Dear friends, due to the fact that circumstances make many people worry and feel a certain degree of uncertainty about the events that are happening, misunderstanding, because every day everything changes. I offer you to read my working text, which is not finalized, not edited, but it seemed important to me that you could read some guides in my forecast. It was written in advance, a month ago, but I did not have time to post it, because I intended to bring it to more specificity and to make a more distant horizon of the forecast, which I hope to do very soon. But for now I am posting the sketch of the forecast that I have, taking into account the unstable situation. Maybe it will be interesting and to some extent will help to get oriented.


To write in conditions of strong informational and human pressure, to get information from space at this time, is like a violinist playing in the cold, when fingers stop moving.
But I’ll try…

I don’t think the situation with Ukraine will be resolved quickly. Yes, there are prerequisites that by 03.03 the situation will get maximum intensity and anxiety will become total. But after that everything will slowly go down. But it is unlikely to be the final. Nevertheless, Russia will suspend its actions; I mean that the activity of the previous scenario will be reduced for many reasons. One important reason could be some kind of situation related to children. In addition, the President of Russia will be influenced, and not in a way that is safe for him. The beginning of March will be very difficult for Russia, as I have already written. There will be a powerful reassessment of many issues, especially in leadership and the economy. Many economic issues will be under severe pressure and will force the country to structure itself in these matters. 05.03 The President may be in danger. But the policy of independent decisions will continue. But I do not exclude an attempt of displacement and serious turbulence not only on 05.03, but also on 09.03. But the more active will be the attempt to fight against him, the tougher will be his decisions.

And judging by Zelensky’s state of affairs near 05.03, it will seem that the situation for Ukraine and its president has somewhat defused.

On 10-14.03 military activities on the part of Russia may not exactly resume, but be in tone and readiness. I do not exclude that decisions will be made by a military strategist… But before this happens, on 12.03 the Commander-in-Chief will make fateful decisions. They will not be reversed. But all this will most likely be behind the scenes these days.

This whole plot will come to the forefront closer to 16.03. Although the preparation will be already on 14.03. At the same time Russia will be planning the restoration of Ukraine in every sense of the word.

These days, especially on 16.03, Zelensky will be confused. This is a new temporary point of tension. All indications are that by 17.03 Ukraine itself will take serious military action or steps. 19.03 is a key time in many ways. By this time negotiations will be held or proposals will be made by Russia. Especially by 19.03 Russia can take extraordinary measures. It is not like military action. This is one of the important time points in which the transformation of Ukraine-Russia relations will take place. But this is the first stage of decisions, while the situation will not be finally resolved yet.

By 15.03 the question of the legal status of Donbass will be on the table and this issue should be resolved positively. This is the acquisition of status and independence. Judging by the planetary influence, this should be a recognized fact. And it looks very much like by 19.03 Russia will start trying to reunite the regions, to create some kind of new regional alliances. This will be a new step not only in achieving the goal, but it could be a question of creating a new leadership due to these circumstances. Also, we may be talking not only about changing the internal algorithms of power, but also about organizing a new power structure in Donbass and those territories that may be included in the new renewed structure, gaining a new state status. We are clearly talking about several territories. They will probably be considered as some part of Russia with the status of independence.

As I have already written, these days (mid-March) will be very important and it will be very difficult for Zelensky to navigate his future behavioral strategy at this time. He has external political commitments and this will create disorientation.

The Russian leadership, especially in the military directorate, will also face difficult questions and choices.

Another important time point is 30.03. In the map of Russia it is like saying: don’t wake the sleeping bear, it may lose its shores. But at this time the pressure on Russia, especially in its military potential, may be critical, and many may feel that everything is slowed down on Russia’s part, and military action may be slowed down as well.

From the end of March, the negotiation process may begin, which may bring many unexpected metamorphoses in each country’s understanding. But by 10.04 it will start to take real forms. Some kind of alliance may be concluded. Which will cause the Western initiators of chaos to harden and a new plan to create a second military wave.

13.04 NATO can start a provocative action with a threat of aggression or actions aimed at intimidation. But these threats may be connected with special expansion of Russia. After all, 8-14.05 Russia not only strengthens, but also expands its territories and spheres of influence. Moreover, Russia’s financial policy changes, and not for the worse. But it becomes a clear threat for the Central Bank.

Interestingly, Ukraine will start to rebuild strangely from mid-April to mid-May. I understand and anticipate the reaction of the people of Ukraine, but I try to write as impartially as I can afford. But it’s as if something is coming to Ukraine. There will be a profound change of consciousness in Ukraine. It’s like the beginning of a revision of internal ideological attitudes. This is a very difficult, deep process, which will not be immediately understood and realized. Especially by about 13.05, there may be very serious natural circumstances, similar to disasters. It is very possible that it will be related to water.

