August 2024 Puts on the Brakes

17.07.2024 – Mercury entered the loop at this time.
29.08.2024 – Mercury reaches this point.
06.08.2024 – Mercury retrograde.

August is a month that can confuse, turn back time, and create a sense of false start. It’s like the sea threatening with big waves, damage, and seemingly triggering processes of chaos.

Indeed, the month may become one of the most unproductive and deceptive ones.

And even though there might be bright events, especially around August 14, 20, 2024.

They may seem pivotal and very important, but little will actually lead to results from what is planned, done, or declared in August.

The point is, rocking the boat to make it sail faster is hard. Many processes will be slowed down, hindered, much will be misunderstood, misinterpreted.

Even the emerging restructuring processes in some economic areas in the form that will be proposed will not see real development.

The information sphere, struggling to push its agendas, will itself face difficulties. The information platforms themselves, to put it mildly, will not be able to develop, and there will be technical or political challenges.

In general, political intrigues, complete confusion, and often lies will be especially pronounced in August.

The overall atmosphere of the month is not very attractive, to put it mildly. And it should be said immediately: do not think that the negative notes of August, which can seemingly throw us back into recent anxious past, will be a temporary matter for accumulating energy for major events and changes by October of this year.

It’s like the music is anxiously quieting down to prepare for the forte in September and October 2024. Or when there is a temporary braking, but not to stop, but to gain new speed with the preparation of a risky action or overtaking, which may end badly for those who decided to take the risk.

So, recognizing the true motives of August, we can take a more ironic view of the plots it has prepared to create anxious anticipation in the audience of Indian cinema, who have seen this plot many times but experience it as if for the first time each time.

And I write this not to comfort, but to let you understand that this month actually changes nothing in the global sense, but simply pauses everything and starts stirring the soup without bringing it to a boil.

But the most important thing is that in August begins an attempt to halt the process of global transformation of the Earth and humanity. As if the process of flourishing that has been outlined should not happen. An attempt to stop the transformation, to stop the processes of consciousness growth, vibrations, if you will, at any cost.

I have long written that this part of 2024 will be like an attempt to revert to the past. This state of affairs is temporary but can be quite unpleasant.

Information Platforms

There will be a lot of disinformation. And any real information breaking into the airwaves will be halted or face difficulties. I do not rule out that some information platforms may suffer from this.


There is a possibility that closer to August 4, 2024 the dollar may surge. But the inadequacy of stock market trends may make itself felt starting August 6, 2024. Closer to August 16-18, 2024 stock market charts may sharply change directions and even confuse some. The information background will not reflect reality, as will the movement of stock instruments.


And, be that as it may, it is necessary to understand that stock market trends may temporarily create a direction that can sharply change after August 28, 2024. But, strangely enough, the euro may rise around August 28, 2024.


A difficult situation may unfold in Russia as well. Dubious legal decisions around August 5, 2024 and rather serious cuts in the administrative apparatus.

I do not rule out significant blocks in some virtual spheres.

There will be attempts to reconsider structural issues in power and, generally, in the clan ranks of governance. It will be more challenging than ever to understand what political direction Russia is now preaching.

But one of the planets very powerfully reminds us that Russia has entered a phase of epochal changes, although it will take about a year and a half before these changes become unequivocally obvious. But another wave of transformation will also fall in August, specifically around August 8, 2024.


But, strangely enough, this may be related to floods, water spills. The land of Russia itself will be reborn, but this will have at least two sides.

On one hand, this is a special state of spirituality that will be increasing, and on the other – there may be not so pleasant things. Virus and water can also be part of this plan.

But let me say right away that it will be difficult for all countries to advance in any frank matters.

No matter how it looks, August is a month of crooked mirrors. It always makes you want to draw analogies. And now there is an image of stirring a salad one way, then another. But at the same time, the taste of the salad is getting worse.

Perhaps overall it is preparing to destroy the very thought of the revival of good or so-called high vibrations.

On the contrary, a plan is being prepared to throw humanity back, creating more and more misconceptions and ignorance. Let me say in advance, this idea will not succeed, although it will try to bloom violently by October.

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