The nearest milestones of fateful changes

Voice clip transcript

Dear friends, I greet you and want to comment a little on my new publication, because on the one hand, it is of such a philosophical nature, but, in my opinion, very important.

That preamble, which may seem difficult to understand to someone, and maybe, on the contrary, will bring you closer to understanding the current processes, which will be very valuable for me. In any case, without understanding this physics of processes, which is not always so openly personified, and those players who are now at the forefront of the political game, at a minimum, these are still all the same formats of the realized philosophy, physics, geometry, if you will, cosmic processes that are happening, which are so important, so epochal, that, strictly speaking, someone’s human decision here, in general, is not so relevant, because following the general outline of the plan is now very important. At least, cosmic impulses indicate this.

Therefore, I wanted to first make it clear how events are developing from this point of view, and to transfer your perspective, your lens to understanding current applied political processes. And there is such a variety, such an eclecticism of events, that at first I scolded myself a little for giving you a forecast so short-term, or something, although you and I have a long-term forecast. But to understand the current processes, their multidimensionality, their unprecedented activity, dynamics and even some chaos, seeming chaos.

Of course, it would be necessary to understand what is happening now, since the time is very important now, and all the bookmarks, program bookmarks of processes, both personal and geopolitical in March, are literally a mini-projection of what will happen next. Therefore, all the sharp corners of the decision, events, they seem not to be final. This will be the very vector in which everything will develop further, at least until six months, so that in September many things that were outlined in March can be implemented.

September 2025 in this sense will be much more radical, irrevocable and concrete, when the jokes are over and the restructuring of the entire civilizational system becomes obvious and irrevocable. Therefore, if the processes are so active, and there are so many events, I still decided to somehow shed some light on them.

Of course, sometimes I can’t say everything in plain text. I think you understand that we have to be correct in the conditions of some kind of censorship. But if this guideline that I gave in this article for many countries, for many characters helps you, then I will be very pleased.

I also included the topic of the Baltics there. For me, this is a slightly new format, although I have already tried it out. And in my lecture, which I gave in September 2024 and, in my opinion, even in April 2024, I also touched on this topic. And as far as I can see, a lot of what I see is confirmed. We can hope that the forecast for the Baltics also makes sense and has its strength. We will observe together.

But, probably, my main idea is to make it clear that March (2025) is only the boiling point of processes that force a complete transformation of the general world order at all its levels. Therefore, all, probably, some acute moments, but, probably, it makes sense to perceive them with understanding and awareness that this is just a sine wave that has reached its peak and which leads us to a truly progressive, very productive process of restructuring the system that now exists on Earth and which, unfortunately, has exhausted itself and is no longer, although it, in general, was initially questionable, but now the point of no return.

The point of destruction has reached such values ​​that this coordinate system and this way of life cannot be in the previous state. Restructuring begins in March. This is a very important moment. We understand this.

And, in fact, all the negotiation processes, approaches to these processes, those doubts, those important moments, we will read with you, I think, in this article. At least, you will read it. And I will be glad if it is useful to you.

And I also want to add that yes, this publication also has a topic about Euro, Dollar. And I want to say that very often people ask the question, can I buy, say, dollars now, and then sell them on time, and so on. I understand that this is such a very important step in the economic sense for every person, but nevertheless I do not advise doing this in March, because, I repeat, the fluctuations on the stock exchanges will be very unpredictable, sharp, and so on. And the currencies themselves and their future life, it is not so clear that they just went and fell there in one day.
This will be a process that will be launched, but I am giving you some temporary guidelines there. Just be careful with this, because in fact, let’s say, there are some moments, while the processes, for example, are launched, and they already hint at the fact that either the heyday or the end of some currency has come.

But, nevertheless, we must remember that until the first days of April Mercury is retrograde. What does this mean? This means that all processes, even large processes that seem to have already become obvious, they may not immediately manifest themselves, they may be intricate. And, let’s say, only after April 4 (2025) many things will suddenly move forward sharply and indicate their vector in all respects, even in matters of finance and currency.

Therefore, at least until April 4, it is worth being more careful, because all decisions, especially on a long-term basis, in the financial sense, may turn out to be wrong. Because while such a powerful planetary restructuring is going on in the absence of full information, as indicated by retrograde Mercury, it is difficult to navigate the most important financial and business issues in general. Therefore, of course, for a safer introduction of business decisions, it makes sense to wait until the beginning of April, at least with final decisions, with the formalization of any projects, with financial investments or any serious financial manipulations in general.

So I hope that at this time emotions will not prevail, and they will somehow have to take you out of this state of equilibrium a little. In this state of imbalance, it is very difficult to make a decision. Once again, I remind you that the retrograde of some planets, such as Venus and Mercury at this time, in March, at least, does not allow you to achieve the result in full.

Well, actually, I wrote about this in my general human forecast, so I hope you have a guide to action on this matter. Dear friends, since I understand that not everyone has the opportunity to subscribe to our app, where, of course, there is a lot of information, very detailed, Well, and, as it seems to me, deep, since I am working on this very seriously.

But there are things that, it seems to me, will be of help to many. And despite the fact that my publication, which is literally coming out today, is very large, I still decided to read a small excerpt. for those who care about what is happening with currency issues.

Once again, I warn you that when I name any dates, these are starting points. You can’t think that this is literally an immediate collapse of any currency, but this is the point of switching on a serious trend. Therefore, treat this wisely with an understanding of where the vector is leaning, financial, I believe. And, by the way, as for the Euro currency itself, approximately from March 29, 2025 the euro begins to count its fall, or, at least, very difficult transformational times may come for this currency.

True, the Dollar will also begin to transform by this time, and many acute points for the dollar fall around April 6, 2025. And although there will still be a temporary alternative for the dollar, and it can still be saved for some time, And be that as it may, the strengthening of the dollar by the beginning of May is also likely. Nevertheless, the complete transformation of the global positioning of the dollar as a leading currency after the end of March (2025) will begin to change its status. Yes, there will still be a contradictory picture for the dollar by May 20 (2025), when a rather powerful impetus for the strengthening of the dollar may be given.

But the change in the geopolitical picture will begin to categorically shift the financial, economic and general political alignment. I wish everyone peace, balance, and, probably, to look from that very mountain, from the high mountain, which I write about at the very beginning, and it will allow you to perceive the ongoing processes more calmly, without getting nervous, but understanding that everything is going its own way, the right way. I wish everyone once again peace, balance, Faith in yourself and in the future, which very much depends on your faith in yourself.


Main topics:

  • Hidden motives of a unique time
  • Nature, space, man and geopolitics of the current time
  • Tectonic historical shifts in March 2025
  • Prospects for the European Union, Ursula Von Der Leyn
  • The fate of the Euro and the Dollar
  • Emanuel Macron
  • Donald Trump, J.D. Vance. Dynamics of  regulation of negotiation processes with Vladimir Putin’s participation.
  • The emerging scenario for Iran
  • Germany
  • Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia.

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