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Do events form in three stages? And what historical period can the current events be compared to?

Svetlana: To avoid stressing about individual events that await us, and here they will happen now, and then there will be this or that, when we look into the distant horizon, we understand the meanings, why all this is happening. And when these events occur for that main reason, they are perceived by us very utilitarianly, they can be bad or good.

But when we see the meaning, and our perception changes, for what is this happening? And what does that mean? It means that we are in a different emotional state, in another, if you will, vibrational state. Thus, accepting the distant design, we calmly perceive the processes that need to be gone through for this final design.

As if a person who, I don’t know, was treated, got an injection, it was painful, then he rehabilitated, then something else. But we understand that the final scene, it’s all done for it. And this is the main meaning.

When we talk about three parts, it’s either divided into three or four. The movement of the planets, there are many, not just one planet that sets the tones, and it promises something, then it gives in three stages. Not quite so.

This kaleidoscope is always different. That is, well, I sometimes encounter such a question, well, you kind of identify with the past, take events, compare, and it should be so. It won’t be like that. Because this kaleidoscope, when we change all this, it changes and does not repeat. There are individual elements that remind a professional of the semantic core, but these are not identical events.

And now, for example, I hear many people looking for these patterns, and these patterns sometimes hint at the general spirit of what will happen. The general spirit.

But event-wise, it may be completely different. And for me, it’s very valuable to understand. Because, suppose, we launched an app. Well, people can scroll there, oh, this came true, and this did not come true. That’s not the point.

These are strokes to a big picture. And when these strokes go, we still don’t understand, will this be a head, or will this be grass, or what will this be something. And when we see the far-far horizon, and as now, suppose, we see what it’s all done for. And those events that seem dramatic to us, we reject them, do not accept them. Any asteroid ready to shoot, as if we are waiting for this asteroid to shoot it.

So when we understand the essence, each stroke becomes a very important puzzle piece. And so we can unfold it from the perspective of awareness, so it does not encounter resistance to this little puzzle of events. Then everything goes easier.

And really for me it’s important when, sometimes it happens, I understand this question about three stages there, suppose. Sometimes a planet, in order to perform some action, it tests the energy of this person. It doesn’t go forward right away, it first returns to set the tone for him and says, wouldn’t you probably like, I’ll even give an example, on my own example at all.

Once, back in 2009, I had a program on Russia-2, an economic forecast. But before we approached this offer, the person who tried to figure out what we were going to do, how it would all be, would they give us such an opportunity at all. And we launched this idea that we need a program. And the planet went and says, come on, work. Do you want to work with this?

And the person kind of gets involved. He still doesn’t know what will come of this, he just gives energy so that, in perspective, it would be checked by the planet, what he can be given, what scale to set for him. I don’t know if I’m making myself clear or not. But it means she moved forward, then went back and created, as if it hadn’t gone, the project we weren’t allowed, we weren’t given, something was wrong in it.

But we didn’t leave this idea, because this planet just asks, as if, how will you behave? I can give you more or less, or maybe not such a large-scale charged topic.

That is, it creates reasons for testing possibilities, so that at the exit, for the last time, at contact with some important point, she already said, now we decide, we checked you, and we understand, you need to give this.

That is, it happens at the level… This is just one… Each planet works like this, they interact with each other and they are always in dialogue, they are, when they touch. Like one planet moved away from another, just when they were in conjunction, it is infected with this energy, it is the carrier of this energy.

And this constant transfer of one energy, another energy in order to steer onto the finish line, is how much needs to be reproduced, how this construction needs to be completed so that we get the result at the final version. And now is a unique time by that…

I’ll probably speak frankly. Now all the planets don’t care who else thinks about it. It worked for him, it didn’t work. We’ve been messing with you, say, for so long. We’ve already had this check.

Here I, when I first looked, they asked me in 2018, well, how will it be with this? And how will it be with those? I say, guys, let’s live until the end of 2019, there will be such a thing that God just let everyone survive.

All experience is annulled

And all this seemed to me not just irrelevant, as if everything that was developed was swept away, history, experience, because all experience is annulled. All your merits, everything is annihilated.

And now we are approaching a very unique moment of annihilation, where, of course, there will also be stages, which we will talk about, but this experience, which seemed to us experience and would have been useful, it seemed.

