Read the forecast in full The forecast was written in April 2023, and here I am writing as seen from that time point. But now that I have decided to convert it from handwritten to text format, I can see more clearly the root causes of the events taking place, and I hope you can catch that too. I highly recommend reading the text in its entirety, as any of my Pronouncements is a whole article that may contain points and events that are important to you.

April 2023

After 20.04.2023, a critical dissociation of everyone and everything (parties, opinions, mass resistances, seismic activity) begins. It’s as if contradictions are intensifying on all fronts and a multi-month scenario of radical change is triggered.

President of Russia. May 2023.

The map of the head of Russia looks curious. It seems as if he is out of sync with the processes in the country and even disoriented. Although in the area of 24.04.2023 see secret and very strange ideas. Many will not understand his behavior and secret designs.

Amazing changes are coming in Russia as prerequisites for a change of power. 01-07.05.2023 as if the spirit rises, as if the country lives its breath and aspiration, and the power is like a frustrated piano. And the general impression: who is in the woods, who is in the wood. And as never before there is a huge discrepancy in the scenario of the country and the authorities. Interestingly, the religious institutions are on the verge of breaking. But in order to strengthen themselves, they will show more of themselves in military matters, using this as a way to keep themselves relevant. And, it must be said that in the next 2-3 years these institutions will be destroyed: not as a source of faith, but as a form of its socialization.

In the meantime (17.05.2023), something will happen in the country that will change the very idea of power as a willingness to set the stage for mass demonstrations. Inside the country, betrayals are seen. It’s as if there are two people in power. Under the special sight of removal from the highest positions. 18.05.23 increasing confrontation at all levels, in all spheres: natural, technical, confrontation of the people themselves.

Redrawing of the world map

In global world plans and already in the mode of realization – the creation of a cluster concentration camp. In May the first stage of destruction of the financial system begins. Powerful bursts of cosmic energy, especially in the area of 18-21.05.23. Time of growth of prerequisites for superconflicts, everything is very dangerous. It should be said that all these dangerous configurations can be designed to the fact that within half a year (to October 2023) will have to unfold a very hot plot, which may not immediately reveal the whole plot. But it leads to forcing Russia’s highest level authorities to undergo a radical restructuring and will force them to start changing their management apparatuses at the highest level. Especially it will concern power structures. But most brightly it can appear to the area 5-10.07.2023.

SOVO. Russia

It has to be said that it is unlikely that radical changes will be made in SWO issues until deep fall. I think the situation could be dire, with increased pressure on the country starting in July, with tensions building by 14-28.10.2023. Signs of this will be the turbulence of the Dollar and the next move to attempt an upgrade of that currency and the financial system itself. This will also affect the Euro, but to a slightly lesser extent.

By mid-June we see some kind of alliance of Russia, which could support it very much, including economically and strategically. This can be seen from 18.06.23. At the same time, financial issues can be solved somewhat differently than before, in a new scenario.

But at the end of June, and I am more inclined to that closer to 5-10.07.23, we see military heat. This looks extremely serious and pivotal for Russia. Besides the fact that it will even be dangerous, the events may raise questions of governance both in the power structures, and outline the dismantling of the former government and regrouping in the ranks of governance. I do not rule out that in these times Ukraine may try to use some new weapons.

There is a probability of death of one of the important people in the military structures. July could be complicated. But even more pivotal for Russia could be August!!! 5-14.08.23 may outline a categorical change of strategic and economic vector. Generally a forced historical turn. This is the time when the main man of the country will be forced to make very serious decisions. Against the backdrop of these decisions, the whole team in both general management circles and in the military sphere, including key personalities, may completely change.

The President of Russia. Changes.

For Russia’s head of state, a lot of things are coming to a head at this time. And it is as if he is finally striving to synchronize with the general vector of the country, with its spirit. It is seen that this may be preceded by the danger of displacement, strange actions, decisions. For many it will seem strange and incomprehensible, but it looks like secret designs. But it is unambiguous that the divergence of the vector of the country and his activities will become clear to him. This disynchrony will be evident. He, thus, may be thrown out of historical relevance, at any rate, may be next to it. And the existing imbalance in the country will already force to realize the contradiction between the general historical course of the country and the actions of the authorities. The inconsistency between the rhetoric and spirit that is being created in a new type of country and the actions of the authorities. Very dangerous time for Putin: 24.06.2023, 05.11.2023. Here you either need to change everything or leave, although there is nowhere to go. There could be subversions.

Cardiogram of the cardiogram of the map of the leader of the country as if begins to go off the rhythm and from the warm times of 2023 to the spring of 2024 becomes extremely chaotic.

There is a feeling that an alternative allied power is being created in the country, which invisibly develops and supports the country, enables new ties, alliances, agreements outside the high structures. It is strange, of course, but it looks that way. Apparently, the former are losing their levers of control. At first it’s all behind the scenes, by the fall it becomes more obvious. Closer to 18.08.2023 it looks like a new management idea, new priorities, probably new characters.

