Is it possible to influence your Destiny? Karma is the positive or negative aspects of personality transformation? How do internal limitations affect the spiritual and material world of a person? Dialogue between astrologer Svetlana Dragan and Valery Sinelnikov (general practitioner, homeopath, psychotherapist, writer , the author of several discoveries in the field of medical psychology). Karma, Fate, predetermination of fate, personality transformation, purpose, integrity of mind and body, motivation, achieving goals, freedom, astrology and the location of planets in a person’s astrological chart - topics discussed by Svetlana Dragan and Valery Sinelnikov.

About astrology, karma

Interviewer: I have long had the intention of meeting you and communicating, because I was once a little interested in astrology. Lately I have realized very clearly for myself, I realized that there is a concept of fate or like karma, the fate of a person. That is, a person is born, the Soul comes into this world at a certain time, in a certain place, in a certain family, in a certain clan. And at the same moment there is a certain arrangement of planets. This just means that a person’s fate is indeed predetermined.

It was important for me, as a specialist, to ask these questions, to communicate, to what extent it is predetermined. In general, is it possible to change something in fate? Maybe it can, because I have witnessed people’s hand lines change. By the way, I myself… I noticed that I was once a little interested in palmistry, that I even had new lines.

Svetlana: Well, of course, this is a separate topic. In general, a person is himself, his appearance, arms, legs, everything, this is also an astrological chart. There was a single knowledge that completely contained all these moments. But now it has somehow fragmented and seems like something so private. Not really. Regarding your comment about a person coming here, karma and predestination, we will agree that I will explain a little how this works.

There is a general movement of the planets for everyone, that is, it predetermines some geopolitical events, natural, global, basic trends for all of humanity. And a person comes, built into this system in a unique way. That individual position of the planets, and not only the planets there, but their relationships, that is, angular distances, is a reason to think about how predetermined his life is or whether it has a backlash. And the topic of backlash is a very individual story. There are people who come here not exactly without karma. Karma is a somewhat different concept for me, at least. But everyone’s ability to choose, their ability to maneuver is very, very varied. There are angular distances that are considered karmic. We call this the karmic aspect.

That is, his fate brought him here already under some limitation in some area. It could be money, it could be personal relationships, something else. This format of life, he feels this tightness in this. And he thinks that this is very bad, it’s unfair for him, that all opportunities have been cut off. And fate is such a wise girl, she thinks, Lord, I did all sorts of different things in that life, let’s limit it a little here so that it doesn’t go wrong with money, with relationships, with something else. Yes, there are such subtleties. There are discrete aspects, and there are permanent ones. That is, constantly acting, you cannot move in this direction at all, and in some ways you are limited, develop in this, think.

As soon as you leave this game and are completely immersed in it, you begin to have a wider view and more opportunities. There are other aspects, the so-called decile ones, which generally allow one to be almost unpunished, if we take the word “use” at all. Because, in my opinion, karma is a balance that has been disrupted somewhere, and it just needs to be restored. And we perceive this as a tragedy, as some kind of burden that we need.

About Saturn

Interviewer: Yes, a person usually perceives this more as a negative aspect of some kind of karma. But karma is, in fact, like consequences. There are some positive ones, some negative ones, and even negative ones. These are actually, as I say, these are lessons, life lessons. That is, life lessons that a person must learn. Here. I’m now in the Saturn period, a period of such testing, yes, but I call it… Some people there immediately fall into a state of panic, like this, the Saturn period. That’s it, I think, well, this is great, this is actually a period of transformation, personal transformation.

Svetlana: I think that this is a bit of a transformation, if we talk about Saturnian power. Unfortunately, I’m sorry that I don’t even know your date of birth; I should have prepared for this differently. But Saturn is structuring, it is removing the unnecessary. And we there perceive it as if it were deprivation. But then we come out of it transformational. We understand that this was superfluous, that was superfluous, and we, in a pure, natural state of quintessence, move where we need to go. Well, by the way, the planet of such a professional direction includes understanding of vectors. That is, someone actually exists when this tinsel is removed, and only the essence that exists remains.

Well, in general, I want to say, I love Saturn. These are the ones who work, he loves hard workers. Here you are, working, methodically moving towards something. He says, listen, well, this person is normal, he perceives my energy. Well, let’s not torment him there. That’s when a person makes a conscious choice that now he must, well, live a little ascetically, and there is no need for Saturn to scream in his ear, deprive him, beat him, and so on. This awareness, understanding of the period and state you are in now, trust, yes, trust in that scenario…

Interviewer: I even have a theory about this, but it’s a little humorous. It was Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov, our, I call him, Russian yogi, who recommended that people practice the so-called patience, that is, abstaining from food on Saturdays. And Saturday is like the planet Saturn. There is such one of the versions. I think so, it’s just right when a person performs some kind of asceticism, abstains, for example, from food, that is, goes into patience. And Saturn looks at him like that, thinks, why touch him, he’s already a smart guy or girl, he’s working on himself, I’ll rest. That is, when in fact a person works on himself, then the positive aspect of this or that planet, in particular Saturn, begins to manifest itself, namely the positive aspect. Every planet has it, not just the negative one. In my understanding there is no negative aspect. Its location can give nuances. But again, for what? For our transformation, that is, for our work on ourselves, or the people, or humanity, for certain changes.

Svetlana: Well, imagine, the astrologer has this road map, it’s open. The main thing is to understand the general trend, then you see the meaning of everything, and you see the goals, where it leads you and why. But there are particulars, but people who seem to be unfamiliar with these issues, for them everything is some kind of endless sensusoid. But if we understand that, let’s say, the same Saturn makes an appeal somewhere around the age of 30, 29.5-30, and for at least a year at this time a person is in a state of difficult choice, refusal of something… That. They say this is your profession, you chose it at 17 and went. And at 29.5 you suddenly realized that you were going in the wrong direction.

And now allow yourself, without making such unambiguous choices, to somehow act in accordance with at least, if there is no this road map, yes, there is some kind of internal state. You probably also encountered and in general we all encounter some circumstances, pleasant, unpleasant, when some people are involved in them, yes, and we think, this person came, he is bad, but this one is good, here they are … And this is a combination, right? which has such a special script, and they show it to you, and you point your finger at people. You understand why this format came here. As soon as you exclude yourself from the state of this banal evaluation, you begin, at least, to synchronize with these energies, and they do not affect you as much.

Interviewer: That is, they just help you reach your goal, your true path, give you the strength and energy necessary to move.