But readiness for renewal, for reinterpretation, that is the interaction with those energies that test us for the possibility of being adapted to what will happen.

Why is all this happening now?

Interviewer: Why is all this happening now? So that after, say, 45 years, or 25, or 30, a different society would exist on Earth? Is that right?

Svetlana: I would say it differently, probably. Here it’s not really about society at all. In general, it’s focused on our human essence. It’s all for the human. We are such the crown of nature here.

The processes are so global that if, suppose, we imagined that there is a Higher Mind, and he has some ideas, he always a bit avoided the material part of life, he was apart from this. And material life, it was so uncharged by this particle of the higher mind, there, divine, that it as if discharged, like a battery, and lived its own kind of course.

And now comes the time, I would say, of the materialization of the Divine essence, on the one hand, and on the other hand, matter begins to be deified. That is, this process, it is so global, we are part of this process, so this all happens not only for us.

If we do not fit into this general process, where we are not part of, say, a significant part of this divine spirit, where we already cease to be it, then, say, it is clear that we do not fit into this plan.

And as for this plan at all, not only that it is different, God, so to speak, begins to interact with matter differently, and matter with God, they must synthesize each other, as if, in a new form, in a completely new, testing this new form.

This is like a cycle that we have not seen, have not caught, did not know such. And we cannot even retroactively go back in our generation. We can find some identity when there at the beginning of the 1700s it was and so on, when one civilization changed to another and so on, and so on. There is some kind of… there is something similar in it, but not so much.

That is, in order to shift such global things as the interaction of Spirit and Matter, it’s not only happening on Earth, it’s a Cosmic-level transformation. And we are part of this transformation.

The planet is renewing itself

And what I want to say about us, I’ll just admit it. This started to kind of annoy me, that we do not understand how much our resistance harms us, and it’s a bit ridiculous, because we all think now, yes, we have harmed the planet, but it’s not just about that. The point is that it itself is renewing. The entire hierarchy is being renewed, which is even, so to say, SuperTerrestrial.

Well, in general, I decided to write such a poem. I think, with what could it be compared. And I came up with such an allegory. Like, we have, suppose, in principle, the brain, yes, it controls many processes in the body, yes. That is, there how the stomach works, how there the blood vessels work and so on. That is, this system, it has centralized management.

And imagine, suppose, the blood cells, red, white, they were always spinning, like the Gulf Stream in a certain direction. Here suddenly they received a command, and now we will move in a different direction, because our body is being renewed. But several cells were dissatisfied, there I don’t know, red or white, it doesn’t matter. And they said, how so, now we will make a revolution, it’s so unheard of at all, it’s something terrible. But they just don’t know what this command is related to, because they live inside this interface, and they do not go beyond it.

And there, beyond the boundaries of this interface, there is a much wiser and important command that told the brain: now you need to work according to a different algorithm. And this attempt to somehow conspire all the cells so that they do not work like that. This is how it looks at the level of the Global Cosmic process, when there is human resistance.

And these cells think that they are entitled to assess this global system and make some kind of conclusion that we are all moving in the wrong direction, we need to move there. That is, this is our resistance, purely human, in our rather narrow understanding, because for us everything is prepared: we have eyes, we have there…

I often say this in general yes but these are all tricks so that we fit into this interface, into this one. And who is sitting there beyond it is no longer important. Therefore, the meanings that stand behind our desires, perception. They are significantly more important, wiser and.. they see better, so to speak.

Therefore, those distant, there are, for example, indicators, in our astrology, which manage huge cycles, and these cycles, they lay energy in a certain place.

Principle of Eclipses

Well, suppose, there is such a concept – a karmic node. Well, everyone is used to – Rahu, Ketu, this is something like that. The names impress everyone, like the Black and White Moon, but no one understands what the essence is. But in fact, as if, this intersection of the Ecliptic, points that are not there, these planets are not there, but ecliptics, these movements, energies that spin, for us this is an immaterial story.

But actually, in these points, energy is laid down, that is, someone somehow got there, energy was deposited. Someone else did, and this energy explodes when an eclipse comes there. And then we get the explosion of what a person needs to change, to change. He laid it down, he received it.