October 2023

October is a time of key changes. Here is another, more radical push to dismantle the old world in the context of Russian reality. Another blow to the old power. But the leader, realizing that his actions are not too in tune, may begin to move in a more relevant, consonant with the time and situation.

October is critical for Russia, difficult categorically. Especially the second half, starting from the 21.10.2023 area. These are very serious claims to Russian territories, especially Crimea. The pressure on the country will be extraordinary, including economic. It looks like a blockade. And this is the time of manifestation of the President’s will, his decisions. They will be ringing. The issue of his initiative will become key. But before this happens, it is as if he will ask for help from the Higher Powers. There will be some muddling of the tracks. But everything will look unprecedented, on the verge of good and evil. A difficult decision! It may seem to many that he has lost his mind. But this is going to be a very serious situation. It’s as if he’s been checkmated.

But by 25.10.2023 he will already find moves, will take steps, will be supported by partners, with the manifestation of special forms of initiatives. There will be a situation in the country, when it will be necessary to determine the course of economic, strategic, as the situation will be uncontrollable on the part of political opponents. There will be a sense of return to normal.

Many of the opponent countries will be put in very difficult conditions, will be forced to return to the search for solutions in the economic and other spheres, where the horizons may look very unsightly. And what seemed possible in the spring of 2023 may end in failure. Planning may prove difficult.

In the meantime, Russia will be in a band of turbulence around 21.10.2023. 26.10-13.11.2023 is one of the most difficult times for the country. Everything looks like inevitability and permanent change of power. Russia will start to come out of the sharp peak around 13.11.2023. And that, I am afraid, that these terms can be a little shifted to a later time, as in the area of this date the pressure of planets only begins to weaken, so everything is not at once. But before that time, the pressure on the country may be unprecedented. This and claims, hit-and-run on Russian territories, including Crimea, this and the strengthening of sanctions, economic pressure and even something similar to a blockade. For some time, many processes in Russia may be slowed down, especially economic ones.

But the historical twists and turns in Russia will not end there. So still in the beginning of January, around, and, more obviously, near 20.02.2024, again there will be a historical necessity of change of authority. This could happen quite suddenly and with drastic events. But all this will pull very powerful ideological changes behind it. But, again, outwardly it looks like a coup.

Meanwhile, December 2023 – March 2024 is the time for the country’s leader to either change power, or quite unexpected turns by April 2024. But what is seen is his re-election.

December 2023 is the apogee

Before all this happens, 02.12.2023 and 28.01.2024 the sine wave of events will reach its highest point, as if one could say, “the bear is awake”. The country is awakening to a new life, to its power. But the real turn to a new era for Russia and for the whole world will have a starting point from about 28.01.2024. Maybe it will not be immediately clear, but mathematically it is the beginning of a new historical scenario. For Russia it looks like an exceptionally strong advance, the beginning of strengthening. A new ideology, a new economy and financial policy will be launched. It sounds loud, but in reality it is more of a direction setting, as the year is not yet ready for the full implementation of new plans, but is just beginning to adjust to a new vector of life.

Even the restructuring of the country itself is ahead, closer to spring, but this is the dividing line of historical processes. Yes, it is very possible that even the current situation will be such that Russia will suddenly start to be more attractive as an economic partner; and I don’t rule out the possibility that some potential investor readiness may suddenly become possible as well. But a change of government in the country (January-February 2024) could throw all the settings off, as it is difficult to decide on the political stakes. And the current potential will not get its economic development yet. The country will be on the cusp of key changes in power and generally in the very concept of statehood.

Beginning of 2024

In the area of 23.01.24 as if the question of categorical restructuring in the country, the need to create a new structure, including economic. And in fact, it is the need to choose a new vector in which the country will now move.

To all appearances, in the third decade of March 2024 it will be clear that the head of state has remained the same. And this is despite the fact that it will seem that this will not happen and everything is about to fail.

Meanwhile, in February 2024, the situation in Russia is on the edge of the blade. The area around 20.02.2024 will be a particularly sensitive time for Russia. It looks like a coup, like some kind of unexpected move. Here we can expect various disturbing moments, danger to the power at the highest level! But what surprises and focuses my attention is a very powerful internal upheaval in the state and mood of the President of the country. It should be said that everything is on the edge for him at this time. But he will suddenly become exceptionally active, proactive, as if a second breath and inner readiness for decisions and struggle will open up. Yes, these are the times when the figure of the receiver will become more and more apparent, and at some point it will seem that he will be ready to leave someone in his place. In any case, this is a time of special arrangements on the subject of succession. Moreover, there is a feeling that two people will rule at the same time, and this may be especially evident in March-April 2024.