About the script and responsibility

Svetlana: Well, yes, yes. I think this is probably a question of faith. Here’s to trusting this script that exists. Because the one who created it is much smarter and wiser, and taller to see the full picture. Often people think that everything is different.

Interviewer: Because a person, he perceives everything anyway through his perception, he does not look at it three-dimensionally, holistically, he looks limitedly, again, through the prism of your ego, and, as a rule, a false ego, and, accordingly, not a true, but a false ego.

And, accordingly, it’s like… there is such a duality. good or bad, and he believes that if something happens to him, some event, and a bad event, he is not used to taking responsibility, and he takes the position of a victim, an unfortunate victim of circumstances. Well, he begins to blame everyone around, yes, there is a bad one, who is there, microbes, viruses influenced. the location of the planets is not the same, who the aliens are, the government and the president, neighbors, husband-wife, and so on.

Svetlana: This is probably the most important thing, responsibility for your life, responsibility for all your actions, thoughts and understanding that This creative process that is happening now is so creative. If earlier people held for society, for some systems that supposedly took responsibility, in particular, the medical sphere, and it seemed like he didn’t need to do anything, but he went there and that’s it, and gave up. Yes, because of you everything has already been decided. And you already stopped working before, right? And now, more than ever, this is your inner choice, your path, your path. And it all depends on how much you are able to understand that everything is a reflection of your steps and thoughts. And, again, accept it. Yes, sleep peacefully, don’t look for someone to blame. Accept with gratitude and move forward.

About eclipses, tasks, body

Svetlana: We started the conversation with karma, let’s say, with the fact that there is a backlash, there is no backlash. There are such special moments at birth. For example, a person was born in some kind of eclipse, solar, lunar.

Yes, even on the New Moon, if it is the 29th lunar day, then there are tasks that cannot be avoided. And that’s not always a bad thing. It could be a mission, or it could be deprivation. And deprivation is also a mission, right? That is, the only question is, perhaps, to evaluate what is happening to you differently. And this assessment, yes, as if everything is happening correctly, and in this you behave like a handsome hero, this is already good. Therefore, when you have some other guidance for action using information from the body, planets, whatever.

We were talking now, sitting on our hands. We understand when we look at the fingers, at the nails, we see: if there is a long, say, hole in the nail, a person is very patient, he will listen, he will move calmly.

If he has a very short one, even one that stretches horizontally across the nail hole, then this is a very high degree of impulsiveness.

And we see these human settings. Yes, these are settings, yes. And when he lives in these settings, when he begins to understand, and his hands often change, right? If a person begins to cling to some parts, his joints there may begin to express themselves more than usual. That is, we have everything…

Interviewer: Well, in fact, the body is like an instrument that is initially configured in a certain way. But then we can again influence through our thoughts and behavior. It’s like, let’s say, a person got sick, and that’s it, the doctors gave him up, for example. That’s how it happened. By the way, I gave a seminar in Moscow, and the doctors simply opened it up, looked, sewed it up, and said, Live, don’t think about anything.

Well, actually, they gave me a month of time. The woman was just at the seminar; we worked through the methodology, reprogrammed the subconscious, and found out the causes of the disease. There the whole hall was connected, the whole hall was working. And six months later, when I came back to the seminar, she came and asked, do you remember me? I say, of course, I remember. How can I not remember this? She says that’s it, my diagnosis has been removed. That is, it seemed like it was in her destiny, or she just had to go through this test.

Svetlana: Yes, I saw it. But sometimes, let’s say, a person doesn’t see, I’ve had different ones… We talked about Saturn. There are karmic nodes in astrology, you know them, Ketu, Rahu. And when they become the so-called standard square, that is, Saturn becomes the center of the triangle. he seems to be hinting.

Now it is a very important choice, where we are going here or here. And then that very factor of karma, one way or another, it inclines. And I had different cases in this regard. And there was, for example, a moment when a girl came to me, and I see that Saturn very often points to the father in a person’s chart.

I say, listen, you have something with your father, you need to see him very urgently, otherwise this could be the final point, it will be impossible, an irreversible process. She says he didn’t give a fight. I’m so offended by him, he acted so ugly. This is straight, I say, you have, well, three days. But she didn’t pay attention to it. When she came back alive, he was no longer there. And these moments, they sometimes often develop like this, and the planet directly tells you, ask yourself this question or that one.

And so, yes, here sometimes we can decide, sometimes there are provocative moments, but sometimes we see that someone comes, like Jupiter, for example, and offers his help, and he has a chance to take advantage of it. And if we understand that this chance exists, and we take advantage of it, great, we can do it. But here’s the question of ignorance, it’s just…

Interviewer: Well, it’s even written in the yoga sutras that this is one of the main reasons for people’s suffering. The first is ignorance, and the second is selfishness. Two main reasons.

In fact, when a person faces some problems in life, He either, as they say, folds his wings and gives up, or, on the contrary, he enters a new stage of his formation and development. And again, I think that the same forces, for example, the planet and other forces, they actually give a person this opportunity. That is, please, as a choice, that is, choose. where to move.

About medicine, astrology, the Earth grid

Svetlana: Yes, there are a lot of interesting things here. I would like to dwell on two points, but there is such an ancient method. Many people position themselves as medical astrologers, but Alicena acted there in a certain way. For example, a map of the onset of the disease is constructed, which shows the cause of the disease, its course, how to treat it, how the person will behave when he recovers. In principle, these are all the techniques, especially, of course, homeopathy has a direct bearing on this. But not only. If we understand the meaning there, then we understand where to move and how much time we have for this. Well, in general, the success of the business depended on understanding how… Naturally, if the disease, for example, appeared during a solar eclipse. This sign is quite fatal, but, again, perhaps it is fatal in the sense that rebirth will radically restructure his life.

In general, I am for optimism in this matter and for understanding that we are changing now more than ever; there are many terms here, worn out and not worn out. Well, that same one there, the Earth’s grid, matrix, whatever. That is, it becomes plastic. That is, the factor that previously made it possible to hold on to something, like a social rigid frame, and people hold on – they will save him there, then there will be money, he will have a pension, something else will happen. Yes, he will be treated at some nearby clinic. Now here these categories are collapsing, and there is nothing to hold on to except yourself.

And this factor of selfishness, when you constantly dump it on someone, someone must decide. And the factor of reluctance to know anything about how this is done. Reluctance to, well, even ask yourself. Everyone wants to ask someone something, right? They don’t want to ask their body.

