Interviewer: Good evening, everyone. You are watching the “Russia” channel at the very beginning of the now-departing 2024 year. We met with astrologer Svetlana Dragan. Back then, we talked about the year of karma, and we tried to understand what it is. Now, as 2024 comes to a close, we decided to meet again with one of the most famous geopolitical astrologers in Russia to analyze the past, but most importantly, to look into the future.

Svetlana: I’ve been in astrology since around 1997. It’s simply a way of life.

Interviewer: In almost 30 years of astrology, Svetlana Dragan has built a reputation as a geopolitical forecaster. Few know that, in her youth, Svetlana, originally from the Penza region, discovered unique abilities within herself.

Svetlana: You understand that it’s not only about how you perceive it, but you also influence it.

Interviewer: Today, leading politicians, stock traders, bankers, and travelers rely on her forecasts. And while some of her predictions are not immediately understandable, time itself provides the explanation for these forecasts.

Svetlana: We will see a sense of Russia’s strengthening. This is all a rehearsal process. The finale will come a bit later.

Interviewer: Economic forecasts, technological wonders, political conflicts, new alliances, elements, dangerous dates, and also precise predictions.

Who will experience financial success, and who will the stars promise personal happiness?

Svetlana: A person opens their hand, and there’s a schedule there. With this schedule and these characteristics, they will move forward.

Interviewer: Today, the most serious approaches to predictions for the New Year (2025). The year that will decide everything.

But I want to say that after our meeting in February (2024), you gave me a book, thank you so much, and I studied it carefully.


And I’d like to start by saying that a separate chapter is dedicated to Djuna, who would have turned 75 this year. Tell us about your meeting and how it happened.

Svetlana: Back in the day, when I was discovered to have a certain gift for healing, it was possible to do it officially only if Djuna provided a document.

So, I had to go to her. And there, we became acquainted with the whole methodology she mastered. So, I mostly saw her in the role of a teacher.

Interviewer: Can you also confirm, as someone who communicated with her, saw her, and learned from her, that she could heal with her hands and read information about a person?

Svetlana: Yes, of course. It’s not just that many people possess this quality, but not everyone knows the technical sequence, so to speak. And somehow, she had a systematic approach to this issue.

And the diseases, whether traditional or non-traditional, the order of working with them was developed. This is quite rare. Because most people do it chaotically, relying on spontaneous opportunities. But she had a system. So, everyone who came to learn there became acquainted with this system.

And when we sat in our small group, and if someone opened their hands, the energy was incredibly powerful. And everyone knew this. Some were worried, wondering what might happen. But, in reality, it was just a flow, and she controlled it and knew how to handle it. That, apparently, was a very valuable thing.

Interviewer: But your path into astrology also began through healing. And here’s what you told us before the broadcast:

Svetlana: I didn’t immediately come to astrology. I just noticed how eyes work, how a gaze works. I realized this when I was very young. I remember one time I came to the post office, and suddenly a very aggressive man entered, I don’t know if he was drunk or not, but he was waving something, almost a knife. And I thought, well, running away is pointless. I turned to him and looked directly into his pupil, sending him certain thoughts.

He relaxed and said, “Why are you standing in line? Look at that girl, good for her.” Something like that. So, it was an understanding that this contact exists, but we just don’t make it.

Well, I started to understand, feel, I could sense from plants, from the table, from people. The tips of my fingers became very sensitive. And I realized that it’s not only that I perceive it, but I also influence it.

Then I naturally began to feel where someone had pain, or how much. Honestly, at times it became unbearable. It happened a long time ago. I was traveling in a bus, and my hand was open, and I felt that the person had a heart problem… and my hand hurt, it just hurt. I began to heal people. I had different tools that allowed me to see both a person’s personality and, let’s say, use this as a form of prediction. And I started by working with numbers and with my hands. And imagine, when a person opens their hand, there’s a schedule there. And with this schedule and these characteristics, you can see how they will move forward.

And then, I lacked something, I lacked information. Astrology completely filled this gap.

So, I’ve been in astrology since 1997. It’s just a way of life.

I look at a person, and I can, for example, see something in their eyebrow, and immediately, first of all, I also studied physiognomy and so on.

I can see how planets are arranged in a person’s chart sometimes. I think, aha, that planet will come close to this place around September. In September, something will happen. But a person is not always ready to hear this if they don’t ask for it.

Everything is visible on a person. Even their eyelids, their nose. For you, a person is already an informational system. For me, this immediately fits into the context of all the knowledge I already have. And looking at your fingers, everything, it already gives me hints.

When we think, is he an Aquarius or a Leo, it doesn’t work that way. You can be a Capricorn, but your planets may be in Aquarius, and you will express yourself very Aquarius-like.

Nikolai Tsiskaridze

Interviewer: So, you can skip reading horoscopes in newspapers.

Also from the book. The book is illustrated because, like Djuna, you also draw. There are a number of portraits, and I found a portrait of Nikolai Tsiskaridze. Tell us, do you know him? Did you paint him from life?

