Transcript of Svetlana Dragan’s interview with Andrei Malakhov on December 5, 2024. Part 2

Autumn 2024

Interviewer: The last time we met, you were talking about autumn (2024). Now, it has also come up that autumn (2024) really set us back a little in some of our expectations and hopes.

And back then, you were also talking about these autumn numbers (2024). Let’s remind ourselves.

Svetlana: By October 26 (2024), this process of a murky dark cloud over the country may very seriously linger. Especially since it will probably start even earlier, from October 21 (2024). And this murky cloud, heavy, sharp, perhaps unpleasant, with pressure from all sides, both territorial and internal, with even harsher forms of blockade against Russia, will last until November 13 (2024).

Of course, these two points are the most painful. October 26 (2024) and November 13 (2024).

After November 13 (2024), this visible crisis might subside a little. If we are in the mode of destroying former programs, space is a system. A system lives by its own rules.

Svetlana: Let me explain what this meant. There was one, let’s say, paradigm. Poor Russia, everyone has blocked it, and we are telling you how unfortunate you are, this is your Russia.

And suddenly, we begin to demonstrate some of our strength. We begin to respond, and a rather alarming situation arises. There is also a forecast for December (2024) and the 20th of November (2024), when the pressure from the West really becomes radical with attempts to radically intervene into the heart of our Russia.

It’s as if we have changed planes. We are different now. We don’t agree with this. The situation in the US is also changing, although it is not as clear-cut as it seems.

Interviewer: By the way, you also mentioned the 24th in one of your previous predictions. Let’s show it.

Svetlana: Russia will need to change many of its configurations, but that will be later, towards spring, and to do that, it will have to go through several stages of this scenario.

The restructuring of military-related structures, all the strange, somewhat destructive things, some dismantling processes, I would say. Changing both the modes of implementing certain actions and the structures controlling these issues. The most radical decisions on this matter we will most likely observe at the end of April, possibly around April 24, 2024.


Interviewer: Interestingly, on this day, the Space Arms Race was discussed at the UN.

China and Russia proposed an amendment to prohibit the placement of weapons in space. This is interesting.

Svetlana: Yes, I was talking about space, that we would touch on this topic. But in fact, now a completely updated space program will begin. I really don’t want to talk about weapons. The conversation is really about a different attitude towards space and with space.

What does it mean when one of the most important planets enters the zone related to space? It needs to live there for 20 years. In 20 years, it will evolve in such a way that we can’t even imagine the exotic scenarios that will develop while we are speaking.

But just recently, very little time has passed, and it will become one of the main topics that will develop towards a powerful push into space. For now, it is just the beginning.

New Energy, Transport, and Water

Interviewer: Your forecast for oil prices, what will happen?

Svetlana: The way this economic space is beginning to look, it cannot be centralized and no one can dictate these numbers, this movement. And talking about oil now, that it will develop along the same path, I’m afraid that’s not the case. I’m afraid entirely new opportunities will come into play.

I’ve already mentioned optical issues, which will move us into a completely different dimension in terms of energy.

And Water. Water will force us to reconsider many energy-related and constructive aspects.

We will have to think about how to develop Air Transport, how to organize logistics under conditions where even Russia may change its configuration, where Water is, and where Land is.

It feels as if even there, I can’t claim that there are two oceans, two seas, but it seems as if it is divided a little by a completely different water configuration.

We will have to think about building truly amazing cities on water, maybe very powerful underwater structures. We will completely rethink everything related to water.

As for oil prices or anything else, all of this is, of course, tied to the Dollar as well.

But if we’re talking about it, then in the next six months, we can’t expect ease for either the Ruble or the Dollar.

Yes, we are basically ready to somehow de-dollarize, but that doesn’t happen instantly. And now, along with the natural process, an upgrade is happening.

Previous Civilizations

This upgrade is actually somewhat similar to the demise of previous civilizations that happened in the 1700s, as before there was also a very serious industrial theme.

There are hints now, they are being unearthed, and we see that there was some serious potential, there were completely different forms of energy, electricity, if you will, including wireless, which also awaits us ahead.

Dollar Reset

And now, this entire system must be reset, and the dollar, of course, but the dollar, yes, it’s like the philosophy of the dollar and America, everything connected with it is seeking opportunities to reset its dominant position. By around April (2025), the dollar and its fluctuations will become significant, and an attempt to strengthen it will occur by May (2025).

And by the end of May (2025), at least Russia and everything connected with the renewal of this financial system will start a completely fresh economic and financial position, which will probably dictate that the dollar can no longer remain the same, and we are no longer trapped by the dollar, and not only us.

So, the dollar will likely start to fade and lose its positions by the end of May 2025, and from June (2025), Russia will probably announce a new financial and economic program. And this can be considered a timeline.


Interviewer: The audience eagerly supports your news. Let’s give the floor to our call center. Len, what do you say?

What will happen with the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia?