How can I say this, intelligent astrology, it develops a little differently. This man did not come from the bay of floundering, how should I live? You open the picture and see the whole thing there. From his physical state, moral, what is hidden from events, there are several plans, and his settings change often, and he is already in different settings, maybe tomorrow he will live. And there are a number of events offered there. Some are strongly suggested, some are so, here. And this is such an ambiguous landscape.

You still have to find a common language with him so that he understands. Usually, when I meet people, I tell him what happened a while ago so that he understands that I see it. And now he came to me in a process like this. And then this situation develops for him. And why does it fold? Well, that’s not the point. But the fact is that in fact we are now coming to a state of a new biological essence, a new relationship with the time of space.

The physics of matter changes, its relationship with time. But if you like, literally from February 2026, even, if you like, there is such a date as 02/20/2026, a new grid appears, and a new idea of ​​the One (God, if we speak in this terminology). This is a renewal of the entire natural environment, the entire context in which we lived

For some, this may be due to the inability to fit into the settings, the inability to show independence. In any case, this is such a testing period.

And, by the way, this period is from September 2024 to the end of March 2025. There will be such a calibration, so it fits in, doesn’t fit in, how space fits into it, how the body reacts. And we keep thinking about viruses there, now a virus will come, and that’s all, everything is already included in the program of action. And the question of attitude to all this. When you come to some program, they ask you if there will be a new virus, what a horror, right? And the question of enabling new settings, or you have a certain relationship with this, and now it is the attitude towards this that is healing.

Interviewer: Well, as I call it, responsibility. That is, when a person is ready to take responsibility for himself, for his thoughts, words, actions, for his life in general, even not only for his life, but for the life of the entire planet, and in fact this is possible when a person takes on responsibility, then he really begins to experience such changes, and quite serious changes in his life. Only from this period. Because if you are in the position of a victim, in the position of a victim you cannot change anything. That is, in fact, you are influenced by all and sundry.

And when you take a position, you enter into the position of, as I call, the master of your life, that is, you take responsibility and do not blame anyone, but look inside yourself and simply begin to analyze where you turn on your intuition, to understand how you created this event , a situation, an illness, such a relationship, what lessons you are taking, why you need it, it is important why you need it. And then the person already, the next stage, he reaches his destiny, that is, he begins to understand that in fact you are here in this world for a reason. Like, I say, any object, this chair, was created by someone and for something. Accordingly, every person, he has a Creator, has a certain purpose, that is, he is destined for something.

When a person begins to realize this and, as you said, he fits into this structure of all these energies, including cosmic, divine, absolutely everyone, life actually becomes easier and more interesting for him. He begins to walk precisely in accordance with his nature through life, with the nature with which he came. He begins to realize himself, understand himself, what is happening to him around him, and his life really changes. He begins to live a more conscious life, and life becomes more interesting.

About motivation, body, consciousness

Svetlana: Well, in general, the motive of life is like an impulse, like energy. If there is no motive, then what will it be? This is a greenhouse, this is energy. It can’t exist. If there is a motive, only everyone thinks that the motive is something so high, so it should become the south, or should become… That is, this…

Interviewer: Well, this is an image. The image to which you… The image of goals, one might say. Then motivation arises.

Svetlana: The desire to move, the desire to know.

Interviewer: Yes, but you still need to determine for yourself where you are going. I give this example. The body contains trillions of different cells. But every cell is in its place. That is, liver cells on their own, heart cells on their own, brain cells. And everyone performs their function. But all cells have one common goal. This is the life and prosperity of the whole organism. Because if they do not perform their function, the body will die. And then they will die along with this organism. There is no other way. And it turns out that the faster a person realizes what he must do for this single organism through his thoughts, words, activities, actions, the faster a state of harmony will come to him, internal harmony with himself and with the world around him.

And as long as a person wants to live for himself, I don’t give a damn about the family, the clan, the people, in general, about all of humanity, what is our understanding of freedom. I do what I want. I want halva, I want gingerbread. I do what I want. In fact, freedom comes from the inner state of a person. You are free, you have freedom of choice, but if you do not fit into the flow of time, these energies and those necessary transformations that need to go through now, at this moment in time, then, as they correctly said, the most favorable conditions for you will be for the next incarnation.

Svetlana: You know, I always have this strange question. It seems that I am a person, I have a body. We don’t know this body, as if it’s not us.

Interviewer: Well, yes, it wanted to, it got sick.

Svetlana: Yes, it somehow lives in its own life, and we study it as if it were not us. Strange, right? It’s as if these are two completely different characters of the body and something that reflects on this body. And it always looks so funny, that is, we don’t have any unity with the body. Is there some kind of key to all this in your mind?

Interviewer: Yes. And just, well, I wrote the first book, “Love Your Illness,” the message there is such that a person becomes whole. Because I always say, well, a person got sick, yes, so he says, I lost my health. You might think that he was walking, reached into his pocket for a handkerchief and dropped his health. I mean, well, this is absurd. That is, the person got sick. I ask, did you want to get sick? No. I say, well, it’s like your body lives its own life? Well, yes. Are you yours? Well, yes, that’s how it works. I say, let’s come to the point where we come to integrity.

That is, we begin to unite consciousness and body into a single whole, because for now the body is separate, but our consciousness is separate. And the subconscious also lives its own life there. And you are also included in this world process, about which you have no idea at all. Well, you explain there how it is from the planetary perspective of all these stories. And so it turns out that a person, he really lives in this state of ignorance, misunderstanding and separation. That is, the body is on its own, and some part of me is on its own. And some part of me is on its own. And just the disease… Why is this a good thing? I called the book “Love your illness,” because illness is, in fact, a benefit for a person. And the disease helps… Because the pain, it says, that’s it, it’s no longer possible, that’s it. That is, a person lives, if there is no pain, well, I do what I want. And pain, she pays attention.

That is, look, you’re doing something wrong, wrong in your life, because it’s obvious. A man cuts his finger, say, with a knife. What does this mean? About how you interact incorrectly with sharp objects. If you get burned, it means you are interacting with fire incorrectly. That is, the fire is not bad, and the knife there is not bad.

Svetlana: Well, in our understanding, let’s say there is some kind of uranium that has entered into a square with Mars, and there is such a danger. Well, as a rule, I tell my wards there, be careful, here there will be something like this, that is, there will be a breakdown in electricity, equipment, something else. When it comes, this information enters consciousness, it does not frighten. She becomes aware of this energy, and the energy ceases to be sharp, it melts.

And this understanding, by the way, both awareness and knowledge, it absolutely melts these sharp corners.

