During the lunar eclipse on 05/16/22 Russia will face choices in the financial, energy and military spheres, but will show power that was not expected. At the same time there will be circumstances, as if from above, that are likely to assist Russia. They may well be related to natural processes that no one expected, it’s like providence. Again, a natural factor related to water may work. And what will seem strange at all, that in this connection some investments in Russia may be made, forced. But it may happen that Russia will be confronted with a choice regarding the use of nuclear weapons. But the situation will be resolved in a strange way, without its use. It must be said that the intervention of providence will be more prominent than ever. But everything about the negotiation process may develop in an ugly scenario, tricky and incomprehensible to many, as the compromise will be on the verge of good and evil. And, of course, the economic stalemate will be maximally manifested, even with elements of exaggeration, in a very theatrical way, especially around 4:05 p.m. It may resemble a special performance, hinting that Russia is in a complete economic deadlock. But within a few months it will become clear that things cannot materialize in such a rigid mode, and it will turn out that Russia will show special rigidity; and this will be the result and the answer to the question of those who tried to arrange this blockade. This scenario is about six months long.

In the meantime, it should be understood that at the beginning of May it will be clear that Russia as if got a chance for expansion. This will be the reason to prepare a new scenario of pressure on Russia and prepare for a new military provocation.

In the meantime, near 24.05, Russia can make a significant step forward in economic issues, no matter how strange it may sound now. Although there will be a little more bravado than we would like, but there will be a reason for such pride.

By 26.05 events may not be too sympathetic to Russia. It may look like a double game or even some kind of betrayal. Information, legal processes may be very questionable. Some of the President’s moves may be misinterpreted, although they will actually be of a deliberate nature.

But, as I have already said, 22.06 may remind many of the significance of this date. The question for Russia can be put as a question, and decisions made at this time will be irreversible and fateful. It, Russia, as if it can be offered already another war. And by 03.07 the President of Russia will be put in difficult circumstances, where questions of good and evil will be at stake, and it will be extremely difficult to avoid the risk of doing something very dangerous. But also irreparability after such a step will be obvious. But we should not forget that this event will be preceded by some complicated negotiations, which should take place around 26.06. I do not exclude that they will be held with Biden, although it is not a fact that they will be made public. The whole point is that there will be some particularly important issues for America scheduled for early July. These will be related to the need to reaffirm America’s status as the dominant player on the political stage. And the topic of military and financial dominance will be extremely important for certain reasons. It will be infinitely important for America to assert its special power. In addition, the conversation will be about Ukraine, and I assume that it could be about its complete destruction. All this will be extremely provocative for the President of Russia. Everything looks as if the American leadership is trying to speculate about Ukraine and make a deal with the Russian leadership, which looks very destructive for Ukraine. I am not sure it will be immediately clear, as people may be distracted by completely different experiences and a different picture.

By 15.07 there will be negotiations. Russia may seek peaceful solutions and there may be good results in the first phase of these negotiations. But it will still only be the first part of the solution and not final. It will be revised later. In the meantime, on 22.07 at V.V. Putin will have very important events and it may very well be that the topic of a successor and an important person for him will be very topical.

By 30.07 Russia may face very complex events. This is another phase of creating a military excuse from outside. I don’t rule out an attempt to use chemical or biological weapons. In any case everyone will be confused.

And the beginning of August may become one of the most difficult periods in the history of not only Russia but also Ukraine. For the President of Russia, this time may become one of the exceptionally difficult. And the issue of governing the country may endure a test of strength. In the power of Russia at this time may occur the most unexpected changes. All this will be most vividly closer to 07.08. Very many decisions will be extremely surprising for everyone, especially for Russians. I will stop here for now, as further events will require additional time to describe. I sincerely ask you not to look for tricks in my text and attempt to follow any political beliefs. I strive to describe events only from the point of view of planetary influence and do not want to hurt anyone’s feelings at all. I wish everyone goodness and reason, whatever methods of mutual rejection and cultivation of aggressive attitudes are used by those who need it so much. And to follow aggressive ideas so generously sown on a global scale is like giving oneself to slaughter.