That is, so many invisible things to us, which we read only in our such materialistic actions, that we cannot go beyond this understanding, when it comes to laying down some events.

Jupiter in Gemini and education

That is, the upgrade that will now be happening, those planets that were also helpers, carried their energy, created something there, confused people, they act in a nonlinear way, led someone in one direction, because he decided that, suppose, now Jupiter was moving through Gemini, that it was necessary to talk about education. What kind of education, when Jupiter is in the sphere of its weakness? What can he not introduce an idea. What – can you rearrange the desks? Line them up there in a row or maybe in a line, maybe it’s better? Or the exam will last there not 3, but 5 hours?

Well, that is, these are details that have nothing to do with education. And we confuse these terms at all. And therefore, waiting for a normal, natural, wise, deep Jupiter, which will enter its sign this summer (2025), we can talk about educational processes.

Entry of Planets into Aries – the beginning of a new cycle

That is, each planet must first perform its function. And the meaning now is that, in addition to the fact that we see a complete reset of the old system, which even the Zodiacal system, because everyone enters Aries.

Everyone starts from scratch, so to speak. We start from scratch. And even this mechanism, which is now introduced, the Divine-Material, Material-Divine. It is also young, it still does not know how it will develop, but at this time, when there are controversial moments, something needs to be cleaned up, something needs to be recreated, something needs to be loaded into people some new perception, a new program. They just won’t survive with this.

Why are people now depressed

What is actually happening? Many are indeed in depression, right? And just. And someone says, I have problems with my head. Well, just I don’t know anything. Someone hurts, someone what. Because now there will be the entry of certain planets into this zone related to the head, this is like loading a new program. And with it, somehow you need to match, integrate it into all this. And this resistance to all this causes diseases, causes, there, I don’t know, problems, not necessarily physical, they can be, there, I don’t know, people sometimes perish in accidents or in some, as it seemed, random questions, but no.

How not to resist?

Interviewer: How not to resist? I also had a headache for the last two months, I admit. Took pills. There was never such a thing before. How not to resist and, most importantly, what not to resist? Because I, for example, am tuned to a different future.

Svetlana: I understand. I understand, because, well, first of all, here, of course, it’s different for everyone, but those actions that, suppose, you need to do something, create something, do something. You think that you will go now, buy this, then agree with that person, then make documents, and all this as if you.

And here it all happens inside. This perception of what is happening is not just with some kind of childish enthusiasm, like interesting, what will happen, right? But just with an understanding of this distant goal. Why?

For harmonizing processes that have come to a dead end. That is, we understand that you harmonize something, but it’s impossible if we don’t fix this, cut something off, add something, bring something in.

But if you understand that, suppose, yes, painful treatment, but you know why, not because, what are you doing to me, why are you injecting me with this needle or doing surgery there. The question is when you sincerely, sincerely, this is very important, that your feelings and emotions, they become a very important building material.

Matrix change

We talked about the matrix, right? But the matrix before did not allow building its own models of its life inside, not so much of the future, but of that field in which you live, the people who come to you, what makes you happy and so on. Now this matrix change, and we are dealing not only with the deification of matter, but with its construction according to the principle of plasma.

Remember the movie “Solaris”? Generally Stanislaw Lem. That is, what you thought, that came back to you. There the heroine, who once there ended her life by suicide because of his there some actions. That is, this Solaris, this ocean, it reflected these thoughts and led the events of people there. Well people, generally, from the past.

Partner relationships

But the point is that the responsibility for Understanding is also a form of tolerance to those people who still do not understand it, who are nearby, who… Well, I was asked a question. Listen, there are advanced people here. This is a real question. These are such advanced ones, they have to deal with their partners so much. These partners, bluntly speaking, are not very smart, but he is already so majestic, and he has been pulling her, and pulling her this way and that. I think, oh well, maybe, throw it away? Why, what is it for? It still doesn’t fit, the material is not that. I want to ask a question, who is whose teacher here? Who is pulling whom here?

These are our very complex perceptions of each other, of how this world is arranged, how each one is given some lives, tasks, experiences, and we get angry at someone, not smart enough, not advanced enough, doesn’t eat right and so on. That is, this. when you understand the main meaning it starts to dissect this into details of your life it kind of projects onto everything so there are no, say, such universal formulas, because everyone in their life has their own very complex choice. The only thing that, probably, might be relevant for everyone is the sincerity that suggests to you not a question of benefit, but a question of your emotional balance, if you act like this.