Interviewer: When you direct your consciousness even to a diseased area of ​​the body, to some organ, Consciousness, this is our individual consciousness, this is part absolute consciousness, divine, whatever you want to call it, being, loving energy of life, but this is part of it. And it turns out that when you direct this consciousness there, processes begin to take place there in accordance with universal divine processes. And it is very important to connect consciousness and body, as the term “energize the body”, or just do so that every cell becomes conscious. It’s actually possible. And for this you just need to observe. That is, there is the concept of meditation, contemplation. You simply pay attention within yourself and begin to contemplate the processes that are happening in you.

And that’s right, under the influence of this attention of yours, your consciousness, it is not yours, but in fact the divine consciousness, these smoothing of some corners or the process of this internal transformation occurs, that is, the melting of the inner in the crucible of the spiritual heart. remelting and smelting, that is, from ore it turns out, let’s say, metal is born, that is, a certain essence, quintessence comes out. A person simply becomes different, fundamentally different. That is, he generally becomes a different being of a different order, like this.

Svetlana: Well, yes, when this is done many times, this is already, yes, this is already a qualitatively different breakthrough, yes, internal.

But it’s interesting that when astrologers ask there, but this will happen, will I fall here or will I lose money there, yes, relatively speaking, and you see this geometry, and it says, and now you are talking about that something is happening to the body, but in fact, the events that happen are eventful, there is, well, some kind of quarrel, conflict, or vice versa, some kind of success. This is a reflection of the energies that we have. They may be there, let’s say you didn’t miss them correctly, they say, okay, now we’ll also fly into the body.

And this is the landmark of this eventfulness, the perception of it not as some bad uncle or aunt, but as some kind of unbalanced configuration that has developed, which requires, firstly, internal awareness first, maybe ask yourself then. Now, and then this already provides at least some kind of guarantee that this negative, destructive energy will not go into the body. That is, these landmarks are always visible. Sometimes when you look, you think it’s windy today. You see, yeah, Mercury is there today, probably with Mars. And you already understand that since Mercury and Mars are starting some kind of game there, it means that the dynamics, for example, in external life are maximum. This means that it can be used either for the economy or for the body.

That is, these signals, we do not recognize them as a certain principle, but we approach it very well, well, just somehow utilitarian, somehow primitive. And this is there, this is separate, but this is all a single flow of some kind of configuration that is approaching. And I understand that to study astrology, you have to spend your life on it. This is how it is impossible.

But nevertheless, to understand some things, the desire for knowledge, now at first there will be such, such a familiar relationship with knowledge, this is literally from this summer, the end of May, the beginning of June. The struggle for information leadership, in general the desire to take on the role of such a guide that does not allow others to do something like that in this information environment. I think this will be a struggle. But the question is that first there will be an abolition of values, even religious ones in the generally accepted sense. And the abolition of values ​​will affect many things and will devalue, perhaps, necessary things, and, naturally, religious ones first of all. Well, when August begins, somewhere closer to August 20, energy pressure begins again, when “oh, wait, you don’t understand what’s happening?”

But now, get this, this is a struggle for a source of knowledge that has not yet been formed. when, for example, some educational programs are included, a search for something else, they are ready environment for the formation of such really deep content of knowledge, because we all the time think that now we have our children there, the right exam has been arranged or wrong, but we don’t think about what we give them, what are we even capable of giving, right?

But only by 2026 (end of 2025) amazing, fantastic things are happening in terms of sources of information, a different attitude towards this information environment and truly breakthrough ideas about how you can obtain this information, knowledge, and so on and so forth.

That is, we are now, of course, moving blindly, but, in my opinion, it is very important to evaluate the overall scenario, stop scolding it, and take care of yourself. Because what is happening and seems to us destructive and so terrible, destructive, well, this is the destruction of the old system. How could it be different?

Interviewer: Well, yes, you need to shift the emphasis, yes, again, inside yourself, pay attention. Well, I call it like what happens in the outside world, it’s like clues from the Universe, yes. That is, the Universe gives you some hints, such guidelines, and you don’t rely on them, but you take them into account, and thanks to them you can correct the flow of your energies through working with your thoughts, with your consciousness, again through meditation, contemplation, prayer . You can change your inner state.

As an example, with the wind. Wind, Mercury, with Mars. Great, that means it’s really… So today is a day with energy. Yes, that’s a hint. Go ahead, work, turn it on. And in fact, for this you do not need to spend your whole life on astrology, for this a person just needs to be attentive to the clues that are in the outside world on the one hand, and on the other hand, be attentive to the processes that are happening inside you. Truly connecting mind and body. Because what is the body? This is a tool. This, as I say, is the temple of the Soul. I have a theory that there are actually three temples. This is our body, where the heart is an altar, where we bring either anger, or envy, or love, or mercy. The second is the house in which we live. This is also a temple, and in fact the house should become a temple, and there is an altar in the house. And third is nature. Nature is also a temple. They say nature is the temple of God. This is also a temple.

The fact that people build certain structures in different traditions and call it a temple is, of course, good at a certain stage. But you said that some religious values ​​will change. I believe that this is exactly what will happen in people’s rethinking that when people learn to take responsibility and realize that what is happening inside them is connected to what is happening in the outside world. And what happens in the external world is, of course, connected according to the law of reflection, a kind of resonance, connected with what is in your soul. what is happening there. And accordingly, I even concluded from this, well, this is not just my theory, but that in fact we can, through certain internal processes, influence what is happening in the world around us.

And, by the way, since 2012 I have been conducting such a collective meditative practice on Sundays at 8 am Moscow time, in which we build a certain image of a new reality, I called it that, a space of love, harmony and beauty. And this process is important for the practitioner himself, because he builds his settings in a certain way, but this also begins to influence the world around him.

About meditation

Svetlana: I have a controversial topic here on this score, to be honest. What is happening in the world now? This, I don’t want to say the word “human quality,” but here he is as such a single value, he has not yet been able to find or recognize himself, everything is still in such a precarious state for him, not always nice, but he is already taking part in this, you understand, right?

And this work on oneself, it seems to me, is the priority that should be. The responsibility to enter into the company of people meditating for the common good. Well, let’s say my good is one thing, the good of someone else is another. This is the ability to create your own orbit in your energies, at the current moment, which become available for this. Here we are in these orbits. This orbit, it expands as this internal fire arises, some quality of a magnet, whatever. And this orbit, for example, if it suits another, he gets there. This is in tune with him. And this is the natural growth of these orbits, turning into such a universe, a community, so natural. Sometimes, as I see it, such a substitution happens. Now we’ll all meditate, yes, and everything, like, will happen, everything will be fine.