We judge what is happening based on the information we have. Naturally, economists, entrepreneurs are focused on their source of knowledge. They can be understood. But they think in the mode of those segments that are prioritized for them and formulas that are familiar to them. Anything that goes beyond their source of information and reference points, of course, causes tension, rejection and misunderstanding, and thus is seen as a kind of chaos beyond their logic. But if we imagine a broader picture, both informational and temporal, then all economic information becomes just a part of a more global information and general picture. And then we begin to realize that the economy becomes an instrument of coercion to a different life, which is expected of us, and the former paradigm of development is no longer agreed to. After all, the former economic model is already critical to the life of the Earth itself, and the full scale of selfishness comes to the surface, revealing the essence of everyone. And, naturally, we are now divided not so much by public opinion as by the breadth of our souls and understanding. Although these words are irritating to most of those who position themselves as economists. Moreover, such verbal familiarity, aggressive rhetoric, and the search for the guilty cause even more destruction, while the very idea of preserving the former economy and requiem for it is already an attempt to return to the former social model and economy, but only by tweaking it a bit.

The information environment is being destroyed, and this is the building material for the general concept of the world.

But the lack of general interdisciplinarity, i.e. understanding the synthesis and interaction of all spheres of life, is a hindrance. Where economics ends and biology begins, where science begins and commerce ends. All these areas exist separately, without logical junctions, and therefore without a comprehensive understanding and the ability to find true solutions, without interfering with any of the areas of life, but only helping each. This is what unity is all about. And the model in which we existed was killing nature, ethics, morality, human physics; and this can only be understood in the mode of integrated understanding. So the impasse that we have reached only shows that this model is not possible any further; eventuality is the voice of God or of the Supreme Cosmos, as one will prefer. And this eventuality, which we see only as a decision of some group of people, has a direct relation to our choice and individual autonomy. And, of course, we shouldn’t think that we are smarter than the cosmos. And if we do not want to hear and understand its signals, it means that we are hindering it, we are going to self-destruction.

It will be difficult now for everyone, in particular, the EU will feel huge difficulties already in the second half of April; May, June, July will only emphasize it. The financial and economic crisis will become apparent in mid-May. A special state of affairs is related to America. I have already mentioned that since 2023 there will be the beginning of a powerful reset on earth, of the whole system: social, political, economic, philosophical. And, since the America we know today was born in 1776, it is time to reset this factor with all the factors of dominance, financial policy, energy, which has become the conditional blood of all nations. And now comes the change of this “blood”, on which all political and human relations were built, on the footsteps of the philosophy of which the consumer or consumer society was built. This term alone describes the human unit that has turned from the rank of creator to consumer.

And all the events that are happening now are only the beginning, a part of those grandiose changes, not local, but civilizational. And all countries, all systems, all must reach absurdity, the point of no return. The attempt to return this point will only aggravate the overall situation on earth, will force the earth to include more radical factors of destruction, such as natural cataclysms.

And the next Solar and Lunar eclipses will only thicken this level of tension to make it even more clear that the former system has outlived its usefulness. This will manifest itself differently in different places on the planet.

As for Ukraine, the difficulties in that country will continue until mid-December 2022. Sharp phases will come on 01.07, 19.10.22. And perhaps 08.11.22 will be a key time for Ukraine. It is explosive in every sense of the word. Much will be revealed by this time regarding the military background of this country.

And even in February 2023 Ukraine will be in a difficult economic situation. It will be a phase of great difficulties and a fundamental restructuring of the government. The old one will fall. But also in Russia the power will not remain the same. This process will not be fast and will be delayed until spring 2023.

But if to speak about the nearest time for Russia, it is possible to note area 08.05 when the first step which can be called a victory will be made, though it will be not final history, but rather only the first part when some questions of economic and financial plan will be creative character. This will be a transition to other relations with the west, but now the ball will be on Russia’s side. I am now reasoning in the style of those local issues that seem to many to be the most important and global. But in the historical scenario that has been outlined, these are only episodes, but with the first signs of positivity for Russia.

But a special time of peak tension could be around 16.05. This time will bring up a special wave of Sun Sadr – this could cause natural disasters, a wave of emigration and reveal much that was previously unknown. This could be a new challenge for Russia. But it will also be a new turn for Ukraine. America will be very cunning, playing on two fronts at once, sometimes giving the impression of a wise referee. For the Russian President, this will be a time when there may be an attempt to trap him. The scenario will be built in such a way that he will appear in the blackest color. And here the circumstances in which Russia will be put will be such that it will be difficult to come out clean from this game and they will push Russia to the most negative actions. NATO will behave very provocatively at this time. I do not exclude that at this time it may seem that nuclear war is on the threshold. But it will not happen. Against the high tide of human emotion at this time, a lot of things will be incomprehensible and frightening. But now Russia will begin to position itself very differently, however difficult that may be. And as it is, May will see several steps towards strengthening Russia.

And the plan of the Western elites will not end here, but will develop with new force and with a new scenario. Along with this, the Central Bank’s policy will begin to change.