Call Center: Yes, we were talking about the economy. I want to say that many questions are coming in about the economy and finance. Many viewers are asking what will happen with the key rate of the Central Bank of Russia? Is there hope that it will start to decrease? This directly affects the ability of people to take loans and mortgages. And in general, people are asking what will happen to prices, as their rise is really alarming.

Svetlana: In any case, everything that is happening now suggests a stressful situation in the financial system. I don’t want to say any loud words, because I know that words have great power.

And if we can maintain a delta, some margin in our attitude towards this, I can only say that talking about maintaining the money supply… By the way, money, like paper, will probably undergo some serious changes.

And here, we need to understand, I understand all the dissatisfaction related to digital issues. We are still children trying to play this game.

But we are approaching a period in life where technologization will be very powerful. And that we will face such stressful financial moments, that’s true.

Therefore, I don’t know if I answered this question, but one thing I can say is that the resource of a person will not lie in savings. I very weakly believe in savings right now. It’s about the ability to realize your potential, no matter who you are and how old you are.

When we think about something, we interact with higher forces, and if we allow ourselves thoughts not to flow, they start to create energetic dissonance, destruction begins. It can affect financial life, physical life, and so on.

Now Everything is Different

In fact, like never before, if earlier we all followed a directive perspective, you will suffer, you will, let’s say, be poor, now everything is different.

Now, if you have the power and strength to form this inner resource within yourself, fearlessly, honestly understanding that we will make it, each of us will make it.

This thought creates its own world, its own bubble, in which, first of all, it becomes very attractive, and later we will organize ourselves by communities.

And even the level of wealth will correspond to your:

  • Investments
  • Talents
  • Education
  • Ability to realize yourself

Because everything that is happening on Earth now is the necessity to recognize the power of God or Cosmic power and our responsibility. These two parameters.

Interviewer: Svetlana, I’m being told that we need to break for another short commercial. Right after this, more predictions for 2025. Stay with us.

Nature Reset

Once again, good evening, everyone. The year 2024 is coming to an end, and today we decided to meet again with one of Russia’s most famous geopolitical astrologers, Svetlana Dragan, to analyze now the past, but most importantly, to try to look into the future. Good evening once again.

But if we go to the karmic level, do you believe that good deeds or what you do with a pure heart returns to you?

Svetlana: Well, this is, of course, definitely true. We are just now moving to a different level of relationship with these higher laws.

If before it was a slow process, maybe in the next life Karma would say, “Well done, you did everything right, now I can reward you,” now things happen very quickly.

Of course, this should not be done selfishly, “I will do something good so that my karma is good.”

Interviewer: Yes, exactly, only when it truly comes from the heart.

Svetlana: Yes, it’s a need. We don’t notice it, but nature will reset, it will be bright, there will be many new things:

  • New plants
  • Animals
  • Everything will be new

And this admiration, gratitude, that despite all these problems, we are not really experiencing them, we are just frightened by them. Those who see this beauty, those who realize it and continue to act, they are happy.

And this sincere happiness, sincere understanding, although some may not fully understand or accept it, but that’s how they are, that’s their life.

And even this thought that we must accept such people, it’s not just give-and-take. It’s a constant generation of this state. And it’s possible, many are already in it.

Sports Question

Interviewer: I can’t help but ask, one of the ways to switch and reset is sports. How do you see it, I want to quote the Russian Minister of Sports, Mikhail Degtyarev, who said that he is negotiating with the IOC leadership about lifting sanctions on Russian athletes. According to the Minister, he is having meetings with the leadership at neutral venues, rapprochement has begun. I believe it’s time to end the accusations and insults. We need to start bringing our Olympic Committee together and allow our athletes to compete, because it’s important for them. What do you think, is it vital?

Svetlana: This is a very interesting story. In fact, everything is leading to the fact that the issue of competition should not be so selfishly and clearly manifested. Sports have this. To make the process itself interesting, the process itself. And this formation of a new attitude towards sports, not as a manifestation of leadership of a person or a country, but as what a person is capable of. These are different things.

And now, of course, we are seeing on an ordinary human level attempts to look at sports differently. To stop making it an instrument of political competition. At least at this level. Then everything will move to a different level. It will gain a completely different strength.

By the way, I think that everything related to sports will probably start changing its perspective and configuration from spring (2025).

Essential Oils

Interviewer: In your book, I also want to refer to your book, you write about, let’s say, not a reset, but a kind of protection that everyone can organize for themselves, and one of them is, if you have an important meeting, you suggest drinking coffee with black pepper. No magic, it really helps.

Svetlana: Not just coffee with black pepper, but a cold, hot shower, finishing with cold. It’s working with external Energy, which accumulates very strongly around a person and makes them at least protected from outside interference or opinions, however you want to call it. For a while, it really works, and it works well.

There are many ways. There are essential oils that work so uniquely and amazingly, that we can’t even imagine how they can change reality. I talk about this a lot and give many examples because we don’t understand that essential oil is not just a scent that someone likes or dislikes, but the soul, this substance of a particular plant.