Interviewer: No, no, there is a mandatory condition that everyone undergoes this internal transformation within a week.

Svetlana: Who anyway? How is this the measure, this accomplishment of this transformation?

Interviewer: Well, for example, the simplest example. Let’s say a person refuses, for example, foul language, or he performs some kind of asceticism, even if he just abstains from food for a day, for example, and devotes this energy to the good of all people on Earth, or he, say, gives up some bad habit. or harmonizes relationships in the family, or works on his character, that is, he cultivates some quality of character, gets rid of, say, some negative emotion or feeling.

That is, he performs some specific actions that he dedicates, which is very important, he dedicates specifically to God, the Universe, the highest good of all people on Earth, and so on. That is, then what he does sincerely, unselfishly – this will be the contribution that will help him, even if it is not balanced, will help him just come to some sense of internal balance, some kind of harmony, at least there is more harmony than there was before.

On the other hand, I always say that, look, millions of people in the world perform such negative meditation every day. That is, they sit in front of the TV screens at the same time, and someone guides them there, giving certain information in portions, and not always positive information. And, accordingly, today more people are meditating on cataclysms, wars, epidemics and so on thanks to television.

Svetlana: Well, we understand this now, even there is an asteroid called Chiron. On the one hand, he is now separating these worlds, on the other hand, there is such an idea that that’s it, we are divided there. I see a planetary, at least, attempt to find some kind of common language, some kind of these worlds that cannot yet be there, they will somehow live in one another in another world, I don’t know, maybe it doesn’t fit here in the current context of our conversation but What is this planet Chiron? This is a healer. Yes, a healer who came from God and brings some kind of message, unconventionally fitting into this general reality

When we understand that there are some people who watch TV, yes, and that’s all, and, naturally, this is a struggle for their attention, for their settings, which, in principle, naturally, for the new reality, alas, are not suitable. then it’s just to take it and give it up there.

Okay, I don’t watch TV. I also taught myself today… I don’t drink anymore. This is another level of such an educational process. Well, I don’t know, I have some kind of feeling that taking responsibility en masse, influencing the future en masse, building it in love there, in some way, is a very process… Well, it makes me feel he doubts.

Interviewer: He is responsible.

Svetlana: He is responsible, yes. And you connect. When we talk with people who are included in this, we understand that something does not resonate, and it does not resonate here, but he thinks, if I rush into this group, I will also become enlightened. These are some different things. And so it seems to me that this time, it has subjectivized, or something, this work.

And there is a person who is capable of influencing much more than the whole choir that gathers.

And it seems to me that the challenges that may occur will be arranged in this way, then, on the one hand, it seems like a person must solve them on his own, independently, because he is both a participant and the creator of his processes. But on the other hand, there really is a need for partnership, unity, and finding this balance. There is a contradiction in this.

Interviewer: Well, actually, yes, I understand what you are talking about. And this contradiction is precisely eliminated through, well, let’s say, this particular meditative practice, yes, precisely through meditation.

It’s not just, say, a person says, that’s it, I’m like this now… the image has been created, and now everything in the world will be fine, everything will be wonderful. No. First of all this…

Svetlana: He connects to other spheres, so to speak.

Interviewer: First of all, this is his internal work. First of all. And this is where he begins to work on himself. And as I say, you must first change your life. your internal settings, your thoughts, emotions, feelings. And through this the general collective reality will change. Why? Because we are not shown the whole reality as it is. That is, we live in a certain model of reality. I always give this example. Here is a globe, This is a model of the Earth. And there is Earth.

The globe, of course, differs significantly from the planet itself. And, accordingly, each person lives in his own model of the world, in his own world. But our global reality consists of such individual subjective realities of everyone. And, accordingly, well, this is purely physics, when even one person begins to change his reality, his model of the world, he automatically makes changes to the general collective reality, to the generalized reality. And here, of course, there should be no pride, no sense of self-importance, that I’m so cool, I sit down on Sundays, meditate and do such good for everyone. No, first of all, you do good for yourself, and through yourself you still make changes to these general processes that are taking place.

About codes, the human spirit, about the order of the Higher powers

Svetlana: Now I’ll probably ask one such provocative topic. This is from what I see and how it is developing. Here we are working on ourselves.

Now, we’re working on the Spirit. Yes, this word “spirituality”, it is also so boring, but the point is that we are still trying to find some kind of channel with God, yes, to be in unity with him. We have such a matrix here, it was rigid, now it has softened a little, it allows us to act there, somewhere there to somehow find easier neural connections or somehow other patterns. Butthe planets, as indicated by the connections of these planets, indicate that there is a union of spirit and structure, a structure that can be controlled. Now I need to understand correctly. Kodovo. We are changing the codes now. Water and air codes change. That is, the code system changes.

And all our interactions with the body, all our interactions in general with physics also change. But these codes have specific things written down in digital form. I don’t mean socio-digitalization now, so that I am understood correctly. That is, numbers can regulate some processes, if we know, if it does not look like, say, hacking any system. We just know this device. Water will still work there, ice will work with the digital context in a very powerful way. That is, there are management forms that again ask us a question, as a challenge. We seemed to be striving to enter some other fields of consciousness, but here there are such regulators. This brought me…

Not that it led, yes, I feel this version, I call it a version, but I have the feeling that a person is, on the one hand, some kind of artificial intelligence, whose brain, so to speak, is twisted to this theme, and on the other hand on the other hand, the spirit is chained in this intellect. And he has some forms of adjustments that really work. Well, let’s say some kind of history is written for you in the matrix, it could be an event, it could be anything. But knowledge allows you to use this code system, not just, you don’t need these rude words to interfere with this matrix, but to build your own system with the help of this knowledge. Or building a system with the help of your spirit.

And here, probably, there is also some kind of synthesis, because for the first time I see such a correlation of planets, which at the same time are God, the structure of a completely renewed system of the Earth.

This, naturally, at the human level will result in an understanding of God as some other worldview plan. Yes, and a common understanding. This is a rigid structure, but the structure is responsible. That is, we perceive it as if we were chained there, and the only question is responsibility. But here is a planet that is completely subject to this spirit of God, so to speak, its influence. And this synthesis is very unique. Each of these planets creates very specific things related to microorganisms, various viruses, and so on. This is how a code system is also prescribed.

That is, on the one hand, we view the world as a completely systemic thing, which, it would seem, can be considered technocratically. On the other hand, we consider it as a system of trust in the full power of the Spirit, bypassing all this systematicity.

