December 2024

(This forecast was written in preparation for the morning broadcast on TVC channel)

December – a month that cannot be trusted. Many things may appear distorted, and it would be wrong to rely on the creative potential on which you could have counted later. This is the last bastion of the outgoing past, which would like to keep you there by all means, preventing you from going forward clearly and boldly.

Everything may seem as if you have put a magnifying glass on individual stories of your life and lost sight of true proportions and landmarks. The inability to see everything whole, understand true dimensions and importance.

And you will be able to see manifestations of people who may be quite confused, as if they are sailing on a ship but have lost their compass. There will be many events, and it may seem that you are now seeing the final scene of the movie that will set everything in order by the end of the month. But this is not quite so.

At the beginning of the month, literally on December 1st (2024), there will be a new moon, setting the tone of distrust and tension. And those born near this day may face a whole annual scenario, i.e., events that will change their worldview and may create complex situations, especially related to questions of residence, or even the country in which they lived, possibly forcing them to reconsider this parameter. There may also be difficult natural conditions with which you will have to cope.

For those born between December 4th-9th, March 3rd-10th, June 3rd-10th, and September 3rd-10th, there will be difficult storylines, especially in the first half of December until mid-month, where situations may scare, tantalize with possibilities, or provoke. But it cannot be said that this will forever change their lives. This is simply much confusion and shifts in understanding true, sometimes honest principles. Many people will be involved in processes where heated arguments may only reflect incomplete understanding of the processes, adding near-sightedness in expecting changes in their lives.

And by the way, regarding those who will actually experience grand transformation, it’s those born near January 20th! This really is an unconventional moment in life. They will no longer have time for trifles in their lives; fate may change even the most basic life questions, including work, personal life, physical body.

Something similar but in another format will be experienced by those born near July 20th, April 20th, October 20th. These groups of people may experience truly grand changes, most often of dramatic nature.

December 3rd-5th, September 3rd-5th, June 3rd-5th, December 3rd-5th – these groups of people may also be in the process of cleansing from everything unnecessary, outdated. But they need to understand that what will happen around December 25th (2024) may temporarily seem like a solution in life. But this will only be a temporary solution.

And generally, December (2024) is a month when many things will impress, but will be merely a temporary state of affairs, not reflecting at all those true life transformations that will come in the following months.

In this series of events will be a time when accents may be set very loudly and seemingly significantly. This will already be closer to the end of the month. The significance of events will become higher in many of the most important areas of life. And this will happen on December 25th (2024). It is then that you will want to categorically change something in your life.

Regarding relationships, there may be many distortions, test situations, attempts to follow templates. I would say that this is not the month to rely on for relationships. It would be good to keep what you have, and new meetings should try to check their viability outside of December.

Of course, it can be thought that something doesn’t satisfy, but finding an answer in December will be difficult. Fate may indeed throw you back into the past and give you the chance to step on the same rake again, as they say. Often with such retrograde planets, you are given a chance to return to some events, people, to slightly change what seemed wrong, incorrect to you, to reconsider something. But this process may not be so productive or creative this time.

Rather, it’s a month for you to understand, see, and discard everything that doesn’t need you, what has outlived and is no longer relevant.

Retrograde Mars is inadequate Mars. This may be unjustified aggression, especially when real forces may be lost. And considering that Mars becomes retrograde in Leo, there may be many false ambitions, attempts to demonstratively show one’s strength. And such Mars won’t give results; it will rather try to provoke irritation and helplessness as a result. It’s interesting and symbolic that such Mars will remain in retrograde until February 23rd, 2025)



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