Emotional balance. If it’s not important to you, your emotional balance, then we doubt that it’s relevant for the future at all. If a person still filters for himself that this is what suits him. Yes, this is uncomfortable, this is unprofitable, maybe it’s better there, maybe it’s cheaper or something else there.

But there are some things that you feel are important, they need to be done. They contradict your financial task, contradict the understanding of some people around, and they move in a social context. But you go that way and do not use these tools that were created in this world.

What is marketing? It’s still kind of a system that works in the old matrix, because it calculated its algorithms of operation and works.

And whether this marketing will work in the matrix that is oriented not on this material calculation, but on an internal scale, born of an emotional state, when you understand that you, making some choice, ignoring anything, you become bigger for yourself. This phrase, it’s such, it might seem, maybe not everyone feels it that way. Like “I am”. Is there something in it that hints that you are in this apartment, that you have this, and then you are?

No. You are, like some kind of seed, which has extraordinary strength, so I don’t want to switch to such poetry that is not close to everyone, but still these questions of priorities, and not only priorities, probably, and hierarchy, who is higher, who is lower, you have to be careful with this, and who is teaching whom here.

Should acquaintances and relatives help understand what is happening now?

Interviewer: But look, now I am speaking conditionally, 90% of our Soviet people, those same foreigners. They live within the framework of the old social contract with the matrix, yes, where you got up in the morning, washed up, brushed your teeth, went to work, there, mean, finished at 6 o’clock, came here to the shops, ran around, washed the child for the morning, sent to school. And this wheel, it does not end, right? And so, well, I feel that up to 90% live precisely in this amount. And those words that you just told, they are for them, well, probably, information noise. Yes, yes. Good, if someone a little hears. Good, if your neighbor, or husband, or wife, or mom tells you to please listen and think. These people, they just have to be pulled out, or a planet, some planet will come and at a certain moment will pull them out of this wheel and say, come to your senses.

Svetlana: One planet certainly does not come and does not pull out, yes. This comes a series of circumstances that changed the fate of people before my eyes. In recent times, so categorically such people who were in such rigid matrix frames were unbreakable. They were good people. This does not mean that there he is a bad person, there shamelessly some. No, he fulfilled his duty. But the question arises. This duty, what is its humane essence? It’s kind of like. Or you’re just built-in, and you kind of perform certain commands.

European lifestyle and geographic zones

And here we, in general, come up, if we answer this question about very many European lifestyles. As if our conversation offers such honesty, yes, and, perhaps, even ruthlessness in some sense.

Because why, actually, now, not just there my words to Russia, let’s go there, it’s so cool. Here there is so much of that, that is also not ready for change, but it will be ready.

What is left here is this seed, which was previously read as, well, something so recklessly direct, blissful such people, who somehow, somehow, what contracts. They there accept guests and put everything on the table, which is not always accepted, there, say, in Europe. But this zone of unbreakable human code, it remained here.

And when you look just coldly at the prospects, that indeed the core of Russia, it remains. Here it also… much of it, which will affect. And it’s not that simple. But mostly erases that geographical, say, zone, where people are most susceptible to this lifestyle. And until you shake them up, until the moment comes. What if we need to unite?

Spain Valencia

What happened to us? In Valencia, it directly demonstrated all this. And how people there united, and how they all went together, and there they started to carry them, it seemed they brought them to help, and then they quickly pushed them aside a bit. There were no such plans.

But people felt the need for each other. That’s when you are without the tools of such a comfortable social life, you start to think differently. And people who have encountered other forms of challenges, even here in Russia, these are so exclusive, so unpredictable forms of plots that developed, that each in its own way.

“This is your zone, this is your direction”

Yes, you can say a lot, and people don’t hear it, to be honest, but they don’t hear. Suddenly someone starts to get it, and they start listening to all this. This is really so.

But so to pull this out, I sometimes think, well, as if my personal experience is such – I sometimes think, oh, how wrongly a person behaves. And now I’m going to go, tell him, he’s wrong here, he should do it this way, because he’s making it worse for himself. Then I stop and think, Svetlana, why? We will encounter the same thing. And when you start to understand even internally some distortion of all this, you come with this idea, thoughts, kindly.