Interviewer: But there must be a synthesis, that is, a connection.

Svetlana: Yes, yes, yes. And that’s when people, let’s say, start to stray either in one direction or the other, but you need to understand that this system is one. And if this is created now in order to streamline the process of interaction with God, to establish a completely different energy exchange, to create a reason for… For collectivity with the full presence of individuality within this collective.

That is, this planet that I spoke about, Heron, is a synthetic integration of one thing into another. And this complexity of understanding, we now see both a process that is polar one, and a process that is polar opposite. This disorients us, it does not allow us to appreciate reality, how it works. But it’s also structured mathematically, right?

That is, there cannot be a disorderly participation of higher powers there. It’s all right. It’s just this order… It’s the highest order. Yes, or we recognized him, we accepted him, stopped being afraid and began to simply recognize him. We abolished, say, the ego for our personal, let’s say, such regulation of some things. That is, here such tasks are not easy and such a difficult understanding, which still requires us to let into ourselves both the reality and the understanding of these decisions.

Interviewer: But what I’m saying is, look, you don’t meditate to escape reality. but in order to bring the Supreme into this reality. That is, what I am saying is the connection of consciousness and body. Not what’s right.

Many people understand that spirituality means a separation from life in general, that I’m all there… Well, this is already right now… Yes, already with wings, I’ll fly now. But this is actually a type of pride. This is actually a denial of another part of God. That is, the material world is His nature.

Svetlana: This is value. Which was given to us as a tool, we recognize it, and we throw it away, it is not spiritual.

Interviewer: But we need it precisely for our ascent, for our development. And therefore it is important to precisely connect, well, I say this as a doctor, as a doctor, that the connection of consciousness with the body.

If we engage in meditation, then not in order to leave this mortal world, but in order to bring precisely the highest consciousness, the highest understanding here into matter, into this structure. Because it is, it really is, it exists, it will always be. She was, is and will be.

Svetlana: Yes, that is, she needs order. Always exit the matrix. The matrix is ​​simply a system of order that holds the material world. And you can’t deny it.

Interviewer: But bring the highest meaning to it. Definitely. This is what you need. And then this synthesis, connection will occur, and humanity will begin to progress faster, moving away from this ignorance and selfishness. And, on the other hand, processes will begin to happen up there, let’s say. They will happen, and happened, and will happen, but a person will be able to better understand this higher meaning of what is happening. He will no longer have this feeling of injustice. Let’s say, yes, that something is happening, this is unfair in my life.

Svetlana: Well, this duality, it gives birth to fairness and injustice, right? Yes. Here. And the departure of all these concepts gives rise, in general, to everyone asking themselves questions, as they say. And I think it’s very valuable what you said, bringing meaning through order. This is what it actually is. And there are a lot of factors that, firstly, change the energies around. You need to somehow interact with them.

And if a person has not allowed this understanding into himself, then it is difficult for him to interact with it. That is, the world, it has such a multi-level structure. And when we wait, yes, you promised, there will be paradise there, yes. But it’s funny, yes, for some, paradise has already begun, in general, out of happiness, yes.

Interviewer: And someone already lives in hell.

Svetlana: Yes, yes, yes. Therefore, all this is paradise, yes, and happiness, it is located inside everyone. And sometimes this is not understood, this concept is like “look within yourself”, where to look for it. And this is what it is when you accept the general plan and understand that this plan, This is what it is. Yes, and he couldn’t have it any other way. And it’s no one’s fault that this happened. And those who predetermine some challenges, but this is also a process of education, if you like, some kind of filtering, yes, and so on.

Here, this calibration, which will actually take place, practically in 2024-2025, yes, this is a very important independent process. Sometimes it is impossible to help. how not to ask yourself and go out, distance yourself from the circumstances that exist in your life as a participant in the game.

That is, once you distanced yourself and understood the balance of power, why, how they stood up, you simply turned it into an understanding of such a common landscape, right? Then you don’t have bad trees or good mountains or anything like that.

Interviewer: Well, the same goes for people. Naturally. There are no bad or good people.

Svetlana: Yes, yes, yes, everyone is in their place, and everyone does what they have to do. And if we are given matter and this understanding, well, this is generally great power.

Interviewer: This is actually an advantage in this world, the material world itself, this is its kind of advantage. And often people lose understanding of this. Well, it’s not that they lose it, they just forget about it.

Well, if it’s so simple, I explain that a person has a level of need, what is the material level of needs coming from our biological nature, animal, to eat, sleep, arrange a home, continue the family line.

There are spiritual needs, that is, the desire for love, attention, care, and to show love yourself.

And the highest needs, and I call them “spiritual needs,” are Love for God and God’s Love for me, that is, the highest meaning of life.

And in fact, if we look, now in our world, basically, even if we take all the institutions, industry, everything works mainly to satisfy, well, this is 95%, it works to satisfy the physical needs of a person. And we cannot deny them, they cannot be denied.

Svetlana: And this scheme works here, well, I’ll just give an example. When they come to me, well, there, business people, they say, I did everything, I invested money there, I prescribed such a program, my marketer worked like that, there are such phrases, so ironclad, that you meet and think , Lord, that’s it, I’m not going there, because it’s just such a temptation. Well, yes, manipulation, yes. Yes, and you ask, what is the goal? Well, I have to position myself, I have to have money to live on.

That’s it, you’ve set boundaries for yourself, you’ve blocked everything possible for yourself. And if you don’t fit into this scenario that we talked about, if it’s useless, it’s just not useful, then no one will provide for you. And the provision comes from your usefulness.

And now is a time that very much emphasizes that if you move in the context of the general plan that is really conceived, then you will be provided with some comfortable forms, yes, of life.

Interviewer: Yes, these same energies will move you.

Svetlana: Yes, yes, yes, because you are useful, you must continue to work somehow. I think that this sincerity, honesty, yes, this is the setting that does not confuse everything with a surrogate. This is something, this, by the way, is also in relationships, if, let’s say, someone, well, let him be like that there, well, he earns a little there, I’m okay, the rest is something like that.

That is, you have created a setting for yourself that dissatisfies you, if you understand that you are in contact with both spirit and body, yes, with another person. That is, it’s… you don’t deceive the environment, and it reacts to your message. To your honest message. What do you want? Do you want this? Give me this. Do you want money? Well, come on, these external tools, they no longer work the way they used to, right? And even there I feel how this environment, the social environment in which the financial component was such a guarantor, just an anchor in which the ship stands, everything is strong. And so everyone thinks that some separate parts of something, yes, show business somehow went wrong, yes, something else, but it’s just that the ice has broken, that’s it, it’s melting, they stand on nothing , All.