It’s a so-called volatile fraction that is released, and it exists like a spirit. By the way, the word “perfume” comes from this. And each essential oil has its purpose, its own story.

By the way, for protective themes, there is an oil called Niaouli. This oil, even if you buy something and put a little drop, will serve you for a long time, it won’t spoil easily, and so on.

For example, when you are trying to find common ground with someone, to be heard, and to create an atmosphere of sympathy, you might use Orange oil, which creates a joyful atmosphere, and rosemary.

Rosemary is a very good oil for mental clarity, for perceiving others and delivering your thoughts. Clear speech, clear memory. It’s good for exams sometimes.

And you look at this and think, well, how can this work? But it works. And studying this knowledge, which is unknown, we come up with some psychological tricks, words, manipulations,

Essential oils often solve many things, so there are many ways of protection.

But when you are powerful, and when strength comes from you, why protect? You can only spread this story. I’m often asked, when events take place, did you protect yourself? I say, I don’t even think about it because I go with an open heart, because I’m going to deliver something, how could I block this flow?

So these are nuances that we will probably all have to study and work with.

Interviewer: Len, are there more questions?

Call Center: Our viewers are asking if there’s a chance we’ll see our athletes in major competitions in the coming years, but in particular, they would like to know about the fate of our Olympic athletes. Will they be able to participate in such events?

Svetlana: I haven’t dealt with this issue directly. We must understand that in astrology, it’s not the kind of thing where you sit and watch like on TV and see everything.

No, you set yourself a specific goal. You want to examine:

  • A country
  • Events
  • Circumstances
  • A person
  • The combination of these things

I can only speculate that everything related to the reshaping of our awareness, as Zhirinovsky said, yes, we will have to make deals.

Some “dots over the ‘i’” will most likely be placed in 2026, and most likely, when the final lesson of transformation occurs, after February 2026, we can talk about solutions.

Right now, the first half of (2025) is even a stupor, surprise, that such circumstances, how is this possible? We have plans, we expected them, we have political plans, economic plans. But these are just the initial ones that force us to think.

Far East and Siberia

Later, everyone will have to reckon with what Russia will declare, but it won’t be pressure, it will simply be a statement of how to survive in these conditions.

There will also be tough territorial issues with the Far East and Siberia.

I’m sort of getting ahead of myself here, these questions haven’t been asked, but if it’s of interest, despite the fact that Siberia might become

, after 2028, a new center of activity in every sense of the word, a center of building a New Civilization in some sense, but no restructuring of this global scale will occur before 3 years. Only after 2028.

Artificial Intelligence

Interviewer: What do you think about artificial intelligence? Can humanity end up at war with it?

Svetlana: Humanity is at war with itself, and therefore it is at war with artificial intelligence. After all, it embeds all the worldview, conditionally speaking, and technical things that it knows. It’s a projection of a human without a soul, but projecting his views on life.

In fact, I recently saw an amazing video where a person talks to artificial intelligence about some very serious ethical issues, and it answers so beautifully that we wouldn’t even answer that way. It’s truly a perspective that may have taken many human things into account, but it’s not creativity.

So I always give the example. We have an app that is not working in our country right now, but many artists post their paintings there, and so on. But it turned out that this app takes these paintings, doesn’t ask for copyright permission, and embeds them in artificial intelligence, and then gives out a picture.

That is, practically, artificial intelligence simply contains the entire volume of knowledge and artistic things, but not beyond that, only within the limits. And as far as the boundaries go, as far as our vision, so goes the vision of artificial intelligence. We cannot develop like Neanderthals.

We just need to transfer the tools we have to a different form, with a different ethics, morality. And when we can rise to this issue ourselves, we’ll be able to work with this technical part differently.

Interviewer: Do you agree that robots carrying children might be scary?

Svetlana: Well, I want to say that we can play with this, of course. We can play with it because we just encountered it. We are also like children. We were suddenly given artificial intelligence. Wow! How many people are using it now. And we see everything. Who knows how we saw it before.

Remember, there was a science called bionics. Where is it now? It’s gone. That’s why. These are also trends being introduced into our worldview and understanding.

But in the form we will live further, some things will be impossible if they don’t align with the human inner context.

Interviewer: Well, I want to say that, of course, our meeting time has flown by so quickly, you tell such interesting and unexpected things. We were thinking about how to finish, and we suggested a fragment from the movie “A Hundred Years Ahead.” It’s a remake of “Guests from the Future.” And maybe this quote from the film will be a kind of ellipsis for what we have discussed.

“But here’s what I realized. This doesn’t mean at all that I can’t influence this future. You just have to not be stupid and do something along the way, today. Not just for tomorrow, or to go to the sea in the summer. But overall. Even for the time that is still far away. Because even if you’re not around in this beautiful distant future, those you love will definitely be there.”

“Beautiful distant future, don’t be cruel to me, don’t be cruel to me, don’t be cruel. From the pure source, beautiful distant future, beautiful distant future, I begin my journey.”

That’s all for today. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Goodbye.

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