You are not outraged, you do not say that you are wrong. And the person seems to start experiencing some kind of discomfort, that, really, something is wrong. And he starts to look for it himself. And often this happens at the level of your thought, at the level of your perception of the zone in which you are located. After all, this is your zone, after all, this is your direction. Yes, we intersect, but since you have thought about this situation, then you have a relationship to this situation as a director.

Planets devise a plot and need participants

And it’s not by accident I say this, when I, suppose, see certain planetary configurations, I see that it devises a plot, as if a planet devises a little plot. It needs to spin it for its own reasons, because the plot itself starts to be a being. And it starts looking for participants in this process.

And someone fits, someone doesn’t. And this is how a certain, say, closed field is created, in which everyone begins to act within certain frames.

But we never consider life from this point of view. We somehow very linearly. Here he went, he’s bad, he’s good, he came, said, but that’s not the point. He sometimes becomes a participant in the process, being quite a normal, good person, unable to get out of this process. And you understand that he was pulled into it, and he is in the main role.

Plasticity of the new matrix

But when we start thinking like this, feeling, we do not hang labels on people. Because they open up differently for everyone. Someone tells about this person well, someone badly. But when we understand that the plasticity of the new matrix allows us to consider these processes, if you have enough strength, energy, you can expand this zone, that is, the radius of your influence becomes larger.

And, say, many processes, they are under your jurisdiction. It’s difficult, probably, to perceive, but it is under the jurisdiction of your processes, this relationship to these processes, the relationship, not attempts to somehow influence it with some pressure.

Telepathic information connect

What do we come to? We come to the fact that we lack a word. Well, when we want to convey some thought, we understand that we are not hitting the target all the time, into the milk, into the milk. We talk something and do not hit exactly that certain factor to convey our thought. And we understand that either he catches up on some level or not.

We are preparing for a transition to a completely different information connect, which may be partly telepathic, partly not only telepathic. That is, we are already encountering the fact that our interaction acquires some other form. We sometimes look, a person came, and we think, what in connection with this person came to us? We are already starting to think like that. And he as a projection of this future. A bit as if it already gives away this future.

That is, these are quite complex forms, probably, of perception. But when you become sensitive to these questions, and you… A person can talk a lot, but you understand that this… Just a person like that, well, he likes to talk. But the question is different, he carries something with him. Something else, what is behind it. And when you are able to read it, somehow interpret, you already start to perceive it differently.

Everything comes either as a challenge, or as training, or as a hint. This reading of the situation, it lets you there-somewhere, does not want to let you, but you still break through there, you bend this space. And it deforms, then hits you with this spring on the forehead.

The world is energy

That is, this feeling, when you understand, when circumstances dictate such a form to you, but for this you need to learn to hear, hear the world, people, animals. Because, since I have to work closely with this, I see how they, horses, often reflect your state, your, well, maybe, upcoming recovery or vice versa, yes.

That is, this world, it just has a form, there, anything, but this is all energy, yes, energy, which for us is specially, well, in such an illusory quest, presented to us in this way. Yes yes.

Morality and ethics

Interviewer: I want to translate into such an old-Russian or whatever you call it old-matrix language what you said. Before we were oriented to.. well, we had some kind of account before society, for our actions, for our deeds. Do I understand correctly that now these old conventions should be completely discarded and oriented to some kind of inner morality. And if something interests you, then it generally doesn’t matter what the neighbor, boss, mom, dad, and so on think about it. And then something will manifest.

Svetlana: yes, because it will be you, not someone created by the matrix, yes. It will be you and you have the opportunity to become a director, then the main director. But in general, look, what is morality, ethics, and in general, how all this is now interestingly mixed.

A very important character, extremely wealthy, was killed in America.

Interviewer: The insurer.

Svetlana: The insurer, yes. And now this guy, who did it, moreover, he was not there unhappy, there, poor somehow, he was quite successful and from wonderful parents, who had everything, he didn’t need to be offended by someone.

But his hands committed a certain step that made one think about something. What is good, what is bad, yes? Hero or is he a criminal? That is, there are very thin things that a person is sometimes forced to do in order to demonstrate where you have gone, people.