And this inner work is the foundation that creates the outer world, and not vice versa. Well, that is, there should also be other points of support. Yes, and this is exactly what you are talking about. This inner spirit, it builds, because everything is born first, then it becomes overgrown with events. And here we are, well, we’re not us. People still stick to some topic that clearly worked before.

Interviewer: She clings to the environment and the material guarantees that they had. And now, it turns out, even taking the same pyramid of Robert Dilts, it turns out that there is a meaning at the top of the pyramid, I am for the sake of whom and for the sake of what, that is, for the sake of what is the highest self in this world. And people cling to their surroundings. They think, well, yes, I will have happiness in my wife or my husband, in my children, there, in the car, in the apartment, there, in something else. But in reality, this cannot give you happiness.

Svetlana: This is already, yes, this is already a product of your, yes, your condition. Yes, your inner state. But it’s hard to believe in this, because it’s like the environment that existed and the paradigm of life. We’re talking about something strange here, supposedly.

Interviewer: No, why? When we were talking, I had this thought that now whoever looks at it thinks, yes, this is all intellectual, abstruse, far away. We need something simpler.

Svetlana: Well, at a minimum, just think about what, well, this is what you would like to do in this life, honestly. I looked, there was a man recently, one fell ill, there, that’s it, they’ve already given him two months. And he thought, I’m always burdening myself, this unloved wife, some kind of family that I have to preserve. You can’t eat this because it will be bad.

That is, there are a lot of restrictions that will last for two months in the form in which I want. And everything was thrown away. He left there. wives and so on. That is, you voiced, yes, your nature to the universe, and it responded to you.

That is, this is hiding behind some kind of substitution, masks, they only work against illness, apparently.

Interviewer: Well, a person, as I explain it, has an internal conflict. That’s it, the conflict is actually with oneself. Mom is like that, right? Yes Yes. Well, because it’s convenient, let’s say I satisfy some of my needs through this, but the fact that you have other, higher needs, you turn a blind eye to it. And still, internal conflict arises.

And that’s all, and a person, he remains in this conflict for some time, this inevitably leads, well, as I say, leads to suffering at different levels, well, including illness.

Svetlana: Well, I want to say that we just talked about what some will think is too much of an intellectual conversation. But in fact, we think that right now we should think about the spiritual, but here we have some kind of everyday life.

In fact, there is nothing so supernatural in spirituality, but simply, say, friendship with a person, yes, some kind of dedication. Well, it’s very simple and human. There is no cleverness there, you have to be, I don’t know, an inch in your forehead. there are simple human relationships that invite you to express yourself in something.

In fact, if you want to get something from a person, and everyone wants it, then invest in that person first. And not only that, just be a big-hearted person, you want to do something. If you do it for someone, then you do it for yourself, yes, simply because there is this need.

And this is spirituality. Sincerely. Yes, indeed, they somehow don’t answer, but that’s their problem, you shouldn’t play this with them. That is, the Universe also opens. If they didn’t extend their hand to you for this sincerity, well, okay, it means that the person has some other settings. And at least she protected you at this stage, at least you didn’t stumble. Therefore, it is generally very simple.

Here is spirituality, so that it doesn’t sound like something… Transcendent. The transcendental, yes, there somewhere with the angels, here it is in humanity, in such everyday, five-minute, every second humanity, and in principle, it’s not difficult. You just need to allow yourself to be yourself, stop being afraid that someone won’t provide for you, and bend over to someone who will provide you with something. Because everyone has everything they want. In general, this universe, it’s such an illusion, it can create for you whatever you want. And only understanding this creates opportunities.

And so you told me about a certain game that you came up with there. She turned out to be very productive in the healing sense. What is this?

About the game

Interviewer: Yes, my son Svetozar and I developed the game “Love your illness.” Such a game of meanings.

And through this game a person can come to an understanding of the meanings that the disease gives him. Moreover, the reasons, awareness of the lessons, why this disease came into his life in the first place. then reach the level of gratitude for what is happening to him, namely sincere gratitude from the Soul. Because, as I say, a person cannot get rid of the disease until he fully accepts what is happening to him, and cannot sincerely thank not only the disease and God, but also in general the person who is helping him, for example , insulted, humiliated, etc., etc. Because of that relationship, he developed an illness through resentment, hatred, and so on. And then… create new models of behavior, gain internal resources.

And we checked, well, just how miracles happen, in the sense that a person who read my book “Loving the Disease”, he says, I can’t establish contact with the subconscious, I can’t, I can’t understand. Then he takes the card and says directly from it, “Damn, I understood everything, it turns out that this is what it is.” And for a whole year I tried using my fingers, as described in the method, somehow, but here it is. Why? Because there is a principle of synchronicity, described by Jung in his time. And, accordingly, when a person goes out with a request to the Universe, to his subconscious, an unconscious request, and he pulls out the card that exactly answers this request.

And he begins to unfold the inner Universe, his internal processes that take place in him, all this unfolds clearly, and he suddenly gets such insights that yes, this is it. And then you just start working with it. All. So you have grievances? Let’s work with grievances now. What did you have there? Self-rejection? Any inferiority complexes? Low self-esteem? Well, let’s work with this. We’ll find out why, where it comes from, from childhood or something else, and that’s all. And so a person undergoes a diagnosis, on the one hand, and on the other hand, the process of comprehension and transformation of the inner begins thanks to the game.

About the new Earth

Svetlana: In fact, when you look at what happens next, you can see that all generally accepted medical methods stop working, any unification of approaches stops working, the medicines don’t work, the village is different, desynchronization begins, panic begins if someone doesn’t understand, and everyone gives in to completely different forms of healing.

Of course, not immediately, but nevertheless, this is a pharmacological authority in the usual sense of the word, probably already, especially since September, the 24th, you can see how helpless it has become. What will happen to the water, how will it generally affect the body? Naturally, the new virus will be perceived and the information environment will pick up all this extremely dynamically. There are a lot of provocative moments that create this turbulence.

If you step back like that, you understand what it’s all about. I wonder what it looks like, what changes, maybe you can tell me, I don’t know. It is clear on a planetary basis that the area associated with the spine is changing within the body. upper and connecting the head and back. And the brain. At first I thought it was my head. What’s going on with your head? Then I understand that other forms of thinking are included, or something.

