And by 13-15.12.2022, two steps away from disaster, things could suddenly take an almost positive turn.

Going back a bit, no less serious challenge around 01.12.2022 will be, of course, and the head of the defense department. The level of tension will be extremely high. I do not rule out that there will be a threat over the center of Russia, especially around 6.12.12, and these threats from the West may be quite unambiguous, perhaps with a nuclear flavor. Naturally, under such pressure, decisions can be made very tough, but under such pressure it will be impossible to act otherwise.

December 2022

It is difficult to find words to reflect the degree of tension all the time, but nevertheless things could be extremely difficult by the end of December! Certainly, the 27.12 area is seen as one of the most powerful in terms of tension. And it will be one of the extremely important time points regarding not only military actions, but also the whole direction of Russia. The fact that the concentration of military efforts will be categorical is a fact. And all forms of mobilization are possible here. But I ask you to consider this word not in a narrow context. All forces will be thrown into strengthening military power. But it should be understood that at the same time there will also be great advances with regard to the expansion of Russia’s borders. This is the paradox.

But nevertheless, the situation of the Russian president can also be quite critical. It is clear that many people see only the tip of the iceberg, and few people are interested not only in the essence, but also in what is really going on in the upper echelons of power. And I have the impression that this event is as if to have a powerful awakening effect on those upper management layers who have not yet fully realized that everything has come almost to the final line of this construction and that the most cosmetic actions to rebalance the power algorithms are no longer possible.

And the presidential issue in late December 2022 – early January 2023 may also be a point of special attention. And by the first days of January a certain presidential crisis may be experienced. And the choice that the president will face in the proximity of 21.12.2022 – 04.01.2023 will be one of the most difficult and risky for him.

Conclusion. 2023.

In January, close to the middle, already a lot of things in the country will start to reorganize. I believe that by mid-January, the crisis will recede somewhat. And we see a tendency toward creativity, even in economic matters. But February will remind about itself new alarming challenges. You can read about it in my first text entitled “Fall 2022 and Beyond. Where Things Are Going” from 09/17/2022 – READ THE ARTICLE