Interviewer: To attract attention.

Svetlana: Yes, yes. And our perception of this is starting to shift a lot. Yes, but he still committed a crime, he took a person’s life. And so on, and so forth. In our human society, very such, well, how, rules, yes? Because what is good, what is bad. But when, say, the main design needs to start resolving, destroying, then what other tools are there? Well what other?

Interviewer: This is a good example, but society attracted its attention, in the sense, this case attracted attention.

Svetlana: Yes, just the person, probably, that one had to get out of the game, he couldn’t get out of the game somehow. But! We were not only attracted to this attention, but to that… But in general, what is happening? How is this destruction happening? Because in this mess, good-bad or somehow otherwise, it is very difficult to find that clear duality that we used to consider, as a rule. Only so or only so. And no halftones, and no other blurred things at all.

And therefore, there is a lot that sits on this needle. And many political processes, which we will not voice, but they are also partly this struggle of ethics, law, humanity, anti-humanity.

This path is a multi-episode

Well, suppose, as long as there are military structures, there will be war. Why do they exist? Well, because as a pledge, energy, which must feed itself, means, it needs a nutritive medium and so on, and so forth. That is, as long as there is some kind of plot hook like that, then, means, the game will take place in it.

But when we relate to the game a little detached, and we understand, then we are, firstly, not included in it, you energetically cannot be pulled into it, it cannot accept you, and it does not have such options for you. It only accepts those who have options, someone has some other obligations, sorry, because we come here, we are oriented only to this life, in this life justice he did not achieve.

But if we understood that there are many lives, and that this path is multi-episode, then at the end of some series we would see this, then a completely different sense of responsibility would have arisen.

And all, say, forms of suppression of independence, well like, yes, suppose, there are different religious, say, beliefs, in which there life and everything. But you have a minimum of responsibility for everything that you do here. Well, maybe, and will not catch up with the punishment for what you did there yesterday. It just won’t have time, right? There.

But actually, this understanding of your ubiquity, even I would say, because we only perceive ourselves here, keeps us very much the body, because it hurts, it’s hot there, cold, and we devote a lot of there. That’s why people go into meditation? They go into another cognition, when you are without an Avatar, conditionally speaking, and you are already in a state of another form of hearing and seeing, because you are able to sort out what is happening. And you perceive yourself as some kind of being spread out in space, because you are not there a grain of sand.

What about our karmic program?

Interviewer: I have a question. Here arises such a casus. We came here… here we are talking about several lives. We came here for a certain experience, we have there some karmic… karmic tasks for this life and we got into this transition, when the old matrix collapses, the new one, so to speak, appears, principles change all. What about our karmic program? We came here to Earth with this sheet, yes, and we need to get one, two, three, four, five in this life. Does it not contradict?

Svetlana: All those who came here now, they came on time, because in this program in theirs it is written that it is not so simple to get to Earth to souls at this transitional moment.

But here this situation is very special, because the level of rise after you go through this is incomparable with anything, it is impossible to go through anywhere else. And many were given a chance. It’s not necessarily some well-known people, it’s the inner processes of some, maybe, great being, which were not made public, but he was an important little key, an important supporting link in this transitional period.

And many came here, because there are those who really go through the experience, there are those who came to help. That is, it’s not necessarily all homogeneous.

This is a very heterogeneous story. And this heterogeneity, which has already filled this world with us, because the level of consciousness, such a range, that here on Earth it is very difficult to combine it, because the unconscious, it is denser, more material, and it dominated, because in this dense matrix, naturally, materiality was a priority.

And, thus, unconsciousness, as part of this very dense materiality, it was, we were always outraged, well, how so? So many people, they steal there, they have nothing for it, and so on, and so forth.

Concept of conscience

Interviewer: Unconsciousness, as the world is arranged?

Svetlana: Well, unconsciousness… I just don’t want to here… There are very many gradations here, but there is such a concept as conscience. Very many have empathy and conscience turned off. It’s just turned off, it’s not there.

Interviewer: There are such, yes.

Svetlana: Well, you can tell them whatever you want, they do whatever they want, and, actually, they just don’t understand what the problem is. Therefore, they were just part of this world. A mandatory condition. But that’s how it is with them. They are part of the challenge to us. But how could we realize something? How could we at all?