Svetlana: Of course, I’ve known him for over 20 years, we are very close friends. Not exactly from life, but I remembered his inner world. Though, I cropped the Kremlin that was on the right, because I can’t draw the Kremlin, I only draw portraits, so I had to trim it a little.

Interviewer: I think all of Nikolai’s fans, knowing how much he cares about the fate of his beloved Bolshoi Theater, where he grew up and shone, wonder, does he have a chance?

Svetlana: What a provocative question!

Interviewer: He recently gave an interview about Nutcracker tickets and everything happening around it.

Svetlana: I think that’s all part of the journey, because he’s a global figure who not only masters the universal language of dance but is also a lawyer, a manager. But I think there’s no one more powerful than him in leadership. I believe his prospects are huge, and I really hope we’ll see this soon.

Interviewer: And the most important thing is that he’s an empathetic person, let’s say. This empathy, which is manifested in everything, knowing him, even not that closely, seems to be one of the most important qualities, considering many people today…

Svetlana: Honesty, courage, and that’s also not so easy. He’s not afraid.

Important Dates of 2025

Interviewer: Speaking about the upcoming 2025 year, are there any dates, for example, a solar eclipse in March (2025) or one of the retrograde Mercury cycles that you also write about? When everyone should be more careful, cautious, attentive?

Svetlana: I would probably give a very brief overview of the most powerful time periods. There will be many events, but there are some very important ones.

We are currently in a period of uncertainty and confusion, and many are making assumptions based on what they hear and the statements that are being declared.

But this will likely not work as expected because of the intervention of more significant cosmic forces, which manifest on Earth as cataclysms, for example, and not just cataclysms. Everything related to social order is tightly connected, forming a unified life system on Earth.

This life system on Earth began to declare a completely new position ahead of 2025. This cosmic position does not allow us to remain in the old form in every sense of the word.

March 2025

The Earth’s system, let’s say, the life system of Earth is changing. And the first test phase, which will involve a great deal of reorganization, will happen in March (2025).

March (2025) will likely make many people deeply concerned about what they are doing, how they are living, and what this worldview means. What are we doing here and why?

This is a kind of testing of people’s abilities, their quality, so to speak, testing their internal ability to answer for themselves, at least, or for someone else.


The main actor here will be Nature, or rather, Water, and not only water. Of course, we’re talking about climate changes, which is an understatement.

The Earth’s axis is shifting, and all the contours of the continents, states, will change. But the first approach towards March (2025) feels like a trial run.

It’s harsh, but only for those who are unable to integrate into this new life. However, there are tools for integration. That is, there’s a possibility to align with the new biological, physiological, and physical qualities of the Earth. This is embedded in humans.

We already see some stressful situations regarding cataclysms. But I think it will be even more serious. But not just in the natural sense.

Head Area

But a person will experience very powerful pressure in the brain area, in the thinking area. The part related to the head will be undergoing restructuring.

There will be biological, psychological, moral, and philosophical issues involved.

These diseases, which may need to be dealt with, could manifest strangely, perhaps intensely, or quickly, but they will concern those who are unable to accept the new life plan.

We now see many people experiencing extreme stress, even those who were always stable and balanced, suddenly losing themselves, losing their orientation in life, in a way that’s painful and unimaginable.

March (2025) will force many people to make a choice. What are we doing? Are we running away, trying to choose the right point to survive, seeking help from services, or can we help ourselves and reshape our consciousness?

Russia March

Often, I always talk ahead of time. Yes, maybe this ambiguity in Russia’s situation in March (2025) will not immediately determine what’s happening, but it will definitely mark a turning point. The systems of the West, which once saw themselves as fundamental, will lose their stability. People’s confusion in different regions will set the tone.

We will simply face the need to rebuild our economic policy. It will seem surprising in April (2025), with all the transformations happening in the country. It will be the first bell that Russia is preparing to become a global leader, a flagbearer, guiding others. This doesn’t mean dominance.

Autumn 2025

Of course, all areas will begin restructuring, but this is still only the beginning, the prenatal period. And probably the sharpest period will come in Autumn (2025). It will be sharp for everyone.

There will be a very rapid shift in people’s consciousness. It’s not that they read something and suddenly understood something. It’s a state that comes quite quickly.

And it’s very important to keep warmth, kindness, and fairness during this time. It might sound a bit cliché, but it’s the kind of energy we send out that shows this receptive system who we are and how we can integrate into the new world.

Autumn (2025) will bring a new tree, like a tree that has lost its vitality, and a new one will be planted. This will not be an easy journey.

Russia will face these cataclysms too, but mostly on the periphery. And not only there.

Nonetheless, it’s a process in which humanity itself will be tested. This humanity will be tested.

Early 2026

But honestly, the real turning point will come with early 2026. There, the changes will be irreversible, with radical shifts in all these tectonic factors.

We need to understand that those lands that will be flooded, most of them will never return to their previous state.

Some things will rise to the surface.

But, of course, there are several countries that are most affected, and this will happen multiple times. Even America will face this quite strongly by the Spring of 2025.

