The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Today, the progress of artificial intelligence or AI is considered in the context of a certain technical means as an accumulator and manager of information, a kind of information manipulator, faster than a person himself, analyzing and offering the most optimal algorithms for solving problems only in the range of the earth’s linear reality and thinking within the technical algorithms embedded in it.

For humanity, this technology looks advanced, but in fact it is incapable of acting creatively, creating something new.

The AI ​​that currently exists may be the best in terms of adaptability to the current reality and formal solutions, but it cannot go beyond this adaptability. That is, if you assign an AI to write a report, then at best it will write it like an excellent student, whose answers satisfy a formal board of teachers who do not claim to be brilliant or even creative. All this can be associated with passing the Unified State Exam, where you just need to please with your answer, but not say anything new, conscious and creative.

Here is simply a combination of existing knowledge with the dead consciousness embedded in this mechanism.

A dead consciousness cannot create life.

That is, at the moment, AI only reflects the level of intelligence and demand that the average person can afford.

A truly intelligent person cannot admire the result of AI’s work. And this is due to the fact that AI works in the earthly sense only, so to speak, on hardware. And we can make an optimistic forecast regarding the development of this technology only in some areas where AI is used more as a smart technique, but reflecting human vices. It is incapable of working at high levels of creative scale. And while the whole discussion is developing around this AI guide.

Yes, of course, regarding the use of AI in military areas and in areas related to the execution of tasks with a clearly technical bias, it is quite effective.

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