But, if we understand that we are not so much supposed to pursue these people, but when we understand that it is so, and the world needed it that way. That pressure difference generates wind, yes? So here too. That is, acceptance of those forms of life that were there, and so it was arranged, because, well, it’s clear, we can search for planet capture, they came, those were killed, these left. We can dig into history and never find the guilty, right? And if we found, then we must punish. Who are we then? Are we God or who is there?

Of course, everything is done by our hands. And all these events, when we understand and are not included, then we are not in such a slippery choice of ethical problems, yes?

That is, if we realize and understand, two people quarreled, they can be wonderful people, or they can be not wonderful. But we understand their problem – two energies collided, which are too selfish to somehow combine or there or something else. And we do not say, this one is bad, this one is good, yes. We just understand that this cannot be in harmony.

What will the bump under the index finger tell

Interviewer: That is, it is necessary to separate?

Svetlana: I just want to say all the processes, when we look at them from above, but here I deal a lot with the hand, yes. That is, for me with the hands… I started with this, more than 30 years, yes, all this. And you look at this there, paths, mountains, yes, elevations these, yes. You see a big bump under the index finger, suddenly it is bigger than all, even red, suppose. And it has energy, such, powerful, ambitious, resentful, somewhere can be, if also a big thumb, huge there, say, it can be authoritarian.

You can’t explain it to him. This is his energy, this is his structure. And here on this bump, which there was a very good river, it wanted to move forward on this bump, it had to go right to the index finger, and he would have taken a high position. But his ambition, this grown bump, it tore this river. And he didn’t reach this high place.

And you see this landscape and understand that you see this person. You don’t have a feeling, oh, what a bad person. You just think, Lord, how to convey, and you can’t convey it. And this feeling, that people are born, everything is written here, on the hands, on the face, in his chart.

That’s his program, he should work with it, he should know it, understand it.

How to get out of the labyrinth?

Interviewer: Now the question. Now you know and understand his program. He does not understand due to the fact that he did not have sources of information where to learn this. Let’s all remember in childhood such a round game was a labyrinth, a ball rolled in it. Let’s imagine that in this labyrinth rolls a certain person, who was born, came to Earth. And he does not know that the labyrinth for him is flat, and for him it is volumetric. And he goes there left, right, but there are still up and down. That is, for him to understand that he is in a wider world, he needs to rise from this labyrinth, see this labyrinth and say, oh, I was in a box here, right? And there is so much around.

Where is all this to take? Our education is closed and parents are not helpers to us in this. I don’t know, there, well, some religious figures, I think, also not particularly, yes. Now information has begun to appear on the internet. But in general, for a simple worker, a locksmith, where to pay attention to this information? Where to scoop it up initially – the internet?

Svetlana: Let’s start from the other side, suppose, yes. Let’s respect the levels at which souls are there, conditionally, yes, which are dressed in avatars, yes, here they came with a certain task. This does not mean that he there if he has not learned this, but all, he is khan, he is bad.

He has steps and sometimes, here many astrologers know how to see beginners in this life or not beginners. Incidentally, by the dermatoglyphic pattern on the tips of the fingers, it is visible how much a person, how much he has lived in life, how much experience he has and where he is moving.

That is, this experience is sometimes impossible to fill with books. And if there is potential, and he has where to grow, then as if there will always be circumstances that will lead him to this.

But there are other things, there is such a notion as such a breadth of soul, such a good, when you do not ask, here a person came to you, he wants to drink, he wants to eat, you fed him. Bad he is a person or good. You had a chance to do it or not?

That is, we also have such a representation of the fact that knowledge, they always raise a person, make him just better, just right away. Someone exploits this knowledge for a completely different business.

Therefore, initially, probably, our gradation of who corresponds to what is also quite distorted. There are people who, being, as it seems to us, illiterate, ignorant, they suddenly are so sensitive, they are so empathetic, that the smartest person does not come to mind, he has other sensors at all on his hands, he does not feel anything at all.

Therefore, knowledge is sometimes given in another form. How if we had there fortune tellers there, some, they did not read books. Sometimes you just understand, feel, there are other forms of awareness that are not always within the framework of this educational history.