And this shift in global consciousness and geopolitical landscape, in which Russia is preparing to take the lead role, will likely begin in March (2025), although the boat is still rocking. We will see a lot of changes in January (2025) and February (2025). And February (2025) will give us a linear path to understanding it all.

Autumn 2024 threw us back with our optimism and enthusiasm, but this is only temporary. So, I would say that two periods to focus on are March (2025) and after March, to see what happens. This is a programmatic task.

February 2026

The main period is, strangely, February 2026. By then, of course, Autumn (2025) and September (2025) will be highly troubling regarding Cataclysms and Illnesses, because they will be completely new.

Old methods of treatment will no longer work. The body will have changed, and the reaction to medicines, even new ones, will be completely different. Therefore, a lot will have to change.

Summer 2025

By the way, from Summer 2025, attitudes towards:

  • History
  • Truth
  • Justice
  • Patriotism, if you will.

And the first steps towards amazing cosmic processes will begin, amazing indeed. Anything could happen here, but our consciousness will change so strangely that opportunities for instant absorption of information will open up.


The dynamics developing in Russia especially have amazed me, with the number of transformative events. From my perspective, when we look from a distance, it’s very optimistic.

Because Russia is being given a chance to reassess itself and open its heart to other countries.

Interviewer: Before we go to the commercial break, I want to show you a video. He was very young back then, driving in a car. What he says seems quite relevant today.

Zhirinovsky: Everything changes. Every day. In the morning, a person is honest; in the evening, a scoundrel. In the evening, kind; in the morning, angry. Don’t complain. Take everything calmly. Wait for the worst. And when the worst doesn’t happen, be happy that it didn’t.

Interviewer: Once again, good evening. We are analyzing the departing year and attempting to predict what awaits us in the coming year (2025).

One of the most popular astrologers in our country, Svetlana Dragan, is here again in our studio. We are saying goodbye to 2024, and before we go to the commercial break, we were talking to Svetlana about the water element, and of course, during the break, we recalled what happened in the Orenburg region.

Unprecedented floods triggered a dam break, resulting in thousands of affected households, and tens of thousands of people were forced to evacuate from the flooded zone. But I’d like to mention another event that may have gone unnoticed, but in light of what you’ve said, it’s very interesting.

It’s about November 1, 2024, in the Russian Arctic, in the Franz Josef Land archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, where, due to global warming, the Mesecev Island disappeared. The island was made of ice and melted over 10 years.

It’s such global warming, I think everyone feels it, and climate change is already here…

Water and Ice

Svetlana: Of course, it’s not happening all at once; there are very powerful waves of new structures entering our life, and there are already preconditions, and they are all visible. The main planetary theme for an astrologer is tied to Water and Ice, strangely enough.

Water itself will take on completely new properties. Some places will see melting, others will form ice, but water, acquiring new properties, will behave so strangely that, essentially… it already codes our life system and that of humans too.

What happens to water can be directly projected onto a person. Just as ice melts, so too does life and people change.

This is such a multifunctional story, where Nature is upgrading starting from March (2025). It’s being reset, and it doesn’t care what we think about it. Whether we resist or not, we shouldn’t naively think that humans are stronger than higher forces.

The cosmos is changing, relationships are changing even on subtle levels. It’s not just happening on Earth.

So, the factor of change, whether we accept it or not, shouldn’t be seen as some horrible thing. Yes, we live in a fascinating time when we can transform ourselves.

Interviewer: I want to show you a video from 2004, returning to Vladimir Zhirinovsky. I don’t know how you feel about these videos now, but they are being shared so often and make us look at what he said in a new light. Here’s 2004, pay attention.

Zhirinovsky on Catastrophes

Zhirinovsky: In about 20-30 years, we will all be united by a terrible ecological disaster. Right now, several states in the USA are flooded, this is just the beginning.

All coastal cities will perish.

  • Amsterdam
  • London
  • Lisbon
  • Istanbul
  • Klaipeda
  • Palanga
  • Liepaja
  • Tallinn
  • Pärvel
  • Saint Petersburg

All these cities will perish. People will all move to the center of their countries. A great migration of nations will begin. Not only due to heat, but also cold. Some places will warm up, others will cool down, and some will be flooded. And this worldwide migration of peoples will begin.

Yikes, nuclear war. And a terrible ecology will force us to finally agree. We’ll all gather in Brussels and understand that we cannot continue fighting each other.

Interviewer: You’ve packaged everything so smoothly before the commercial, but 20 years ago, it seemed like a sci-fi movie, but now…

Svetlana: Back then, people thought it was far off, 20 years away, and it didn’t seem scary. But now, as we’re on the threshold of it, it’s a completely different emotional state.

Interviewer: Do you think he also had some gift of prediction? How did he feel it?

Svetlana: Well, since we’re talking openly, I think he had an incredible ability to synthesize information. He didn’t just make predictions, he could interpret them and connect geopolitical insights with it. Not everyone can absorb and understand this kind of information. It’s a talent. His voice carried the universe’s message.

And now that he’s no longer with us, we see that there are people who talk about specific things and then there are those who understand global processes—no matter the source.

To be continued.

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