This is also the admission of some completely spiritualized things, which in no way cancel this material rigidity. But since you understand this, and it is interconnected, then, again, it all works on responsibility. That’s why we’ll see so many changes that…

Interviewer: Yes, in fact, as we always say, we live in interesting times.

Svetlana: Yes, definitely. And in general, I’ll be honest, I take this interview with anyone seriously.

I understand what we will work in, in what direction. I wrote myself a big text, listed some dates and circumstances. They don’t appear right away on the tongue. But such multifunctional changes are so grandiose that when they wait for some astrologers and such forecasts, it’s not like there, well, yes, a meteorite will fall, yes, in July, in my opinion, 2026. This is also a very dangerous moment. cosmic explosive current. That is, there will be a lot of events. They are all seen as critical, because the restructuring of energy points is completely changing. And if we only track every event and think, this has passed, and this has come, and this has passed.

The integrity of the perception that this is a general transformational picture, despite the fact that we can have our own orbit of security and our own world, which we offer, we also unfold and come to each other with worlds, with our own. That is, this is our, I don’t know, abode of protection, and everything else. Therefore, it is a great power to understand, indeed, what is today’s opportunity not only to survive, yes, I don’t want to say these words, but on the contrary, to creatively fit into this new reality that will be, and there is no need to be afraid of it, it simply suggests changing the point view for those who do not understand. So, don’t just be afraid, you need to create it.

Interviewer: Yes, they are already tired, they are already frightening, everyone is already scared, yes. We must create, that is, create, approach it precisely from the position of a creator, that everything that happens actually happens for us, for our own good, for our development and improvement, because we came into this world as souls, as consciousness, they came to develop, improve, and not just enjoy some things.

Svetlana: To enjoy, didn’t you want to live in such a time, you raised your legs, raised your arms, took your legs.

Interviewer: And they took on this cross. We came and it’s great, which means we need to accept what’s happening and really change our attitude towards what’s happening, perceive it as a blessing, that this really has a higher meaning for all of us.

And what we are talking about here is that pay attention not only to what is happening outside, but also inside yourself, and make this internal transformation in order to reconfigure your energies and be ready for those global processes that happen.

Svetlana: Yes, I think the fulcrum is internal honesty, not status. The status is just such a shaky story.

Interviewer: Well, status is a mask, in fact.

Svetlana: Yes, yes. And therefore, the most important thing is to rely on the fact that you convey this honesty, at least for yourself, from what you really want. Yes. And this is already some kind of step forward.

Interviewer: Open your heart and make your inner transformation, and this will certainly lead to the good of everyone, your family, and your kind , because they will change some of your generic programs, and, accordingly, the people, the Motherland, and the whole world, but gradually, gradually through your inner work.

Svetlana: Well, yes, I think that, in fact, as for family, close people, this is all a very difficult induction, where they we immediately fit into it. I think that everyone should also correspond to each other. And here things can turn out differently. But, nevertheless, by creating this field in yourself, at least you offer some kind of life preservers, throw in rescuers.

Interviewer: Yes, yes. That is, if this person is ready, yes, with you, then you are going together. No? Well, that means.

Svetlana: Well, then, perhaps, we wish our viewers, those who watched our difficult conversation, probably faith in themselves. Not into someone, but into yourself. Because everyone was created in such a way that it was not by chance that he came and has the opportunity, the force field, the will, the understanding to build his life now. Yes. Do not give its construction to some other team.

Interviewer: Well, it’s right to believe in yourself, to realize that in reality, as I say, there is no distance between God and man . That is, to believe in your own divine essence, the highest essence, as in your absolute consciousness. And yet, strive to build your life based on higher meanings, not just from your local selfish interests, but still include precisely the highest meanings in your life.

And then the more higher meanings you include, the more you come into harmony with the processes that occur on a cosmic scale.

Svetlana: Well, it seems to me that it’s a little difficult when people live on different planes, in different relationships with this world. Higher meanings sometimes sound like something so vague, something that he cannot afford such growth, let’s say, because tomorrow he needs to wash the floors there, and then there are higher meanings. And I always say that.

Interviewer: That’s what I say. Svetlana, when you wash the floors, dedicate it to God. That is, I even tell women this practice. Women say, well, we can’t do spiritual practice, we have dishes and so on.

I say, yes, you would have said this a hundred years ago, when there were no washing machines, dishwashers and others, but now, in fact, time you have everything. Even you do household chores. Yes, with pleasure, simply. How about with pleasure? I say, imagine that God should come to you tonight. And you will meet him. This is how you will wash the dishes? Well, I will wash with love, with joy. I say, how will you cook food? Well, for God’s sake. How will you wash the floor? For God. Well, do everything every day so that you do everything for God. And then your everyday affairs, this everyday routine, will turn into spiritual practice.

This is the highest meaning. Even if you don’t understand where God is, I don’t know where He is.

There is such a concept as karma yoga, that is, when you do selflessly with dedication. And that’s it, and then it turns into spiritual practice. Simple things, completely simple things. Relationships can also be dedicated, one’s work can be dedicated. That is, go to work, get up early in the morning, go not to earn money, although, of course, they are needed, but dedicate your work to God, dedicate it to the highest good, dedicate it simply to the happiness of people. That’s all. what you do. And then you will do it with joy, with love.

Svetlana: Well, yes. The main thing is to be grateful for the opportunity to live, do something, love, meet, even be disappointed. It’s still life. This is life, of course. This is the feeling of life. Yes Yes Yes.

Sometimes when we worry like this, and then two weeks later we think, God, what nonsense that was, now it’s a completely different story. And if we had stepped back and looked at everything like that, we would probably have had a different life, a different awareness.

In general, I think that there is no need to be afraid of life or old age, there is no need to be afraid of anything. There is simply always some kind of joy that changes its shape and colors, but it is always with you.

Interviewer: Yes. On this excellent note, yes, let’s end. Great. Thank you. Thank you, Vadim. Yes, thank you, Svetlana. It was very nice to chat. Yes, your energies are very interesting. Here they are. Communicating with you, you come into contact with the planets, with the cosmos. Generally interesting, great.

Svetlana: Thank you, it’s a pleasure. Thank you.

Interviewer: Well, I think that our conversation will also be useful and interesting for someone. Yes, we were at least honest and wanted to share this honesty, our perception of it. Yes. So be healthy and happy. All the best to you. And happiness.


This article is a transcript of a video conversation between Svetlana Dragan and Valery Sinelnikov. You can watch the original video on Youtube using this link.