Interviewer: Commonly accepted.

Svetlana: Yes. Therefore, in general, the overall canvas, the general main line, it goes anyway to the fact that very many began to talk about high things. Let it even look a bit too pathetic.

There was no such fashion before. There were hippies, who are free from everyone, they will smoke, do something else, grow hair. This is a protest against your matrix. There are no offers. This is not growth. This is just dropping out of matrix codes.

What does it mean to open the heart? </h3 Therefore, now often such a phrase sounds, it causes many to get bored — opening of the heart. How to open the heart? What does it mean to do? Become just trusting or what, yes?

This is to start feeling. Someone came to you, he tells you something there. Feel, what is it at all, why, what is it, what is happening to him. Turn on some other sensors. And you turn on sensors in relationships, turn on sensors further away. You are already starting to understand that there is such an atmosphere in this house.

Interviewer: You infect.

Svetlana: Being already with some internal resource, you already come, yes, you are infectious with your resource, whatever you have.

And then you think, what an interesting person, he is now there you… But some kind of inner resistance, distrust, something is wrong, yes. That is, the information, in the form in which we still receive it, it is still not so disinfected, even if it is very interesting.

Will a new stage begin in March 2025?

Interviewer: Planets that are now without energy, which… Even if it is now prescribed that they must perform such and such events there, they will not perform them without energy. And as I understand it, in the month of March (2025) they will start to gather this energy by March and a new stage will begin for us, where planets will already provide us with such circumstances, where the world will change more actively, and we must already participate in this process. Is it correct, March (2025)?

Retrograde Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter

Svetlana: Not quite like that. Planets are not without energy, not at all. They are with inadequate energy.

Suppose, everyone likes to reason about Mercury Retrograde. It does not mean that he went retro, and he is there without energy. He cannot go forward with this energy, which he now has. He rolls back in order to change something. That is, this is a chance, this is a karmic chance, slack, in order to reconsider, reassess and already come out of this situation.

That is, all our some kind of non-occurring things, yes, non-occurring, they do not just not occur, but we are just like, unfairly just waiting, when they will occur. Means, we have something such that we should reconsider. That is, why there… I, for example, say, a planet without energy. It doesn’t mean that it is without energy. It is unconstructive for the future. It rolls back those processes that:

  • Unfinished
  • Ununderstood
  • Undone
  • Undiscussed, say, yes, and so forth.

But the planets themselves, depending on which planet, if it is Mars, yes, then it becomes inadequately aggressive, understanding that it will not achieve anything good, as we now see in the political environment, yes. No, it still, moreover, it crossed with Retrograde Mercury, now it has practically already come out, then:

  • Inadequate information
  • Inadequate deliveries
  • Inadequate perception with
  • Inadequate actions

Generates an absolute such, well, I don’t even know, counterproductivity, counterproductivity.

Interviewer: Just chaotic actions.

Svetlana: They, sometimes, are not chaotic. Just they are unpleasant, because no one hears you. People do not perceive you. Something else happens. Globally in this there are mandatory conditions, because we need to clear the environment, for…

Suppose, first Mercury went forward. Jupiter will go forward, he will shake himself off and say, oh Lord, I was going somewhere wrong, I need to now… And then Mars will also go on February 23rd (2025). That is, they do not do this simultaneously. And this feeling that something needs to be swept away, finished, removed, create a maximum of unpleasantness, so that those who still have not understood, finally understood something.

But because otherwise understanding does not come until some kind of crisis moment and so on. I perceive it when you want to convey to people, you cannot tell them all the details, and not everyone will find the time and desire to listen. But you understand that this part, say, at least until the end of January (2025), it… is not the future. They confuse your mind, they scare you. Now there, I don’t know, a nuclear explosion will be, something else will be. Yes, and you just walk and suffer, and all in that spirit.

And those who most believe in it, yes, they say, well, did you see, these people did not pass through the sieve, yes, through the filters. There. This does not mean that they will not pass. Everyone has a very specific story. But nevertheless, this part, it must be lived through, discarded before some first inclusions occur. This is not related to retrogradation, what will happen. This is the first testing of quite complex configurations, which often, often, gave birth to global military actions.

Continuation in the next video.

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